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3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntKOSTEN - mit Datic oder Akkusativ?
Was soll ich sagen um fehlerlos Deutsch zu sprechen: Das hat MICH zuviel Gel gekostet oder das hat MIR zuviel Geld gekostet? Meine Woerterbuecher sagen nichts darueber. Bitte hilf mir!
2 AntwortenSprachenvor 1 JahrzehntIst es wahr das Magdeburg arg an Auslaenderfeindlichkeit leidet?
Ist es wahr das Magdeburg eine gefaehrliche Stadt fuer Auslaender ist und arg an Auslaenderfeindlichkeit leidet? (Ich bin Niederlandischer der 25 Jahr in Australien wohnt, und habe die Absicht in Magdeberg zu arbeiten/wohnen. Ein Deutscher hat mir empfehlt das nicht zu tuen wegen der Auslaenderfeindlichkeit dort.)
6 AntwortenSonstige Städte - Deutschlandvor 1 JahrzehntWieviel kostet es in Magdeburg zu wohnen?
Ich bin Australier & fahre sofort von Melbourne nach Magdeburg da zu wohnen/arbeiten. Ich moechte wissen wievel es kostet ("cost of living") in dieser Stadt zu wohnen. Kann jemand hierunter eine Leiste beistellen mit Preisen taeglicher Handelswaren in Magdeburg od. Saxony-Anhalt? (Z.b. Miete, Gas/Strom, Internet, Telefonrechnung, Milche, Brot, Shampoo, Zahnpasta, Bier, Zigaretten, Restaurants, Bus, Taxi, usw, usw).
Vielen Dank und Gruesse aus Melbourne!
5 AntwortenSachsen-Anhaltvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the world's largest industries?
Can anyone provide a list of the world's largest industries? (Please don't just guess or give your opinion, but give a credible source for your information. Thank you!)
Someone told me they are arms dealing, tourism and English as a Foreign Language teaching. I'm just wondering if this is true and what the rest are.
12 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 JahrzehntDoes anyone know what the French surname "du Prie" translates to in English?
6 AntwortenGenealogyvor 1 JahrzehntIs homosexuality a sin?
Can you be gay and christian? Is it just what you do that matters or does it matter how you feel and what you are? Will gays go to hell unless they become straight in their actions and thoughts? What if you're gay/lesbian and you wanna be christian but you can't help looking at other guys/girls?
34 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat have been the coldest and hottest days (maximum temps) you have ever experienced?
Mine were: coldest -10 degrees Centigrade in Beijing, China, January 2005; hottest +43 degrees Centigrade in Melbourne, Australia, January 2003.
17 AntwortenWeathervor 1 JahrzehntHow do you decide if something has aesthetic value or not?
Why do you like certain artworks while others don't move you at all, while others yet are just "rubbish" to you? What standards would you apply to a work or art to decide if it is of aesthetic value? How it relates its content? Artefactual elements? Social/use-value considerations? Postmodern levelling?
How should aesthetic form best mediate sedimented content?
9 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 1 JahrzehntHow much is too much?
Not considering drunken violence, how much alcohol is too much?
14 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 JahrzehntAt what point does "dark & silent" become "shy & lacking confidence"?
I ask this because people often describe me as "shy". But I don't really feel I lack confidence. I'd say reserved, by which I mean I don't usually go up to people I don't know and say "hello", and I'm not at all a fan of "small talk". I don't know why people always interpret this as shyness though, or why, if you're not loud & extroverted something must be wrong with you. By what criteria would you judge a person shy? Or aloof? At what point does being reserved become a social liability?
10 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehntwhat kind of guy is more attractive - tall & slim, or big & muscled?
15 AntwortenSkin & Bodyvor 1 JahrzehntIs there anything "outside" of the Universe?
Or is this a meaningless question?
18 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 JahrzehntWhat exactly does it mean to "give face" in Chinese culture?
I've heard that in China you cannot only lose or save face, you can give face as well. What exactly does it mean to give someone face? How does one go about giving face? What happens if I inadvertently neglect to give face?
4 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 JahrzehntHow does the sun move in places where the Midnight Sun shines?
I'd like to know how the sun moves across the sky in latitudes where it stays above the horizon for 24 hours during summer. If it stays above the horizon that means it doesn't rise in the East and set in the West. How exactly does it move through the sky? Where in the sky is the sun at solar "midnight" in these locations?
4 AntwortenWeathervor 1 JahrzehntIs there any true relic of the genitive case left in modern English?
I'm not thinking of the clitic -'s after nouns, but a true preserved relic of the Old English genitive case.
I would like to suggest that the expression Mondays (of a Monday), Tuesdays (of a Tuesday), afternoons (of an afternoon), is perhaps a true genitive case relic - although it's felt to be plural nowadays. Also, the Dutch cognate of the expression ('s Maandags, 's middags etc.) does infect decline for genitive case.
However, I don't know for sure the origin of the expression. Does anyone out there have any ideas?
[Example sentence: "I usually work afternoons" = to "I usually work of an afternoon" which seems to suggest that "afternoons" is actually declining for genitive case rather than inflecting for plural.]
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 Jahrzehnt