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I am a mom,wife,human being and i'm just me. Take it or leave it, either way: deal with it. The Universe holds many secrets,it is so much fun learning them! I love the paranormal,hate players, mind-gamers and fools. I also hate liars and back-stabbers: They will get their own just desserts in due time. I love learning as I go,and growing as I learn. I am a loyal friend til I am crossed, then i wait to get my revenge. And I have been crossed often. I am honest to a fault,til i am toyed with,then I get even in a big way. Not the best way to live,but the Universe teaches us not to get revenge, but sometimes the Universe takes too long,and I get impatient. I cannot stand manipulators nor can I stand unstable people. I prefer those who are level-headed and intelligent. And sane. I am here to have fun and ask questions and to learn. Nothing more.
What is the title of a Daphne Du Muier book about a marriage by proxy to a man with a deformed hand ?
My English teacher in high school recommended it and I loved it. I have forgotten the name though. All I remember is the man has a deformed hand and the marriage was by proxy and she was forced to marry him.
1 AntwortBooks & Authorsvor 4 JahrenWhat brand of scarves does Johnny Depp wear ?
1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 4 Jahrenwhat's that song where a guy almost dies in a bike accident ?
2 AntwortenLyricsvor 5 JahrenWhat is the best way to handle (stupid) servers,who insist on asking you if you need anything,when you have a mouthful of food ?
IS there any "polite" way, or should I make them wait until I have finished my bite of food ?
How would one handle this ?
6 AntwortenEtiquettevor 5 JahrenIn the Star Wars universe, what race is Yoda ?
Although I am not a Star Wars fan, i DO love Yoda. Wise he be,old, he is. :)
So the question we have, is what race is he and where does he come from ?
1 AntwortMoviesvor 5 JahrenHow to politely tell your dr. that you are not interested in losing weight ?
We have gotten a new doctor at the clinic I go to, and the last visit, she pointed at the BMI chart and told me that, by my weight, I was obese. I couldn't give an eff less. :(
I am 48, and have been fat since I was 3.
I have yo-yo dieted, and have had 6 kids. I had been at 150, for over a decade, and when I had met my husband of almost 20 years, I'd had the last 3 of my 6 kids. They are grown. Sooo, in the this time of my life,i am enjoying it. I eat what I want and do what I want. If I go to bed at 4 am, and get up and noon, so be it. If my husband wants to make himself something to eat, he does. We pretty much live like roomies anyway. So, this BMI chart, is outdated and to me defunct.
My calves are muscular, as I go up and down stairs alot during the day. My blood pressure is 120/ 80. My heart is ok. So what gives her the right,besides being my dr, to tell me to lose weight, when no other doctors didn't ? She is also petite and has no kids. I have been a stay-at-home mom and enjoyed it when my kids were hone. Now, this is MY time,and I am enjoying it. How to I tell her that I do not want to lose weight, and that I have done so, in the past, and didn't care to keep it off ? I hate to exercise and I hate to diet. It has nothing to do with self-discipline,but everything to do with the fact, that I do not think it is her plae to give me outdated info.
8 AntwortenEtiquettevor 5 JahrenWhat does a basset hound in a dream mean ?
Last night,I had a dream,and I have looked up all of the other symbols,but one: the basset hound.
It was very friendly and followed me everywhere, even up a long twisted flight of wooden stairs,to a tree house.Then it followed me to a long gravel driveway which a woman was having a driveway sale. ( it was yard sale, only on the driveway.) I saw expensive clothes,housewares,ect,and at the end of the long driveway,sat a woman in a red pantsuit. For one,i hate red. Two,i hate pantsuits. She was smoking a cigarette (another thing I hate) in one of those long cigarette holders.She said that it all must go. I wanted to buy it all,but then I saw that it was all MY stuff !! I told her so,and she just shrugged and looked away.That was when I forced myself to awaken. Any clues as to what the basset hound means ?
1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 5 JahrenWhat is the title of the book about polygamous mormons moving to Utah set in the 1800's ?
I know it is out of print and I had read it in the 1980's. It is told from the first wife's perspective.And no i do not know the author.
I think it is called " Salt Lake !"
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 5 Jahrenhow do I make an avatar for the blank ( mountain) square ?
1 AntwortOther - Yahoo Productsvor 5 JahrenAnimal totems vs. seeing it for the first time in nature.?
Today, on our walk to the market, we saw a huge turtle sunning itself on a rock,and then my husband exclaimed how big it was and startled it.It jumped back into the water. My animal totems are wolf,dragonfly and raven.My Native American totem animal is the Otter. Not the turtle.
So does this have meaning for the day,or a new animal totem ?
(My guess is for the day.)
1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 5 JahrenHow to politely tell a friend that you need to eat and not be talking ?
I have a good friend,that,if we ever cross paths,she wants to talk. Now,i do not have a problem with that, as i am quite the talker,too. But I have issues when I'm eating out,I am there to EAT,& not talk.
First off: I have bad teeth,so I'm very self-conscious about my teeth, ( or lack thereof)
2. I have few back teeth,& it is hard for me to chew,& not look odd.
3. I was raised that the dinner table is not the place for talking: the living room is. We were to come to the table,Daddy say a small grace, & then we would commence to eat. In quiet.
4. I was raised to not talk with food in my mouth,or my mouth full. Period. It is rude and bad etiquette.
5. I was as polite as I could, considering she had paid for our ( my husband & I ) lunch. So I did as little as i could not to talk with food/mouth, as possible. But she insisted on carrying on a conversation while I was trying to eat. We had walked a good distance, (our car had a flat and we had not fixed it yet,so we had to walk to Wal-Mart and get the patch kit) & my husband is a diabetic and I am hypo-glycemic and we were HUNGRY.
While we were grateful for this blessing,we were not in the mood to talk.
If we see her in the same restaurant,she wants to sit with us,and we are not that sociable when we are out eating. We are there to eat, not talk. (And we don't eat out that often,) And we do not want to share our table.
So how do I give her the hint that I am in the mood to eat, and just that, without offending her ?
10 AntwortenEtiquettevor 5 JahrenIf a lawyer knows a client is breaking the law and does nothing about it, does that make him just as guilty ?
My daughter's Guardian ad Litem is a scumbag. He knows my oldest daughter is breaking the law and will not enforce the visitation. So, by default, doesn't that make him just as guilty of breaking the law too ? Contempt of court and all of that ?
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 5 JahrenHow can I have 400 + "likes" on facebook,when I have deleted all of the ones in my "likes" folder ?
How to delete the 400+ ones I cannot get to ? How are they there ?
help !!!
1 AntwortFacebookvor 5 Jahrenon Facebook, how do I get rid of my "likes" ?
When the "like" page only has so few of the total "likes" in the whole section,yet i cannot find out how to eliminate them all ?
How too get rid of them ?
2 AntwortenFacebookvor 5 JahrenWhat does it mean when you call someone ugly names in a dream ?
I have looked up the dream symbols and the only one that I cannot find, and yet the most prominent one,is that I am calling my daughter some pretty ugly names in the dream. We are yelling and cussing and then there is my husband, standing between us ,looking at the floor. That part tells me that he is the arbitrator and that he is the middleman that is on both sides of the issue. I must say that my daughter and i have not spoken,in either a civil nor angry manner, in over 4 years.
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 5 JahrenHow should I handle this ?
My husband, a few years ago, had a toe amputated by diabetes. He sometimes staggers as if he is drunk,and it truly is embarrassing to where I hate to be out in public with him. he is very manipulative ( I have discussed this before here) and so when i tell him I want to stay home,he gets mad and pouts and buys stuff he doesn't need and cannot really afford.Then gets mad at me for it. (It is called "gaslighting." He is passive-aggressive.So, when I tell him he is embarrassing me, he looks at me,wounded,and says I need to quit worrying about what others think. Should I smile and tell people he is drunk,just to get even with him, or what should i do ?
10 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 5 JahrenAm I the only parent that hates the repetitive jingle of the ice cream truck,as soon as the weather turns nice ?
No sooner than the cold,bitter days of winter ended, the beautiful ,sunny days of spring were upon us. Ahhh, the trees were beginning to bloom,the sun was shining,the skies were blue,white fluffy clouds were floating along, the air was warmer,and then the annoying ,repetitive jingle of the dam ice cream truck had to come along and ruin it all.
The worse part, is that they stop right in front of our door.
We do not have kids, and there are over 70 units in our complex,and more than one roadway for them to come to. This ruins the whole summer. :/
3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 JahrenIf a husband refuses to buy his wife's medication,as a form of payback,and she dies as the result, could that be viewed as murder ?
I am on low thyroid medication, and my husband has hinted that he does not have to buy my medication. I depend on him for buying my medication, which is 4.00. I have been without it for almost two weeks, and when he is able to buy it,m it will be little over 3 weeks. We argue over his online "friends," and he is passive-aggressive. He is also immature in some things. Every time we argue, and I have made several points, ( in which he always says he is innocent thereof) then he pouts ad sulks like a wounded bear. So,if i die because of not having my medication ( heart attack is very likely) is that considered murder ? And is withholding medication that I need to live with, considered abusive,or am I being over-dramatic ?
6 AntwortenMedicinevor 5 Jahren