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Sleep deprived
Should people that dont use signals while driving pay more for insurance?
6 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 JahrzehntIf you believe in an afterlife or reincarnation...?
Let say in the future you are frozen using cryonics upon death by a family member or by actions you took while alive with the intent of being revived when technology has progressed to the point of being able to revive and completely heal you of what led to your death or suffering. What would happen if your body was revived while you were currently in the afterlife or reincarnated into another life already?
16 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat can we do to get dangerous old people off the roads?
I was nearly killed by one yesterday! At what age are mandatory driving tests required?
12 AntwortenSafetyvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do people put foil over their windows?
My old neighbors had a window covered and my current do as well. Foil covering the entire inside of the window.
9 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 JahrzehntWhat was this 80s movie called?
Where there was an alien that flew around in a silver looking ship shaped like a nerf football? The main character was a child that became friends with the alien. There were also many weird creatures on board the alien craft. Thats all I can remember.
5 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 JahrzehntHow do I keep neighbor cat out of my yard late at night?
A neighbors cat poops in my yard or garden(where I grow food to eat) daily in random spots. I have done everything short of shooting or poisioning the cat thus far. I am sick of cleaning up after it. I have tried all kinds of deterents and it still comes back. I have used pepper in the soil, chased it away, left cut up oranges all over, left filled water bottles around the yard, sprayed it with water, ext. It still comes around when I am sleeping and causes the neighbors dog to bark and wake me up in the middle of the night and poops where it likes. I have been picking up its poop for at least 5 months... How can I keep this evil cat away for good? I need a good cheap perminent solution. I cant afford a dog or one of those motion sensor water sprayer things. As Popeye would say "I can't stands no more". I am open to any suggestions legal or not.
2 AntwortenCatsvor 1 JahrzehntDo bacteria and micro organisms make sound that can be heard using some sort of super microphone?
If so what does it sound like?
3 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 1 JahrzehntHow can I release anger constructively?
11 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntIf someone gave you aids, would you kill them?
I dont have aids.
16 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 JahrzehntRemote computers keep trying to access mine and I keep blocking them?
I have their ip address. How can i report them or get a street address to retaliate physically. I used a site to find where they were but it didnt give street address.
4 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntAre venus fly traps supposed to eat spiders?
I found the remains of a small spider inside one of the pods. It looked partialy digested.
7 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 JahrzehntHow can I stop pests from eating my newly sprouted onions?
I found a small catapillar eating one of them. What else could be eating them? They are being eaten off at ground level, like cutting down a tree. How can I keep pests away?
4 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 JahrzehntWho thinks the pledge of allegiance is brainwashing?
For years as a child I said it without knowing what it ment.
15 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are some bad effects if any of drinking sink water unfiltered?
4 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is your favorite method for cannabis consumption?
Also what is your favorite strain?
10 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 1 JahrzehntHow can i get rid of sore muscles faster?
8 AntwortenOther - Healthvor 1 JahrzehntWhere can I buy a magnifying glass?
One that can start fire and is portable.
6 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 1 JahrzehntIf I suck a spider up with a vacuum?
Can it get out? Will it get out? Its large and scary.
15 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt