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Javed Iqbal
A multi-tasking individual with 38 Plus years of extensive experience Working Abroad in multi-cultural environment: Typical work activities may include: Immigration incl. Permanent Residency issues Liaising with High Commissions & Embassies Answering general written correspondence with Airlines, Banks, Agencies outside Pakistan by letter or email; Student Counseling Support Specialist Manage enrolment in foreign universities Arrange accomodation abroad for students Excellent Travel Planning Skills Web Contents Writing Specialist IATA Membership for Travel Agents College / University representative for exclusive representation Completed works can be forwarded through Courier Services or an attachment to email
Who are genuine Career Counseling Consultants in Lahore. Pakistan?
1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 1 JahrzehntWhy I am removed from the top contributor status of the Embassy and Consulate category?
I have had actively contributed in answering questions relating to Embassy and Consulate issued. If withdrawn by mistake, I want it back.
4 AntwortenEmbassies & Consulatesvor 1 JahrzehntIs IATA Accreditation License issued to a Travel Agency is transferable and can be used by another Trvl Agency?
Is IATA Accreditation License issued to a Travel Agency is transferable and can be used by another Travel Agency?
2 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 Jahrzehnt