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Lv 728.688 points


Favorisierte Antworten44%
  • Who will you vote for in November?

    Type it out.  Trump or Biden?

    Politicsvor 8 Monaten
  • Straw Poll:  Who will you vote for in November?

    Type it out.  Trump or Biden?

    10 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 Monaten
  • Should a spouse intervene when signs of dementia are showing themselves?

    Why hasn't Jill Biden, the wife of Joe Biden, intervened in her husband's now legendary downfall.  You have to feel sorry for the man - he is 77 years old and has had a long run in politics.  But now he is clearly slipping in his ability to function.

    What the DNC is doing to Mr. Biden seems like elder abuse.  Why hasn't his wife tried to stop it?

    1 AntwortPoliticsvor 8 Monaten
  • What happened here? Did Yahoo screw-up again?

    What did Yahoo do here? I was a leading answerer on this Q&A board; something like number 5. What happened to folks like CPO Bob and Jim and Cheryl and the rest? I felt like I was making some (virtual) friendships on the DC board. Is Yahoo really THAT dumb?

    5 AntwortenWashington, D.C.vor 8 Jahren
  • Would riding boots match my triple knit polyester leisure suit?

    So I went out for an upscale Sunday brunch today at my favorite bistro - Wendy's. I ordered a Dave's hot 'n juice double with all the fixins. And yes, it beats McDonald's by a mile.

    So anyways, while I was dining at my usual table, I couldn't help but notice like 4 different women walking in wearing riding boots. You know, the kind with the metal adornments.

    So I wondered. Would a 5'8" tall 260 pound man in a light grey (white when I get it washed) leisure suit look good wearing rideing boots? And if I wear them. Should I tuck my pant legs in?

    Your thoughts?

    1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 Jahren
  • How big are the President's Balls?

    Anyone have any first hand knowledge?

    I am sure it will be the talk of the town as the inauguration date nears and people look forward to attending one of the many parties held afterward.

    7 AntwortenWashington, D.C.vor 8 Jahren
  • Using WiFi on Net10 or TracPhone Smart Phones?

    I presently have a very simple Net10 cell phone. I rarely use it to make or receive calls. But, I do have a need to check my web-based emails using the internet when I travel around the country. With so many WiFi hotspots around, I have the following question...

    Got a circular in the mail today about the Net10 LG800 phone with Mobile Web. Looks decent and the price is only $29.99. I am thinking I could move to this phone.

    So...if I MOSTLY use the WiFi web browsing capabilities on this phone, am I charged Net10 (or TracPhone) minutes while accessing the internet? Again, I want to use it through the free WiFi hotspots and places like Starbucks and McDonald's and other places.

    If I don't get this LG800, Big Lots has some handheld WiFi devices for $60 that I could buy instead.

    Also, any pros or cons going this route? What are the advantages of having an Android operating system on some of the other handheld devices?

    5 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 8 Jahren
  • Have you folks seenthe Washington Monument recently?

    With the long Columbus Day weekend I decided it would be a good idea to take a walk around Washington DC and get some exercise. Of course the Washington Monument was closed and has a fence around the perimeter.

    I used my digital camera and took some shots with the 12x optical zoom feature. Oh wow. I was kinda shocked. There are a lot of stones that are "missing corners" as a result of the earthquake. For some strange reason, it seemed to mosly knock-off the corners of the blocks toward the top of the monument.

    I am thinking they may have to erect the scafolding again and do another restoration of the structure.

    Photo link:

    4 AntwortenWashington, D.C.vor 10 Jahren
  • Is Steve Jobs of Apple dead?

    How, when, where?

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 10 Jahren
  • Why is Yahoo slow to respond to attacks from their website?

    A week ago I simply logged into my Yahoo Mail account like I have hundreds of times before. This time, however, my anti-virus detected an attack on my PC. It was coming from a banner advertisement from the Yahoo Mail page. It also showed that it was from a company called "".

    I contacted Yahoo Abuse/Customer Service to note the virus embedded in the banner ad. Yahoo took a full week to reply to my "issue" and then said they needed more information. Huh? Do this my friends! Do a search inside Yahoo Answers for . There are literally HUNDREDS of others that have posted to this forum, complaining about similar viruses. And Yahoo Customer Service needs more information? Doesn't the Yahoo staff ever bother to read the Yahoo Answers section that is directed at Yahoo problems?

    Your comments please?

    4 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 10 Jahren
  • Is Groupon the biggest waste of time or what?

    I saw the clever banner ads for Groupon so I thought I would sign-up. It's free afterall.

    What a complete waste of time! I got all sorts of emails offering me things like 'a manicure for my dog' or '50% of a Muslim burkha' or "30" off dry cleaning a fez'. The ads always show delicious food and talk about getting as much as 90% off - but all I've encountered are lame values.

    Anyone else agree?

    5 AntwortenOther - Advertising & Marketingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone heard the story of the 50 Cal. shooter...?

    About 20 years ago...or maybe less...I heard a story that was circulating around the gun industry that went something like this...

    A member of the US Military (I think it was a Marine) had reassembled a Browning M2 50 caliber machine-gun incorrectly, and left-out a critical part (possibly the recoil spring assembly). The man in question then went on to fire the weapon, and the first shot caused the entire bolt assembly to be throw back through the rifle, through his chest and exit his back. The bolt group missed all his critical organs...and as the story goes...he never even knew that there was any problem; he stood there without showing any emotion of pain.

    Can anyone possibly verify the veracity of this story? Is it merely urban legend, or did it really happen? Thanks.

    4 AntwortenHuntingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • It's Father's Day. So who is your favorite TV Dad?

    I would go with either Al Bundy or Homer Simpson. But I am thinking that Homer nails it. Your choices?

    6 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should we change the name of Washington DC?

    There is so much confusion, especially with foreigners, when it comes to Washington State (on the west coast, of course) and Washington DC. I recall growing-up in Pennsylvania, where we even had a "Washington, PA" (Washington & Jefferson College is located there and it is also the county seat for Washington County PA.)

    It just seems to be too confusing for people. I would prefer that we maybe change the name to District of Columbia or just DC, to prevent confusion around the world.

    Any ideas here? Or, let's play trivia. What was the area called before it became Washington DC. I am guessing that it was not always Washington DC, as George Washington himself was not made famous until after we broke ties with England.

    13 AntwortenWashington, D.C.vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can people see I am on Yahoo Msgr when I am invisible?

    I use Yahoo Messenger for most of my chatting. So, I've made some nice friends online and chat with them. But you know, sometimes I just want to sort of log-in first and see who is here before I start to chat. Hate to say it, but some of the people on my friends list a just a bit too clingy and start yakking away as soon as they see me.

    Well, recently, I will log-in to Yahoo IM as invisible and at least one of my friends can see that I am online and chatting. How is this possible? Is there another background program that people are using to see who is online and invisible? It's just bothersome.

    3 AntwortenPreferences and Settingsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wouldn't it be great if Quentin Tarantino would...?

    make a western movie. You know, like those old spaghetti westerns.

    4 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A bit of DC Metro trivia here.?

    Ok, ten points to the person that answer his riddle correctly.

    Does anyone know where the old "Grant's Tomb" is in Maryland?

    1 AntwortWashington, D.C.vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How messed up is this? Opinions?

    I just found this story on the Washington Post website.

    A military veteran of the Korean War died at his home in Florida. He always wanted to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, so the family honored his request. He was cremated in Florida and this his ashes, in an urn, were brought to Washington DC in a van that the family had rented. Whilst the van was parked on a street in DC, someone broke into the vehicle and stole a bag...containing the ashes of the deceased soldier.

    It take a moment a moment to load, but it's an incredible, not-so-happy story of a a man's dying wish being prevented because of some common criminal that was looking for some easy cash....

    6 AntwortenWashington, D.C.vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your favorite (semi-dangerous) toy?

    I was sitting here contemplating the upcoming Christmas holiday and remembering my own misspent youth. I realized how many really cool toys are no longer being sold...probably because they are considered too dangerous by parents today.

    One of my favorites was a Mattel "Thingmaker". It was basically a kit that consisted of a small hot plate that you plugged into a 110 volt wall socket and then used some aluminum casts to dump some "goop" into and cook and make your very own rubbery creatures.

    The nice thing was, the hot plate was hot enough to at least boil water, so I am guessing the temps were somewhere around 250 F to 350 F. As a 9 year old, I had second degree burns over both hands and both arms...up to the elbows.

    The other neat thing was the noxious fumes that the plastic "goop" made when being dipped into a bath of cold water (after proper cooking). It basically smelled like a tire factory that caught fire.

    So...what are some of your favorite politically incorrect toys of yesteryear?

    3 AntwortenToysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone else have a major failure after last Microsoft Windows update?

    On 08/21/09 Windows Vista automatically did a system update for new patches to my PC's operating system. After it was finished, I could not connect to the internet - networking problem. This is the first time in using ANY Windows products that I had to do a system restore to an early point. Has anyone else had this same experience?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt