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  • My best friend died a long time ago and I feel like I could have prevented it!?

    My best friend was hit by a car when he was 13. Its been 8 years now but I still like it was indirectly my fault. We didn't live miles away from each other but it was a decent journey on a push bike. He used to cycle to my house pretty much every other day. It must have taken him at least an hour. I never returned the favour. I thought I was so damn cool having a friend that was willing to do that. One day he had rung to say he was coming round and he never did. This was the day he died, he got hit by a car. My mum even said after he died if i had told her he was coming then she would have gone and picked him up. If I had stopped thinking about how cool I was and just asked her then he might still be alive. I had never been very popular so to have a friend that was willing to do stuff like that was just amazing to me. How I regret that now. Even 8 years later the thought still rips me apart. How do I stop thinking this way?

    6 AntwortenFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I connect my laptop to my tv?

    I have a samsung lcd tv and a compaq CQ61 laptop. I have a cable (I think it is a VGA). It connects from a nearly rectangular slot on the laptop to 3 sockets on the tv. When I connect them up the tv just says its the wrong mode. How do I fix this problem so that I can use my laptop with the tv?

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why have I been having such strange dreams lately?

    Every night I go to sleep I have been having very odd dreams. They dont tend to make an awful lot of sence. It is usually a perfectly normal event with people I know and then odd things happen. I dont usually dream at all. Why has this been happening lately?

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do i drink too much squash?

    I am currently going through about a litre bottle of Robinsons orange every day, sometimes every 2, but never lasts more than that. The strength i make the drink i work this out to be at least 3 litres of liquid each day, i make the drink quite strong. is this too much squash, it seems very excessive, i never used to drink this amount.

    5 AntwortenNon-Alcoholic Drinksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why am i having such crazy dreams?

    I very rarely dream usually but recently I have been having really strange, crazy dreams. They are really random and dont make a lot of sence. They always involve people that i know and sometimes events that have already happened but in a kind of twisted crazy way. Why am I suddenly having these dreams?

    4 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it normal to get so freaked out by ghosts?

    My friends talk about ghosts a lot,, they all believe they exist. I dont believe they do. The thought really freaks me out. No one else seems to bothered they either say ye i believe or no i dont. But I cannot stand the thought,its just freaky. Y do i get so freaked out by this?

    12 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ok serious sleep problems people!!!?

    I am having terrible problems getting to sleep. It is actually making me exhausted and really interfering with my life as i am so tired. I dont drink any caffeine at all really apart from maybe in the odd bottle of coke but never near bed time. I dont often drink alcohol. I dont eat just before bed time. I have tried kalms and nytol and neither had any effect. A warm bath is not an option as I do not have a bath. I have tried doing very little in the hour before bed time. As little as sitting and reading a book. I am at a loss at what else I can do. I am desperate to find a solution to this problem. Please, please can someone help me.

    10 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • sudden sharp pain in my back. what could this be?

    All i have done this evening is watch x factor, so not been doing anything strenuous or any sudden movements. i was just sitting here then on my computer, watching tv and suddenly i got this sharp stabbing pain in my back. what could be the reason for this pain?

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help with using torrent?

    how do u use torrent?i hav downloaded it n now i dont understand how to use it. when i search for something it just comes up with websites where i can buy it on dvd. i dont want to buy it on dvd. thats the whole point.

    4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Really cannot sleep. Anybody got any ideas?

    I have not been able to get to sleep for months now. I never get to sleep before 3, if not later. I have to get up every morning and it is just making me so tired. Its really starting to wind me up now. The one thing I want to do right now is sleep and it is the one thing that I cannot do. Does anybody know any ways to get to sleep? Please do not say counting sheep, it does not work. I also do not want to be taking sleeping pills or anything like that, I just want natural methods of getting to damn sleep.

    9 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My eyes are feeling really tired but it is not from overuse of contact lense wear! What could it be?

    My eyes have been feeling really tired and in a way sore for a while now. It is not from overuse from contact lense wear as I have not been wearing them for more than 10 hours a day. Most days it is a lot less than that and tend to have a couple of days a week without anything. What else could be causing my eyes to feel this way?

    3 AntwortenOpticalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I cant do squats! Is this bad?

    I am only 19, got fairly good fitness and not overweight or anything but I cannot do squats at all. I can go down by about an inch if that. Is this bad? Is it something I should be able to do?

    9 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is my back normal or is it injured?

    I have just read that your lower back is meant to touch the floor when you are lying down otherwise it is a sign of injury. For as long as I can remember my lower back has not touched the floor when I am lying down and I do get a lot of back pain. Does this mean that my back may not be right?

    2 AntwortenInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is it still so hard? Should I miss him so much?

    A friend of mine died over 4 years ago now. We were so close though so young at the time. He hadn't even got to 14 when he died. I don't feel like I can talk about him, no one wants to hear it anymore. And I don't really know the other people that knew him anymore and the other friends I do still have just brush it off if i mention him. I get so down about it. And just miss him, it still really hurts to think about the fact that well he is dead. Is this normal? Should it still hurt like this? Should it still be so bloody hard? What can I do to just well feel happy?

    7 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many spermatogonia cells are involved in spermatogenesis?

    Estimate the number of spermatogonia cells involved in spermatogenesis if the daily sperm output of an average stallion is 5000 million during the breeding season.

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you get your 22 year old brother for christmas?

    My brother is 22. He is your average lad. Likes rugby, drinking, video games, music, that kind of thing. I cant get him video games or music or anything cause i don't know what he likes and he always has all the latest ones. So what else could I get him for christmas?

    7 AntwortenChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What are the 3 types of transition in horse riding?

    I really should know the answer to this but I cannot remember what it is. I know one of them is direct but cannot remember the other two. Does any one else know the answer?

    9 AntwortenHorsesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am stuck on pirates of the caribbean on ps2! Im on the bit where you blow up the mast. Can anyone help?

    I have burned the 1st two masts and I have started battling with the spanish guy and it says that I need his sword to break the plates surounding the middle mast but I can not defeat him, I am very stuck and I have no idea how to do it. I tried to open the trap door so that he would fall through it but it would no open. I keep dying. Does any one know how to get past this part of the game?

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt