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Lv 43.322 points


Favorisierte Antworten24%
  • I am going to the Grand Canyon this weekend, I need some suggestions on what kind of clothes I need to wear. How is the weather?

    I am not doing anything extreme, we are just walking around and taking the blue and orange bus routes, taking pictures and just relaxing with the view.

    5 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 6 Jahren
  • Has anyone used HotWire to book a hotel?

    Is terrifying for me to book without knowing the hotel's name. Has it worked for you? Any advise? Please.

    2 AntwortenOther - Destinationsvor 10 Jahren
  • What do you think about the writer's strike?

    I support them all the way, because I do believe the broadcasters are making millions and millions of dollars.

    Without the writer's creativity TV is nothing, as we all can see.

    The writers are one of the pillars of this industry and deserve to gain money from every angle that the show is commercialized; it’s their idea, their words and their story.

    What amazes me the most is that even though the broadcasters have nothing to broadcast; they are still willing to defend their point without any willingness to come to an agreement and they appear to be greedy and closed minded.

    What do you think?

    (Please be polite there is enough aggression in the world, let’s talk like kind people)

    5 AntwortenOther - Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about the writer's strike?

    I support them all the way, because I do believe the broadcasters are making millions and millions of dollars.

    Without the writer's creativity TV is nothing, as we all can see.

    The writers are one of the pillars of this industry and deserve to gain money from every angle that the show is commercialized; it’s their idea, their words and their story.

    What amazes me the most is that even though the broadcasters have nothing to broadcast; they are still willing to defend their point without any willingness to come to an agreement and they appear to be greedy and closed minded.

    What do you think?

    (Please be polite there is enough aggression in the world, let’s talk like kind people)

    5 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Any advise on how to avoid ear pain when the plane lands?

    I have this terrible problem: every time the plane begins its descent I start to have an unbearable pain in my ears that lasts for all the time the plane is descending, some times it can be 20 minutes or more. I've tried everything, ear plugs, chewing gum, blowing my nose, etc... nothing works.

    Can you give some advise. I love to travel, but the pain is so unbearable that it makes me think twice about flying.

    10 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • This is not a question...?

    It's a thank you note.

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who gave me great answers on what to do and how to better enjoy San Francisco.

    I went last weekend for four days and had GREAT time.

    I loved the city and had the opportunity to see almost everything (I left two or three things pending to have a motive to return ha ha ha).

    Thank you very much; you live in a great city.

    5 AntwortenSan Franciscovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I'm going to SF this weekend, ¿how is the weather?

    I've been checking the weather and I see that some days would be rainy, but I want to know how is it in reality. Does it really feel cold, is there a lot of cold wind...etc. I am taking a scarf and a jacket, is it enough or do I need to bring something extra?

    7 AntwortenSan Franciscovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am going to San Francisco, CA in October for 4 days, can you give me some tips?

    I've never been to SF but always wanted to go, so I bought tickets at great prices and now I have to find a hotel and things to do there. I am going on a budget. So, I would love to read your comments and tips: what can I expect from the city in that month weather wise, cultural events, and of course, the classic tourist things to do, where to eat, where can I get better prices and the city’s little treasures that are unknown to tourists but well known by residents. Thanks to all.

    17 AntwortenSan Franciscovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want to buy a digital camera, but I don't know what to look for?

    I want at least 7 pixels and not over 140 dlls., I saw a Sony cibsershot but the rest of the product information confuses me. Which is better. Can anyone help me with this?

    3 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What can we do to educate people on how to behave in movie theaters (or public spaces for that matter)?

    Lately, going to the movies has been a nightmare: people talking on the mobile phones and to eachother as if they were in their own living room, with no respect what so ever for the rest of us who want to enjoy a movie. Even if you ask nicely, they don't stop. In fact, they don't even think they are doing anything wrong.

    Whats going on?

    Before, when I was little, my mother always told us to be silent and/or talk softly so we didn't bother the rest of the audience, Have we lost that respect for others?

    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do Americans love to be humiliated by English judges or hosts?

    Since American Idol and Simon began humiliating young "want to be" singers, there has been a boom of reality shows that base their success in an English judge or host that constantly yells, criticizes and humiliates Americans. Most of the times, the same shows in other countries don't have the "English person" factor.

    Why do you think Americans love this?

    8 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Qué podemos hacer para que podamos disfrutar las películas en las salas de cine?

    No sé si ustedes, pero yo estoy cansada de ir al cine y que las personas no se sepan comportar. Contestan el teléfono, o peor aún, los radiolocalizadores y todos tenemos que escuchar su plática. Otros que se paran, van y vienen y platican entre ellos como si estuvieran en la sala de su casa.

    Definitivamente nos hemos convertido en una sociedad individualista sin respeto por los demás.

    No hace mucho el ir al cine era un placer, pero ahora, es una molestia constante.

    Compañeros cinéfilos, ¿qué recomiendan hacer ante esta situación? Me encanta el cine, pero paso muchos malos ratos.

    1 AntwortOtros - Sociedad y Culturavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your opinion on the Kevin Trudeau book about natural cure for weightlose?

    Since we can not get the book in stores,

    Has anyone read it and what is your opinion about it?

    Would you recomend it?

    Is it only about combining foods or do you have to take some pills also?

    4 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dónde puedo comprar un carrito para venta de café en Tijuana?

    Deseo adquirir un carrito para vender café caliente y frío y no he conseguido infromación en Tijuana y me interesa mucho.

    Agradezco información.

    1 AntwortInversionesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Que opinas de que el mexicano Carlos Slim sea el segundo más rico del mundo?

    Un país considerado "en vias de desarrollo" por no decir tercermundista ¿Tiene al segundo hombre más rico del mundo (solo por debajo de Bill Gates) ?

    9 AntwortenActualidadvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about NASA's Kepler Mission in 2008, to seek evidence of Earth-size planets?

    We are destroying planet earth with the pride, stubbornness and economic interest of our governments. Do you think is wise for NASA to look for other livable planets with the support of the government instead of doing something about the planet we already have?

    3 AntwortenEnvironmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt