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Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • So, does the "Day without Immigrants" also include immigrants giving up taxpayer-funded public assistance for the day?

    And please don't go there. I'm not saying that all immigrants are on public assistance. I'm just asking if they're showing a true and full picture or if, as liberals usually do, they are they cherry-picking their data to get the result they want.

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • Does anyone else find it odd that those who claim they can read Zimmerman's mind...?

    and know his true thoughts and intentions are the same people who want to severely punish Zimmerman because he dared to question Trayvon's thoughts and intentions?

    They cry that Zimmerman should have ignored TM and done a thousand things differently, yet they don't question TM's choices that night. Why didn't he call 911? Why didn't he call his family? Whey didn't he keep walking? Why didn't he run from Zimmerman if he was so terrified of the man?

    You can't have it both ways. If you're allowed to hate Zimmerman because you "just know" what he was thinking, then you have to conclude Zimmerman was doing nothing wrong because he "just knew" (actually only questioned) what TM was thinking and doing.


    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Can any liberals explain to me why spending can't be reduced?

    The only "spending" cuts libs like are tax hikes. They think the government pays for tax cuts. You do not borrow money for tax cuts. You are merely allowing people to keep what they have earned. The borrowing is to SPEND on programs. It's the spending that needs to be cut.

    I can't believe how many people can't understand this simple concept. If you buy a house that is too expensive, a dozen new cars, jewelry, go on expensive vacations, and basically spend more than you earn on useless stuff, are you going to go to your boss and demand a raise because you have overspent? How do you think that conversation will go?

    When you need more money at the end of the month, you have two choices: Cut your spending or work harder and take on more responsibility. Overspending is no reason to get a raise. If you know of a company that does hand out raises based on your spending habits and not your job duties, PLEASE send me their info. I will move across the country for such a great job!

    15 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Does anyone else find this hilarious?

    BO claims that he's NOW going to finally reach across the aisle and work with conservatives. This is the man who shut Republicans out of Obamacare discussions completely and told Republicans to sit down and shut up as well as get in the back of the bus. Is anyone really stupid enough to believe this?

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do people think they are OWED a certain salary simply because they show up for work?

    You are not owed a living wage simply because you show up for work. You MUST have a skill that is worth whatever a "living wage" may be. If you show up and are lazy or simply unable to provide a service to your employer that is worth (just for the sake of argument) $15/hour, then you will have to learn how to get by on less.

    Think about how this would work. Let's say a "living wage" is $15/hour. Then, everyone working at the grocery stores, the department stores, the gas stations, etc. would have to be paid $15/hour. This would greatly increase the cost of the goods and services provided by these companies. This would mean that they would have to double their prices. This would mean that $15/hour is no longer a "living wage" because the cost of living would greatly increase.

    It would not end. It COULD not end because every time you increase the "living wage," you also increase the cost of living.

    You are worth what you are worth. If you want to be worth more, work harder, take on more responsibility, and learn valuable skills. That's how we adults have done it for centuries (long before there was a minimum wage).

    5 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Libs, how about if B0 told you that you didn't earn your college degree?

    After all, you didn't do that. You needed professors to teach you, buildings in which to hold classes and live, roads and bridges to get to school, factories to make the books, etc. So, you didn't really earn your degree and should have to share your credits with those who were unable to attend college.

    So, why should you get preferential treatment in employment because you have a degree? After all, you didn't do that.

    PLEASE don't tell me B0's quote was taken out of context. I've heard the whole speech, and it's much worse than that one phrase.

    8 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • If Trayvon was "unarmed" how did he do so much damage to Zimmerman?

    Trayvon had his fists and he was able to do extensive damage to Zimmerman while being "unarmed." When will the media TELL THE TRUTH?

    Not having a weapon does not mean you are defenseless. For some of us it does, but not this football player.

    The media constantly refers to him as a child. He's less than a year from being an adult. He's over six feet tall. This is not a helpless little boy.

    Why didn't Trayvon call 911 instead of his girlfriend?

    Why didn't he just outrun this much older, fatter person?

    Why did it take a month for the media to tell us about the EYE WITNESS that backs up Zimmerman's story that he was attacked?

    Please...before rushing to judgement, LEARN ALL THE FACTS.


    11 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • If you think someone is about to attack you, what do you do?

    There's a man following you for no apparent reason. He's shorter and older than you and is overweight. You are a football player and could most-likely easily out-run him.

    Do you:

    1 - Run and get away from him?

    2 - Call your girlfriend on your cell phone and tell her about it?

    3 - Use that cell phone to call 911 and tell them that you think you're in danger?

    4 - Turn around, beat the crap out of the guy, and pound his skull into the pavement, without asking any questions?

    What does an intelligent, rational, law-abiding citizen do? Hmmmmm...


    11 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • I guess Rush was wrong?

    I mean, a woman who has sex 4 - 5 times a day (as she proudly stated with her birth control costs) could be considered by some to be a s!ut. However, I think the more appropriate definition would be a wh0re or prostitute because this woman is insisting that we pay her for sex.

    Personally, she can do whatever she wants with her body. Maybe that's how she's paying for school. I don't care - UNTIL she demands my money for her luxuries.

    Where was this outrage when Sarah Palin was being called those names and worse? Just proof that the liberals are two-faced.

    9 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What dictionary do liberals use when defining the word "fair?"?

    Isn't "fair" allowing everyone the OPPORTUNITY to be successful. And, wouldn't "unfair" be punishing those who work hard by taking their money and giving it to able-bodied people who simply choose not to be of any benefit to society whatsoever.

    Do libs think it's fair that sports superstars get paid more than the bench warmers? I mean, they all have to show up for practice and every game. Why is it that those who chose to train harder and spend their free time practicing more than required are paid millions more than those who barely make the squad?

    And, hey, some are just born more athletic. Why is it fair that THEY get more money simply because they were born into a better body? Haven't they simply won life's lottery? Shouldn't everyone be given a chance to play pro sports and make tons of money - even if they're fat an lazy?

    Where are the libs crying about how unfair professional sports is to the fat, lazy, and uncoordinated? Why is this income inequality OK in sports, but not in the rest of the working world?


    10 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Has anyone ever seen someone use an EBT card for ONLY healthy food?

    Why is it that every time I see someone using their EBT (food stamp) card at the store, they have at least some junk food (sometimes it's 100% junk food)? Why do working people have to buy soda, chips, candy, and such for people who receive food stamps?

    The cries from the left are that these people would starve in the streets if we didn't give them our money. However, junk foods are LUXURIES. You don't need candy bars, potato chips, and Pepsi to survive. In fact, we supposedly have an obesity epidemic. Could this be the reason why? If we really care about these people, shouldn't we program the cards so that they are no good for crap food?

    I've also noticed that about 90% of them go on to buy cigarettes after using my tax money to buy their food. If they have money for smokes, why do they still need my money?


    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What is it REALLY about voter ID that terrifies liberals?

    PLEASE stop playing the "poor" card. A photo ID (not a driver's license - just a state-issued photo ID) in my state costs $20 every four years. Every poor person I see has money for at least one of the following: smokes, junk food, cable TV, video games, hair extensions, manicured nails, trendy clothing, candy, soda pop, etc. And you want me to believe that they can't possibly come up with FIVE DOLLARS PER YEAR for an ID card? Good gravy, how about a better argument?

    It's their choice. If they'd rather choose to have one more pack of smokes every year than vote, so be it. How about a little personal responsibility?

    16 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • For those who want Socialism, I have a question:?

    Since you believe in "to each according to his needs and from each according to his means," would you agree to this scenario?

    Young people are most capable of doing strenuous physical labor on a daily basis. So, why don't all of you college-educated young folk who can't find a job go do physical labor every day and give your money to someone older who is not capable of such hard work? After all, you have the means to do the hard work (a young, healthy body), and the older people do not.

    Does it sound as fair when you're on the losing end? Do you like the idea when you'll be working harder than others, yet getting no greater reward?


    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Since liberals want to help the poor, why don't they overpay their taxes?

    Why don't liberals overpay their taxes? It's perfectly legal. And why do they take tax deductions (or loopholes/corporate welfare as they like to call it when other people or corporations use them)?

    Aren't they stealing from the poor? If they are going to scream for higher taxes for others, shouldn't they start the ball rolling by refusing any deductions - even the standard exemption for themself and their family members?

    And why do liberals donate money to charities when the government knows better how to spend money than the private sector? Shouldn't they be giving all their donations to the Feds instead of Greenpeace, the Humane Society, and other private charities?

    Liberals - please explain this to me. If you believe in what you say, why don't your actions back it up?

    7 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 10 Jahren
  • Liberals, can you please explain how your idea of income equality would work?

    Libs seem to think that everyone should get the same pay no matter what they do. It's not fair for some people to earn more than others, right?

    So, exactly who is going to work weekends and midnights for the same money? Who is going to go to college for 4 - 8 years if they're going to make the same money as a high school drop out? Who is going to risk their life being a policeman, fireman, construction worker, etc. if there is no extra reward? Who is going to work outside in the rain, snow, cold, and heat for the same money as the guy who sits behind a desk all day?

    Exactly how would your utopia work? How do you determine who has to take the hard jobs?

    9 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you understand the story of Robin Hood?

    He did not exactly "steal from the rich and give to the poor." He stole from the tax collectors and gave back to the taxpayers. The evil rich were rich because they were stealing from the poor and calling it "taxes." They lived like kings, and those who actually worked for a living could barely get enough to eat.

    So, those of you who thinks it's great to steal from the evil rich to give to the poor should realize that today's equivalent would be taking money back from pork programs, excessive politician salaries, and welfare slackers in order to give the money back to the hard-working taxpayers who actually earned the money.

    The moral of the story is that it is wrong to steal what someone else has earned. You need to make sacrifices in your own life to make ends meet. All responsible adults do this when things get tight. Robin Hood did not steal what someone else had earned. He only stole back what had been taken from the poor.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Are these the actions of a world leader or a childish brat?

    So BO has finally produced his birth certificate. Big whoop. Why did he spend millions fighting our requests to see it? This seems like the actions of a petty, childish, spoiled brat - not the actions of a leader. Our President is playing games to show that he's the boss? Really? This man is insecure and weak and the rest of the world knows it.

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is it OK for people to abuse their EBT Card?

    Several times recently, I have been in line at the grocery store behind people who are taking advantage of their neighbors (taxpayers). One woman had money for smokes and a cell phone, yet had to use my money to buy her junk food and quality meats with her EBT card. Another day, the man in front of me used his EBT card to buy $40 worth of Ghardelli chocolate bars.

    Since when does helping people mean that we have to provide luxuries? You don't need junk food. You don't need steaks. You don't need prepared frozen meals. You don't need chocolate and candies.

    Why can't they fix the system so that they can't buy things that many working people can't afford? Exactly how is this fair to working people? We should never let anyone starve or go without shelter. However, since when are expensive chocolates, potato chips, and cans of Pepsi a necessity?

    9 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are those of you who believe in sharing the wealth willing to share what you have earned?

    Since you have "won life's lottery" by being lucky enough to have gone to college, are you willing to sacrifice the credits you earned in order to give a chance to someone else who did not get the chance to go to college?

    Are you willing to sacrifice your grades in order to even things out and give everyone passing grades? Shouldn't everyone just get a C so that no one feels bad about their grades and no one has a better chance at a job than those who studied hard and got A's?

    How do you feel about sharing what YOU have earned?

    19 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt