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Liane H
Favourite singer is Elvis "The undisputed King of Rock n Roll" Presley, favourite band is Bon Jovi, favourite programme is Doctor Who (and CSI as well) and my 2 favourite films of all time are Labyrinth and The Goonies. I work hard, party harder and live everyday like it's the last. What you see is what you get. I hate people who brown nose, lie, cheat and who throw their toys out their prams when they don't get their own way. I'm passionate about music and dislike anything that's not music but loud obnoxious noise. I get on well with anyone and everyone and never judge a book by it's cover. Have a nice day! Long live the King!!
I'm selling my phone on eBay...?
...and someone has messaged me asking for the serial number beginning with R to check to see if the phone has been lost or stolen. Well, I know for a fact that it hasn't as I still have the receipt for it but they have said that they have bought a phone and it had been barred after a few days. Shall I give them that number or is it a scam? It's a Samsung D900.
6 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntRetro Toy Query...Looking for the name...?
Hey guys.
Does anyone remember a toy in the late 80s/early 90s that comprised a small black box that could be stored on your keyring and it had about 9 buttons on there that made different noises when pressed. Its been bugging me for a while now and it's time to end the misery and hope you can help me find it out.
Cheers all x
4 AntwortenToysvor 1 JahrzehntCouncil Tax Query......................................?
How much would the council tax be on a one bedroom rented flat in Band B in Merstham, Surrey?
3 AntwortenUnited Kingdomvor 1 JahrzehntWhat channel is The Beast on Sky?
The new one with Patrick Swayze. All I can find is that it's on A&E but I couldn't find that anywhere on SKY.
4 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntWithdrawels?
Does anyone know if I can withdrawl money from my account over the counter without a cash card. I am with Barclays. I don't have a passport but I have my provisional licence with my address, photo, name etc. And I have a cheque book with my account details on there.
2 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 JahrzehntMicrosoft Excel formulas?
I'm trying to write a formula on a spreadsheet to show the total of spaces used in our warehouse as a percentage. The formula I originally wrote had that the warehouse was 49% full, even though it is nowhere near that. It was adding up all the totals as well. How do I write it so it will be a running total that doesn't add up the numbers in between? As an example, we have 2068 pallet spaces and 326 of them have been used.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntDoctor Who...?
Your opinions, do you think this will happen...?
15 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone remember the show Kappatoo?
I'm trying to remember what the end credits were... any one remember?
1 AntwortComedyvor 1 JahrzehntCSI - Sara's fate...?
Is anyone biting their nails wondering if Sara Sidle is going to live or die? It still hasn't been officially confirmed if she will or not. So I'm not listening to any rumours until I've seen it for myself, which unfortunately for us Brits isn't until February 2008!! You lucky Americans get to find out tomorrow (27/09). Long live GSR!!!!
15 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntIt's my birthday on Sunday...?
Who's going to buy me a drink? A nice JD and coke will go down very nicely ta.
What's your drink of choice?
38 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 1 JahrzehntI've answered 606 questions...?
Shall I respect my lord and master and stop when I get to 666?
9 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntEven though it's been...?
30 years today since the undisputed King of Rock n Roll "left the building", his music is still very much alive inside all of his fans. Unfortunately I wasn't around to appreciate his music when he was alive as I wasn't born till 82, but my father brought me up listening to Elvis and I've loved it ever since. So my question is, the day tragedy struck, where were you on the 16th August 1977?
3 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntIn last night's hollyoaks...on E4...?
What was the song played at the beginning? It had something about "Thanks for the memory" in the lyrics somewhere... thanks in advance
1 AntwortSoap Operasvor 1 Jahrzehntwho remembers the game?
Hazard Rescue from the old RM Nimbus. We used to play it all the time when I went to Primary School about 15 years ago, ah those were the days...
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehntwho else agrees with me?
I'll be so glad when that pathetic Big Brother will be finished. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about it. I avoid Y!A as much as possible now because nearly every question is about that cr@p. Come on people, there are worse things going on in the world than to worry about who's being kicked out of the house. I've never watched it and I never will, the whole idea bores me. What is so fascinating about watching a bunch of idiots sitting around doing nothing all day? I for one will be glad when some normality is restored and they decide to pull the plug on it for good.
23 AntwortenOther - Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt1990s show Finders Keepers, otherwise known as The Finder?
If anyone else, besides me and a few small minority of people, remember this show I want to know what the name of the style of badge Patrick wears when he's looking for his find that beeps when he was near it. I vaguely remember them from the early 90s, obviously they don't really beep though. They're sort of a hologram type, ripple effect badge. Can anyone shed any light or am I just talking cr@p? Cheers ;-)
2 AntwortenDramavor 1 Jahrzehntso do we think?
that Character Options will be making an action figure of The Master now that John Simm has resurrected him. I wouldn't mind playing with 5 inches of John Simm's Master...
1 AntwortDramavor 1 Jahrzehntdoes anyone know?
where I can buy a coat like the one David Tennant wears in Doctor Who? My boyfriend wants one for his birthday and I don't know where to start. Cheers
5 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntSo Lady Heather is back in CSI tonight?
Do you think her and Grissom will "catch up on old times" and Sara will end up being the green eyed monster when she sees the chemistry bounce off those two
4 AntwortenDramavor 1 Jahrzehntdoes anyone remember?
I'm trying to find the name of this TV show. I vaguely remember the closing credits were of 2 twins heads slowly merging into one and it was a black and green background. At first I though it may be the Gemini Factor but I recently saw the opening titles and changed my mind, however it still may be that as the clip I saw didn't show the end credits. Can anyone shed any light on this or am I going mad and dreamt it? I think it was from about 1989/1990 as my parents were getting divorced at the time and I remember watching it while they were fighting so it was definately around those years
2 AntwortenDramavor 1 Jahrzehnt