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is something wrong with yahoo mail today? I can see it on my yahoo page, yet can't open mail or report it!
Actually, I first noticed the trouble yesterday. Its so strange that I can see some of my email on the my yahoo page, yet when I click to open it nothing happens. The error message says that it timed out and to check the settings~which I did & still cannot access my email. So, I wont be able to read any replys...maybe this will be one way to report the trouble? help!
3 AntwortenNotices and Errorsvor 1 JahrzehntWhich skin care (esthetic) services are your favorite?
I am planning my new esthetics (skin care) business. In planning my budget & services, I'd like to know which equipment to buy first. So, if you have been to an esthetician for skin care, what services are your favorite & which services do you have performed the most frequently ( facials, steam or hot towels?, waxing, peels, microderms, wraps, etc)? Thanks!
2 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 JahrzehntMature Men & Women of All Ages...what can I do to get his attention?
We've been married for 30 yrs & we've been thru a great deal of challenges with extended family, kids, finances, actually some extreme stuff with the kids. Early in our marriage (20's), he rapidly began loosing interest in me, we've had less sex in over 30 yrs, than most have probably had in 2yrs. I look pretty good, very outdoorsy tho, not the high maintaince type (and I notice that those types of women really get his attention), I'm bashful and quiet, now he says he wants outgoing & bold. He recently said that he's bored with me. I love sex, always have, I've always initiated, I play and tease. Hes been searching the personals for women & says he wants a 3some, but that he isn't going after it. I'm so confused. I feel like its our time now, to really work on us and our needs, for we had started our family as teens. How can I get his interest? how can I overcome my shyness? i love him after all these yrs.
7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 JahrzehntDoes anybody know how to predict the weather from the colors of a "wooly Bear" ?
Its an old 'wives tale' that I heard of a long long time ago, but i cannot recall which colors mean what. I think that wooly bears range in color from solid brown, 2brown with a black stripe, to all black. One color means a very harsh winter.
5 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt