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Lv 759.101 points

bonsai bobby

Favorisierte Antworten13%

"What About Bob"?...good movie If you know me,then you are aware of my beliefs. If one talks enough, he or she will eventually expose the inner person that "claims to be",what they believe and confess. You tell me,who I am;_ylt=ApHDdza2lFIQHuxQGdNLiRmkAOJ3?cq=1

  • Whoops!...Inappropriate sound track,no doubt!..So,who takes the heat for this oversight?

    Quality audio control,Sound engineers or Coolio?..

    hmmm...I'll bet she ditched the Cadillac and is now Driving a private

    If you're still will us,God bless you sweetheart..

    2 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 10 Jahren
  • Dos Santos vs Carwin...Victor to face Velasquez...Whose hand is ultimately raised?

    Many factors to consider...Cardio,speed,accuracy,defense,raw power,reach,age.etc.etc...Just to mention a very few strengths/weaknesses,that we've observed to this point among the 3 fighters.

    1 Your favorite MM artist of the three?

    2.You've got a grand riding on it...Barring an unlikely upset,what's your gut feeling..

    3.Other than the 3 fighters mentioned,who is your favorite Heavy Weight?

    Your thoughts on any, or all of the 3 questions..

    5 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 10 Jahren
  • So,anyhow...Remember back in grade school,when instructors would encourage class participation?

    (no doubt,tongue in cheek),by repeating the old adage;"There are No stupid questions,just lazy students"?...Do you believe they(teachers),typically were being ingenuine,in the prodding of extemporaneous,and at best specious replies,from naive,unsuspecting students,simply for the express purpose of accumulating evening entertainment fodder,to be shared with family and friends?...Further,do you believe that they gossiped after hours with family and neighbors,spreading vicious lies about students falsley accused of clowning around during class? "Cause man,if so...We should feel like such saps,for so foolishly and naively trusting in and embracing our teacher/student mentorship relationship,toward furthering education.

    2 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Old timer,R & S saints and sinners..Need assistance,in identifying an R & S frequenter of the past..?

    Now add a little more detail (optional)...hmmm..Ok..I will then...

    I'm simply failing at recalling an R & S "member",from the past and am driving myself nuttier,attempting to remember the person's avatar handle..I seem to recall Him as "....... Sage"(not certain though) but do recall that He referred to himself as a recovering Christian in his bio info,as he had backslidden in his faith for a period of time..He may have specifically referred to himself as a born again Christian(not certain)...Grrr..I tried everything to stimulate a potential synaptic path,in recalling but..Poof!! nothing but smoke and frustration. I absolutely should have just said NOPE,to hallucinogenic drugs in my pre-Redemptive state..Turns out,that LSD,Mescaline and Psylocibin were not my friends after all..

    and guess what!!............ Hope that was sufficient time for an intelligent guess...I received a playmate for my official "Crow Bot" replica got it..."Tom Servo"...Now I need to either build or buy,"Cambot" and "Gypsy"...The end...

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has Juan WIlliams crossed the proverbial line,as a political analyst?..?

    Will Charles Krauthammer single handedly fend for Juan before he is deported by NPR to an undisclosed Islamic state,tried and summarily stoned to death for both crimes against Islam and indeed the entire global community? Even I,as a die-hard conservative,do not judge the horrible heartfelt statements of Mr. Williams... In light of this recent incident, I am obliged to confess my sin before both God and man as well..On this very forum(wait where am I).?...anyhow..Last night,in a state of duress and extreme exhaustion,I may have indicated an adverse emotion toward the taste,texture and smell of steamed brussell sprouts...Therefore,in light of current events,I wish to formally apologize to you(the community @ Yahoo Answers),family,friends near and far..and especially to NPR...It has come to my attention that the power of NPR intelligentsia,is far reaching...even into the very bowels of Yahoo Answers...

    "SIGH" among yourselves and then please report my question...I have a reputation to uphold.

    2 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hi folks..just visiting from the R & S forum and hoped for a little poetry expertise..?

    What is your take,on this incomparable poetic offering from the now defunct,"Ren & Simpy" show?

    To set the stage,this song entitled "Climb inside my World" is highlighted in the background,as Stimpson J. Cat(Stimpy) climbs inside of his navel,during the episode known as,"Jerry the Bellybutton Elf"...

    Is this valid poetry?...Interpretations?...Overall impressions?...Thank you...

    Rainbow cinnamon gumdrop

    Lemon & purple people,are a plastic mystery

    Day glow bubble gum pork chop

    Lilac lady will go down in history

    Climb inside my world

    Climb inside my bellybutton bean bag plastic world

    Brain cheese bell bottom mind game

    Pig pen Henry drinks a prune juice everyday

    Tie die business man snowflake

    Rubber man bouncing down a mushroom gravy highway

    Climb inside my world

    Climb inside my bellybutton bean bag plastic world

    Saffron tea bag perogi

    Parsley panda has a pepperoni pocket comb

    Flight bag dripped with lasagna

    Meat loaf monkey drives a moon beam motor home

    Climb inside my world

    Climb inside my bellybutton bean bag plastic world

    5 AntwortenPoetryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hi..I'm just visiting and am admittedly,a bit off center..Should I give this idea,a real life run?

    My street pharmacist is on mandatory sabbatical,so I was thinking of visiting a legit dealer at Walgreen's...The scenario is this...In tribute to Karl Childers,of "Sling Blade",I would approach the pharmacist,when prompted for my prescription and hand he or she a bogus prescription for a 30 day supply of pharmaceutical grade mustard and a box of gluten-free home made biscuits and then follow up with a question:"Yes ma'am,the prescription is valid.hmmm..I was ahelpin' the boy carry his warsh home and he tole me,he was AMA board certified..You ain't got no cause to be scared,you seem like nice folks,up in here..hmmm..I don't reckon I got no reason to kill no-body.hmm..I reckon what else you got in there,good to take?..That feller 'at jus' left,seemed powerful happy,with his sick folk pills..hmmm..How much ye won't for a bag of 'em blue and pink 'ens.hmm I reckon,I'd like the big 'ens..The doctors up to the nervous hospital,tole me ta stay away from Cathleen,'cause cowfee makes me nervous when I drink it.hmmm..It didn't make no sense ta me neether.hmmm.I reckon I wonder if you got some other doctor pills I can kill 'at no account Doyle Hargraves with..My kaiser blade,some folks call it a sling blade,I call it a kaiser blade,is in the shop for sharpening,else I reckon,I'd use it instead .hmm...alright den...

    Just kidding about the street pharmacist...Oh yeah,should I have prefaced my coo-coo pants question,with,"Spirtually Speaking",or is that a requirement on this forum?

    9 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • R&S Junkies,Have ya ever experienced one of those decades,that you wish you'd rather have just stayed in bed?

    If so and you did stay in bed...Did you tap the snooze button,upon awakening?

    Next...Why would someone post trash like this,on the Toy forum,rather than share with his friends,on R/S?...Is it simply 'cause the subject in question,was unrelated to both spirituality & religion?...Who am I kiddin',It'll probably be shredded by the Watchdogs,anyhow...(just need a little help);_ylt=AvAQW...

    Please talk among yourselves,as I continue to watch the Fedor/Rogers MMA fight...Go,Fedor!!!

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Seeking information on the 1965 Marx Toys plastic characters;"The Marx Spoofing Caricatures"?

    The set of 8, hilarious 6'' military figures,were predominately molded in Great Britain and are in the same vein,as the (18) figure set of 1963-64 Marx "Nutty Mads" and (6) figures set of 1964 "Weird Ohs" figures..

    There are often referred to among collectors,as simply "Generals","Marx Generals" or "Marx Nutty Generals"...I personally own only two of the Generals": "General Eric Flugel Von Strudel" and Lieut Saki Sake...Two other character names in the group are,American,"Sergeant Sweet" and Mexican,"Manuel Maraca"..There is also a British & Russian caricature and two other unidentified spoofs,that I've been unable to find info on...I've placed calls to the "Marx Toy Museum",checked repeatedly on E-bay for the past two years, have emailed back and forth with a few other obsessive Generals lovers but with limited success. I do have a few photos of the original 6 figure package,that they were issued in and a grainy color photo,of the (eight?) figures(there may have been dual versions of 2 characters?...

    Any additional information at all,would be greatly appreciated(though the curator at the Marx Museum,stated that they had only seen one photo of these figures,many years ago...

    On ebay,the figures generally(no pun intended),sell for $300.00-$400.00 per character.

    1.Need additional character names


    3.Answer to the (6 or 8?)

    4. Need direction to finding owners and or sellers of the figures


    Thank you for indulging my strange

    3 AntwortenToysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Did anyone miss the Machida/Rua fight,other than the 3 judges?

    I'm feeling a bit of righteous indignation...Seriously,I actually wondered if this would happen and shared my concerns with my friends. though I'm slightly miffed,I'm not overly shocked...Dana should spend his money on better padded cards,instead of paying off officials...

    2 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who honesty cares which games we choose?

    There's little to win,but nuthin' to lose...Well,generally speaking..Unless of course,there's money involved...But really,I think that's only common sense...

    Typically,I avoid personal inquiries,on Y/A,however,I've been quite ill today and blame the Tylenol cold medicine,for the loosening of inhibitions...

    6 AntwortenOther - Games & Recreationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • R/S Friend,"Searcher..Bubble Queen" Is Experiencing Y/A Withdrawal Symptoms?

    Which is far more challenging and devastating,than the PC viruses, that have suspended her on-line activites for an undetermined period and without concience, thrust her headlong into an offline existence...

    Does Yahoo Central(The Loving Brotherhood of Watchdogs), offer a detox program for these helpless individuals?

    She misses her friends and wants everyone to know....

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where You Aware That "1 For Him" Is In Celebration Of Her...?


    Happy Birthday,"Won For Him"!!! ...

    Do I Hear The Growl Of The Watchdogs?...Hang Him Up,He Wished Someone A Happy Birthday...Stone Him,Violate Him...I Mean,Issue A Violation Notice To Him...

    17 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is There Someone Whom You Would Like to Publicly Forgive?

    On This Forum?...The Inspiration For My Question,Is Related To An Earlier Question Asked By Rammie(Ramjet)

    21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hey, What do you think Uncle Wayne would do if....?

    Mr. Gorbachev,tried to tear down his wall....Man,that would be way over the edge harsh...

    14 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are others experiencing avatar challenges...are the "Y/A Watchdogs"..?

    messin' with me,or is there a genuine Y/A system glitch? Also,If I must embrace my new representation,is there a way to trade the "red x" for a green or purple hue? Red just speaks "angry" to me, while green represents life and purple is so mysterious...Oh yeah,Please quote something that would be concidered "spiritual" in nature...

    15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wondered If Anyone Has Heard From Any of the Following....?

    Acid Zebra,Markyy,Core,Heretic,Sho Nuff,Meat Bot,Report Bot,...were they absorbed by the Yahoo Brotherhood? Incarcerated in some dark dungeon,under the close supervision of the Y.B. Watchdogs? Should we contact the A-Team?

    18 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I think that R&S regular,"Thrice Baked"needs to stop..?

    ...messin' around,on R&S and go bake us a batch of cookies..Is that too much to ask?

    (I'm only teasing her)

    18 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can One Contract Shingles by Simply Dating...?

    ... a cute little Muffin?

    17 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt