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Favorisierte Antworten15%
  • Obama and Romney what's the deal with these guys?

    Someone school me on these guys with pros and cons. I feel like I'm just informed and don't know much about them. What good and bad have they done for this country?

    3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think of the Dream Act?

    Just curious.. I hope I can a get a response from both sides of the table

    3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 9 Jahren
  • Is legal for someone on Facebook ?

    To create a page dedicated to slandering people and calling them whores? Apparently its dedicated to people from a certain area code. Someone writes a short paragraph about why so and so(guy or girl)is basically a whore and sends it in a message and then they post it to their like page. They even put a link of that person with their picture on their. Is this ok? Not going to lie but a friend of mine liked it and so did I but now it just seems so sad. People are just saying really mean stuff about these people and even going as far as talking about their kids. Doesn't fb have rules set up to protect those people?

    5 AntwortenFacebookvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you think it's ok for a Dr. to not tell his patient that she was carrying twins on purpose.?

    Ok so it's a crazy sad story but a male coworker of my mom had a gf who was pregnant. She was huge and when she finally gave birth through c section the couple found out that it was twins. The messed up part is all the staff and Drs who saw her through her pregnancy knew it and didn't tell her. The really sad part about is the other twin was born without a head and that's why they never told them. It was a fully developed baby just missing it's head and was taking all the nutrients from the other baby so the surviving one was really small. The couple wanted to have the Dr fired or sued for it but i'm not sure if they will be able to do either. I just think it was an awful thing to do to this young couple especially since the mother had to carry these babies for all those months.

    Now this is where I get scared shitless. We all live in this really small town that has one Ob office that does prenatal care and I'm pregnant. I know this Dr and saw him for my previous pregnancy and despised him so much I went to a different hospital I wasnt registered at so he wouldn't deliver my baby. I was kind of hoping he got fired or retired since that incident but when I called them he was still working there but they also brought in a new Dr. I highly doubt that I will have twins but my father is a triplet, my aunt has twins, and my cousin has twins.

    My biggest fear at this point is they will not tell me if something is wrong with my unborn baby.

    Maybe I'm worrying too much I don't know. Am I overdoing it or should I switch my prenatal care office because that's what I told the the receptionist I was going to do.

    Please be kind with your responses. People on yahoo like to be rude or mean when it's unnecessary

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • At how many weeks did you get you gender determination ultrasound?

    I know at 16 weeks the sex is determined but don't you think it would be better to wait till 20 weeks

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • Should the government do more to make sure that welfare recipients spend their funds wisely?

    It's seems like everyone and their mom is on welfare these days. I know a lot of females who get it and I have nothing against it should they really need it. However I can't help but see that most of them blow their money. I know a girl who plans on getting a brazillian blowout in the upcoming month. For those of you who don't know those hair treatment cost 200 and up. She has 3 boys and is pregnant again. I can't help but feel that she should be using that money for her kids and buying diapers or something for the new baby. I can understand if you need haircut but 200 or more when you don't even have enough money in the first place is ridiculous. I know another girl who is always eating out like literally everyday and yes I can understand it maybe once every other week but everyday is too much especially since she gets foodstamps and can go home and make food for her kids instead of feeding them crap. She also always is taking trips to LA and recently Mexico. No wonder why most of these people are broke halfway through the month. Like I said I have nothing against those who really need the help but the way they're spending their money is insane. Shouldn't the govt take more interest in the way this money is being spent? Do you think that people who have to work for their money are more responsible because they actually had to physically work? It's like they don't even value the money they have because they know it's always going to be there... While others know that if they miss a day of work because they're sick it's going to really mess with their paycheck.

    Please don't get offended or say something negative. I'm stating what I have seen and still see. Im not saying every recipient is like this because I have seen some do something to improve their lives and get off aid.

    5 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Do you think people should be allowed to keep having kids?

    Just a question so please don't get all pissed off. Do you think people should be allowed to keep having more kids if they don't have the means to take care of them? My childhood friends has 3 kids. Her youngest is 6 months and she currently 3 months prego. Shes only 22 years old. Her only income is welfare and the oldest kids dad doesn't pay child support and the father of her other 2 and her unborn doesn't work or pay child support. He used to pimp women... Yes I said pimp them. He had 2 cars and lives with his mom. He never gave her any money or provided her with a ride anywhere. She would always ask me to take her places. Yet she told me she loved him since they were young and so long as he wants to come around she wants to be with him. When she told me she was pregnant again I didn't know what to say. I was kind of annoyed because she had just been evicted for the 3rd time from her apartment and she has no one to help her financially. I asked her what her plans were and I know she's had 3 abortions and that's a lot so I didn't wanna ask her if she was going to have one. She's currently staying with another friend and her child in a one bedroom apartment. I had told her she should consider getting her tubes tied after this baby is born. She flat out said no because she's not done! Wtf I can't help but feel a little pissed off that she's subjecting her kids to this lifestyle. Her oldest one is in and out of school and has already been held back because he had too many problems during kindergarten. She also took the second one out of school because kids were making fun of him because of his hair(he's half black). I find that really hard to believe since I live in a city with a lot of African Americans. I tried telling her that she could go to this tech school that will help her get her Ged and train her for something like medical assisting. They wouldn't even charge her anything because she's low income and she said she doesn't want to do that. I do feel bad for her because I know she's had a really ****** up life. She never really had a mother because she was ****** crazy. Her dad was never really there either and when he had lived with her in one of her apartments he was on ankle monitor and is HIV positive. I'm trying to motivate her to go to school or something because of the fact she's on aid the county will help her ALOT. I don't know why but a lot of the girls I know who recieve help from the government don't do anything even though there are so many programs to help them. I'm not saying all but there are many. I can't help but feel the father of her children and sometimes bf should be the one helping her since I have my own responsibilities and life. I just pray her kids go back to school and make a better life for themselves or else it's just going to be another vicious cycle.

    I don't have anything against those who receive welfare that actually need it. Like those who have lost their bread winners or are out of the job. However, I feel like this is why many people don't like them and that her while situation could have been avoided had she used birth control that was offered to her after everytime she had a kid.

    Sorry for rambling!

    Do you think people should be allowed to keep bringing these children into the world when they cannot take care of them and don't try to do so?

    PLEASE PEOPLE DO NOT GET MAD! It's merely a question and it only had to do with certain circumstances and not pointed towards everyone.

    8 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 9 Jahren
  • What kind of job could he have a chance at?

    Ok so here's the story to the best of my knowledge. A friend of mine and I were having a conversation about money and working. She's like 3 months prego and she was saying she's trying to get a job and I asked her why doesn't her kids dad try and find a job. She told me its because its really hard for him to get a job because he has a felony for a gun charge. So I'm just wondering what kind of job could this guy actually get? Is it really as hopeless as she thinks or is this guy just being a lazy ***? She just got evicted for the 3rd time and he's always going back an forth to his moms and her place when she had her apartment. She has 1 kid with one guy and two kids with this guy. She's also pregnant again. I tried convincing her he's no good but she doesn't seem to care. He also doesn't pay any kind of support. Is this weapons charge making it near impossible for him to actually work?

    2 AntwortenFood Servicevor 9 Jahren
  • What kind of job will he be able to have a chance at?

    Ok so here's the story to the best of my knowledge. A friend of mine and I were having a conversation about money and working. She's like 3 months prego and she was saying she's trying to get a job and I asked her why doesn't her kids dad try and find a job. She told me its because its really hard for him to get a job because he has a felony for a gun charge. So I'm just wondering what kind of job could this guy actually get? Is it really as hopeless as she thinks or is this guy just being a lazy ***? She just got evicted for the 3rd time and he's always going back an forth to his moms and her place when she had her apartment. She has 1 kid with one guy and two kids with this guy. She's also pregnant again. I tried convincing her he's no good but she doesn't seem to care. He also doesn't pay any kind of support. Is this weapons charge making it near impossible for him to actually work?

    1 AntwortLaw & Legalvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think of this boy name?

    My cousin is having a boy and these are the names some of the women in my family came up with

    Valentino Elias Snoe

    Atlee Valentino Snoe

    Jason Brody Snoe

    Blake Anthony Snoe

    Joseph Raymond Snoe

    Adrian Dominic Snoe

    9 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 9 Jahren
  • Is anyone else annoyed by nicki minaj?

    I think she's pretty but I cannot stand some of the crap she raps about and her different voices? Wtf

    10 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 9 Jahren
  • My cousins daughter keep trying to kiss people?

    My cousins daughter is 6 or almost 7 and she keeps trying to kiss people. She isn't trying to kiss anybody though but certain people. One incident was we were at my cousins place(I'll call her anna)and my other cousin(I'll call her Jane)was there with her two daughters. Jane caught the 6 year old telling her daughter to kiss her and to keep kissing her. When Jane told Anna what her daughter did all she said was "don't be saying that". Jane went and stepped up and told her that it wasn't right for a little girl to try and kiss others like that and that it's for adults only. Later on after that another incident happened where she told my 16 year old brother to kiss her and once again Anna only said not to be saying that. The last incident something happened the 6 year old told my husband to kiss her. Her mom never gives her any kind of talk about how wrong that is. Shouldn't she or her husband step up to teach her daughter that's not ok? I stopped going to her house because her daughter is just way too much and keeps acting like she's and adult while her mom just tells her to be quiet instead of trying to teach her how a little girl should behave.

    1 AntwortParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • Car AC not working the same?

    I got my clutch bled and master & slave cylinder replaced because it would not go into gear and now it's all lovely and fixed but the AC is not blowing cold the same way it use to? What happened?

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahren
  • Ok so I this sounds crazy but is it possible?

    My friend who is now 23 is flat chested and she said the reason why her breasts never got bigger was because when she was 14 she got pregnant and gave birth at 15. She said that since she was so young she never got to develop since she got pregnant. I thought that was a crazy excuse but it got me to thinking is this even possible? She also said that she never got the chance to breast feed since she never got breast milk but I believe that part. I just need some kind of logical reason with facts. No stupid answers please

    3 AntwortenPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • Who do you think has a better chance at winning the election?

    I'm not asking who you want to win just who you think has a better chance

    5 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Pros and cons of Obama and Romney being president ?

    Who would be better and why

    7 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Wireless Internet is connected but won't allow me to use the Internet?

    I just got att and my laptop is currently getting fixed so I wasn't sure if I need it to setup the Internet wifi. I was just planning on connecting it to use the wifi for my phone till my laptop comes back in a few days but once It gets connected to my phone it says no Internet access but it shows it connected? Do I need my laptop to set it up first?

    1 AntwortOther - Internetvor 9 Jahren
  • Red enchilada recipe por favor! ?

    The ones I had had a hint of sweetness and weren't drenched in sauce just lightly coated and were topped with lettuce and cotija cheese only. I also don't think the sauce had a tomato base.

    1 AntwortCooking & Recipesvor 9 Jahren
  • How much should I be selling my clothes for at a yard sales?

    I have tons of pants and shirts with tags on them still. Lots of new or lightly used baby clothes and I've never had a yard sale before :/

    2 AntwortenMarketing & Salesvor 9 Jahren