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Lv 613.547 points


Favorisierte Antworten24%
  • What would you be willing to trade Democrats to get the wall built?

    I don't really feel all that strongly for or against the wall; I don't think it'll work well enough to justify $30 billion but, on the other hand, I see that a lot of people are passionate about it.

    Let's say I was in control of all the Democrats in Congress and was willing to strike a deal to fund the entire wall. What thing that Democrats want would you be willing to trade to make the wall happen?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 Jahren
  • What should the US do in Afghanistan?

    Previously I thought we should stay the course there and declare our understanding that it may take 25-50 years to win and our willingness to stay that long. This article, however, has me reconsidering. What do you think?

    P.S. The author of the article is "John Q Bolton" but the current US Secretary of State is "John R Bolton" - two different people.

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 2 Jahren
  • Looks like The Weekly Standard is closing down...?

    The Weekly Standard, a stalwart conservative publication around for what seems like forever, is closing down. Most recently, they were staunch "Never Trumpers" and that might be part of the reason they went down.

    Your reactions?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 Jahren
  • Would it be reasonable to permit the sale of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana on a non-profit basis only?

    The reasons I think so are because this way,

    1. Those who want these substances can get them.

    2. Those who feel fulfilled in providing these substances to others (e.g. those passionate about marijuana's benefits) can do so and still earn a legal salary.

    3. But since the organizations providing these substances have to be non-profit, there's less of a motivation to seek out new users via advertising, trying to make the product look glamorous, trying to convince people that scientists are lying about health effects, etc.

    There are also no shareholders who will demand that the business expand to bring them more profit. The organization can simply serve those who choose to come to their doors and not be forced to constantly seek out new users.

    4 AntwortenGovernment & Non-Profitvor 2 Jahren
  • What else is there to do in Las Vegas besides gambling?

    I'll be going to Las Vegas for a conference and would like to take a few extra days to have some fun. The trouble is I'm not into gambling, smoking, or alcohol. And my wife says I'm not allowed to get married to anyone else.

    So far I'm thinking about taking a trip to the Hoover Dam, going to the Mob Museum, and maybe seeing a magic show.

    What else should I do while there?

    9 AntwortenLas Vegasvor 3 Jahren
  • Are burpees a creation of the Devil?

    The traditional story of the creation of burpees is that they were invented by a physiologist by the last name of Burpee.

    I think, however, that a more satisfying explanation is that they were invented by Satan to torment Mankind.

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 3 Jahren
  • Why are people able to make death threats with impunity?

    Whenever there's a controversial story in the news, you always hear about death threats being made against people on one side or the other. But you never hear about anyone making the death threats being caught and prosecuted. Why is this? Aren't death threats illegal and worthy of investigation/prosecution?

    8 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 3 Jahren
  • How can I pick up a GPS signal from a passenger seat in a commercial airline?

    I'd like to pick up a GPS signal while I'm a passenger in a commercial airplane so that I can know where I am and how fast/high I'm flying. Also, I think it would be pretty interesting to watch the approach to/departure from airports on a map as they occur.

    So far I've tried holding up cell phones by the window (with airplane mode on and Wi-Fi and phone off) but haven't been able to pick up a signal.

    Has anyone else figured out how to do this? Maybe with a device other than a cell phone?


    6 AntwortenAir Travelvor 3 Jahren
  • Have you ever lost a condom in the rectum during anal sex?

    I was talking with a bunch of medical people the other day and it occurred to us that while we've met people who have lots condoms, tampons, etc. in the vagina, we've never met someone who lost a condom in the rectum. We wonder if maybe there's something about anal sex that keeps condoms from coming off in the rectum or if maybe they do come off but people just wait till they're pooped out.

    I mean, you can't all possibly be barebacking it? Can you? I hope not because we certainly don't need any addition STD business!

  • Why do I always have to type my email address twice in web forms?

    Whenever a web form asks me for my personal details, it always asks me to type my email address in twice in two different boxes.

    They never ask me that for the other fields, however, such as first name, last name, address, phone number, credit card number, etc.

    Why is the email address so special that it needs to be typed twice to make sure I haven't made any typos?

    Not only that, it's been like this since the very first web forms I encountered way back in the early 90's? Isn't it time for this practice to go the way of the text-only browsers?

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 5 Jahren
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of biplane vs monoplane design?

    It seems that when airplanes were first invented, all of the early airplanes were bbiplanes. Then, after 10 to 20 years, it seems that everybody switched to a monoplane design. I wonder why people used the biplane design to begin with? It doesn't strike me as the obvious first choice... And then what happened to make everyone quickly change to using only the monoplane scheme?

    6 AntwortenAircraftvor 5 Jahren
  • What happens to the energy of photons that land in the retina?

    When photons land in the retina of the eye, what happens to the energy that they're carrying? Is all of it used up in changing the shape of the photosensitive proteins in the retina or is some of it dumped as heat into the tissues?

    Similarly, does anyone know what happens to the energy of photons that land on a leaf? Is all of it captured by the chlorophyll or is some lost to heat?


    2 AntwortenBiologyvor 7 Jahren
  • Why are the women around me getting better looking over time?

    I'm a straight guy who's been living in California for the past 25 years and has come to realize that as time goes on, the women around me are getting more and more attractive such that it seems to me that a 30 year old woman now is more attractive than a 30 year old woman was 25 years ago.

    I don't think it has anything to do with an increasing desperation for women. If anything, it seems that I'm more successful/confident with them now than at any other time in the past.

    Maybe it has something to do with me being more accepting of imperfection as I grow up? On the other hand, I don't think I'm getting any more mature in other areas of life as I get older so that seems unlikely...

    Maybe the general health of women is improving and that makes them look better... on the other hand, one hears so much about the obesity epidemic that this seems unlikely too...

    Maybe it's because of the wider availability of cosmetic surgery? I like breasts so lots of breast implants could have something to do with this...

    On the other hand, I wondered if there has been a steady improvement in the methods available for women to look better. With all of the competition between makeup manufacturers and clothing manufacturers, has then been improvement in makeup, hair dyes, and clothing cuts such that all the women are better looking now?

    Could this be something like what's been going on in the electronics industry? Could there be a Moore's Law for physical appearance whereby I can look forward to all of the women looking twice as hot as before every 18 months?

    If so, that would be awesome. On the other hand, do we guys have a chance in hell of keeping up?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren
  • Why do return envelopes in bills not have an address printed on them (repost)?

    I'm posting this question again because I didn't get any answers that satisfied me on the first posting... The answers from the previous positing suggested that it costs money to print an address but I wonder why it's cheaper to print the address on the payment coupon and not on the envelope itself...

    When I receive a bill in the mail (which happens with disconcerting regularity), I notice that they provide an envelope for me to send them a check but that this envelope never has the address of the payment-processing facility printed on it.

    Instead, the envelope has a little "window" cut in it and I have to tear the payment coupon off of the bill and put it in the envelope just right so that the address printed on the payment coupon lines up with the window on the envelope. It's an extra step that doesn't seem to make any sense because they could just print the return address directly on the envelope rather than running the risk that I screw things up and put the payment coupon in facing the wrong way and rendering the mail undeliverable.

    Nonetheless, it seems that everyone does this (or at least everyone who sends me a bill which seems to be most of the civilized world nowadays) so I suspect there must be a very good reason why they all do it this way. The only thoughts that I have are,

    1. They're actually HOPING I screw it up so that the check doesn't get to them and they can slap me with a late fee.

    2. They're not sure if they're going to be in business for very long so rather than order a ton of pre-printed envelopes, they order a ton of envelopes with windows in them so that if they go out of business, they can at least sell the envelopes with windows in them to someone else while the pre-printed envelopes will only be good for the recycling bin.

    3. Somebody, somewhere made a law or a regulation that says they have to do it this way.

    None of these seem to be a very satisfying answer so I turn to you, the gentle readers of Yahoo Answers, for your kind assistance!

    1 AntwortCorporationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What year did they stop calling "The Great War" by that name and start calling it "World War One?"?

    And by the same token, when did they decide that World War Two was actually a single "World War" and not a bunch of little wars such as, say, the Sino-Japanese War and the Franco-British-German-Polish War?

    1 AntwortHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do return envelopes in bills not have an address printed on them?

    When I receive a bill in the mail (which happens with disconcerting regularity), I notice that they provide an envelope for me to send them a check but that this envelope never has the address of the payment-processing facility printed on it.

    Instead, the envelope has a little "window" cut in it and I have to tear the payment coupon off of the bill and put it in the envelope just right so that the address printed on the payment coupon lines up with the window on the envelope. It's an extra step that doesn't seem to make any sense because they could just print the return address directly on the envelope rather than running the risk that I screw things up and put the payment coupon in facing the wrong way and rendering the mail undeliverable.

    Nonetheless, it seems that everyone does this (or at least everyone who sends me a bill which seems to be most of the civilized world nowadays) so I suspect there must be a very good reason why they all do it this way. The only thoughts that I have are,

    1. They're actually HOPING I screw it up so that the check doesn't get to them and they can slap me with a late fee.

    2. They're not sure if they're going to be in business for very long so rather than order a ton of pre-printed envelopes, they order a ton of envelopes with windows in them so that if they go out of business, they can at least sell the envelopes with windows in them to someone else while the pre-printed envelopes will only be good for the recycling bin.

    3. Somebody, somewhere made a law or a regulation that says they have to do it this way.

    None of these seem to be a very satisfying answer so I turn to you, the gentle readers of Yahoo Answers, for your kind assistance!

    1 AntwortCorporationsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's the purpose of the "Hmm... you seem to have a lot of punctuation" balloon in Yahoo Answers?

    It seems that almost every time I write something in Yahoo Answers, I get a balloon that pops up advising me that I seem to have a lot of punctuation in what I've written (for those of you who haven't seen it, it's just like the one that tells you when you've misspelled a word but it says, "Hmm... you seem to have a lot of punctuation").

    Each time I've re-read what I wrote and I'm quite happy with the level of punctuation... seems to me to be consistent with standard written English.

    So what's the purpose of the balloon? Could it be that I'm over punctuating? Or is it that the person who wrote the criteria for the balloon was raised on a continuous diet of SMS/IM and now honestly believes that that the only purpose for punctuation marks is to "bleep out" swear words in written communication?

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's a "pH balanced" shampoo?

    When I was growing up, just about every shampoo I came across advertised itself as being "pH balanced". At the time I didn't know what "pH balancing" was and simply ignored it, trusting that all would become clear as I progressed through my education.

    Now, however, I find myself an ostensibly fully educated adult and I still have no idea what a "pH balanced" shampoo is and how it differs from other, more prosaic, shampoos.

    With the cynicism gained from a few decades of being bombarded by advertising, I think it likely that "pH balanced" is simply a set of impressive sounding words cobbled together by an advertiser in order to sell more shampoo (much like shampoos that promise "volume"?) but I still remain open to being educated otherwise.

    So, what do you think? Is "pH balancing" an actual phrase used by real chemists? And if so, what does it mean? Is is merely the act of creating a buffer or is there something more complex going on?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AntwortenChemistryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Looking for an Internet Blocker with specific characteristics?


    My wife is looking for a little something extra to help her break her habit of visiting gossip websites until the wee hours of the morning so we've been looking for an Internet blocker that can block specific pre-specified websites between the hours of 10pm to 8am while permitting access to the rest of the web (so that she can check the weather, do her schoolwork, surf porn, etc).

    Naturally something as cheap as possible would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt