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I am just a caring girl who enjoys helping people. I work at a nursing home as a CNA who has a dream of one day becoming a nurse.

  • How many people after school have to final for a bankruptcy?

    Where do I even start?

    Maybe a little background information?

    Besides the fact that growing up I always thought that my parents would never screw me over going up? Or the fact that something always seems to happen that we can never save any money in this house?

    Let's start back up in 2006 when I was around 18 or 19 of age. My dad told me to get a couple of credit cards to help pay for school since my student loan had not come through in time. So they got maxed and I could not pay. My dad told me he took care of them. His way of taking care of them were just setting them aside. I didn't find this out until a few months ago. Okay, and I got sick last year. I don't have health insurance. I could not pay. I'm pretty much over 10,000 in the hole and there is nothing I can do about it.

    When I am finished with college in the summer...I'm pretty much going to have to file a bankruptcy. My questions is, how many people my age in the 24/25 age range find themselves doing the same thing? Graduate and then banko?

    4 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Your first...?

    How old were you when you had your first kiss? And was it a open mouthed or closed mouth kiss? What were your thoughts and option about how your frist kiss was done?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ever have a cyst on your ovaries?

    For the last five months, a week before my period and during my period I would be getting this stabbing pains on my mid to lower left side. I know that my mother had cancer on one of her ovaries a few years ago...the cyst was the size of a baseball...guess what side my mom had the cancer in? The left side. I told my dad about this disconfort I've had last month and he thought nothing of it...then the pain came back again this month...he was going to tell me to think nothing of it but I said I am going to see the doctor tomorrow...I'm kind of scared of the unknown...and I've been looking at pictures online as to what else this pain could be...there is pretty much nothing there but my intestines..and my ovaries...tell me your input to ease my mind please...

    9 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How did you find your speical someone?

    This is a question that goes out to anyone who is willing to answer. How did you meet your boyfriend or girlfriend? What did you say? What did you do, to catch the person whom you are/were seeking?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does my heart feel so bad?

    Saddly I like this guy. I work in a nursing home and he works on center unit while I work in west. I barely even know this guy and I don't understand why I like him..and each and every time I see him I like him just a little more. We always say hi to each other when we pass each other by. When I see him I get kind of nervous and I feel like he is the same way. What should I say to him so I can get to know him more? I mean if he see's me in the break room he says, "Hello how are you?" me "I'm good how are you?" him "Pretty good just getting some lunch" then there is this pause like I want to talk but I don't know what to talk about kind of thing going on with him. Or I will be in a room and he walks in my heart stops...while I look at him and then down and he does the same and we almost run into each other I say hi and he says hi. I could feel that there was some nervousness going on there with him. What should I say to break the ice? I want to say more to him then just HI

    11 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Three lovely girls?

    This question is mostly pointed to guys...Alright so here is my questions. Let's say you are into fhilipino girls and oh look there are three of them who are friends and you try to talk to them. Which girl would you go for? Girl number she is about 5'0 with a light tan. She always wears alot of make up and very much into fashion. She also has very long dark hair with brown highlights that goes to her butt and is very skinny like a size 0 and an accent. Girl number two hair just past shoulders dark and undyed. Her eyes kind of sink in a little but is very outgoing and funny. Her body type is around a size 3 and stands about 5'1. Or would you for the shy one who stands about 5'5 who is a little thicker and is half fhilipino and no accent.

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Guy's body language?

    I know everyone has heard stories like this before but um. I like this guy and I work at a nursing home. He is 22 and I am 19 going on 20 next month. He is full blooded American and I am half fhilipinio and half america. Anyways, I was going to take my trash out and I see him coming down the hall I was going to be going down. This chick I know who likes him was behind him. She is American and a friend told me that isn't what he goes for. He was passing me by and I looked at him and he looked at me and he smiled and it was a genuine smile every tooth showing as he mouthed Hi to me. I smiled blushing as I looked down. The girl behind him looked down as she passed me by..she looked pissed and jeouls. My question should I take this smile he gave me?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does a guy stop what they are doing and look at you when....?

    Why does a guy stop what they are doing and look at you when a girl runs her fingers through her hair? I noticed that lately my hair will be pissing me off and I run my fingers through my hair and I see a guy looking up and watching...what is so great or wonderful that causes a guy to look? Let me guess its almost like a girl having to stop what they are doing when a guy stops to scratch there nuts? What do you think?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think of this?

    I work at a nursing home...on my second day of work I tried to use my card key to get into the building and it wasn't working...I waited for someone to let me in..and I see understanding...I grew a crush on day I see him going to take his trash out with another. I could tell she likes him...and I could tell he wasn't intrested by the way he acted. As I was passing him by...I tried so hard looking away from him and then as I passed him by I stared at him and watched as I passed him by..the girl behind looked at me hurt like I was some kind of friend found out he likes fhilipino girls....which I am...the girl I saw him white...I know that doesnt really matter...race that is...but...this chick my god...she saw me today...and she just gave me dirty looks...what do you think of this? I know he is single for a fact...and I know she saw me looking at him that enough to get dirty looks or maybe he has talked about me before?

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your take on shy people?

    What is your take on shy people? Lets say you are confident for the post part and very out going and happy with people...then when it comes to this guy you smile you talk but you kind of look down or look away. Oh man I just sound rude...this doesn't take place in the highschool setting. I work at a nursing home as a CNA...and so does he...This one time I passed him by in the hall I tried so hard not to look at him and just when I passed him by...I had to watch him and the girl behind him I could tell she likes him...but I found out he likes fhilipino girls...I am fhilipino >.< Yeah I know be confident around him smile talk to him...just...when you start off shy...did you screw yourself over? Will the guy over look you because you were shy...

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone ever been on Jenny Craig?

    Anyways I just started is day did you guys deal with it...was it hard for you? I hate dieting but I need to...I'm a good 200lbs >.<

    2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What should we do?

    So I live in Oregon and yes there are a crap load of trees everywhere. Anyways what I am getting at is my friend and myself are getting sick of doing the same old things. LIke going to the movies to see a movie, sitting around the house, or going to the mall. What I am getting at are what are fun things to do with your friends besides watching movies or hanging out at the mall? And I am not talking about hey lots goto bed crap I am for real here. HELP! Plus we are a couple of 19 year olds so we cant really go clubbing or go bar hopping just yet. I saddens me to.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Finding codes....?

    Ok I have always sucked at trying to find things online. I know that there are alot of people who can find what they are looking for with no problems. Ok here is my question, I am looking for the song 1# crush by garbage. You see I want to add it to my, myspace but the thing is I can't find a code with the song on it. I know that garbage didnt make a music video with it but there are romeo music videos but what I want is something that will just play when I open up my

    2 AntwortenMusicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I have a grammer question...well acouple...?

    Ok yeah yeah I know since I am 19 I should be able do grammer pretty well since I am in college.

    Anyways, I am writing a paper for my writing 122 class and I feel like I am doing some comma happy things... here let me write the sentence with my grammer on it and tell me if its wrong or not which I am pretty sure they are wrong.

    I refuse to wait this long in traffic to consult my doctor. Either way, I am going to have to sit here, for the third time, while the light has changes green. You probably will not understand where my spite is coming from. Of course, I understand, though, it may be hard to explain.

    (does this sentance sound right?)

    Houses were not built too close together nor were there crowed and congested streets.

    ok now my my huge retarted question....what is the differece between too and to.....Do I write too when I say something like, "There are too many candles" right, right?

    9 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it normal for virgin girl to have some problems masterbating?

    Ok this is so embarssing! So I am a 19 year old girl who is trying hard to wait till marriage before having sex but I dont know if that is going to happen. My question is, when masterbating I can't stick anything past a certain point and it is driving me crazy. I try to push it in more but it is not doing anything. Now if I were to buy something like a vibrator and try to break through would that cause me any problems? Is it bad I can't stick anything past a certain point?

    6 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt