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Goku Super saiyan 3
A 12 year old who has quite a brilliant intelligence quotient of 189.[hope this is not offensive to the people reading my profile]Well,don't come to me for getting answers such as is E equals to MC square.I do beg of your pardon! Aw shit,I was pretty dumb back then,lol.I'm 17 now.
Physics Question pertaining to electromagnetic induction...?
An airplane is moving due west with a speed of 1800 km/hr.
What is the emf developed between its wings 25 m long if the resultant magnetic field of the earth is 5.4 * 10^-4 T and the angle of dip at the place is 30 degrees?
I want serious,detailed answers so if you aren't sure,don't waste my or your time.
1 AntwortPhysicsvor 7 Jahrenyou can't even go through the doors!! how can i enter it then!?
7 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt