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Favorisierte Antworten16%
  • Did I have the right of way?

    I was at an intersection where one car was facing me while I was at a red light waiting to turn right while the other car was waiting to turn left. When the light turned green, I started to turn, but this guy started to accelerate into the lane I was turning into, trying to beat me or something. He thought I was going to puss out and stop jam on my brakes, yet I continued forward, while my mom was in the passengers seat screaming her head off. The guy finally swerved and stopped before he rammed into the side of me. My mom was screaming at me saying I didn't have to right of way, yet didn't I?? We both had solid green lights and I was turning right, so shouldn't he of yielded me?

    I'm 16 and still have my permit so, I'm still learning...

    2 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 6 Jahren
  • Poll: How much snow are you getting?

    We are supposed to get 12-16 inches here. What about you?

    24 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 Jahren
  • How to stand up to my dad?

    My dad has anger issues, being EXPLOSIVE anger that could be set off from little issues. Long story short, he has hit me, pushed me, cursed at me, called me names, etc. I scream back at him as I feel I should show him I'm not afraid of him... I saw a therapist a few years ago (It was for my dad, but he ended up talking to me since my dad was so abusive) and he told me to ignore him when he does that and lock myself in my room and listen to music really loud... Yet I've tried that and he almost broke my door, and taken my door knob off. I don't know what to do when he gets like that, I get scared, yet I feel the need to defend myself, so I scream back. What should I do? He has taken this medication that was supposed to help his anger issues, which helped for a few months until he started getting side effects (such as losing hair). They did work very well, but he stopped taking them... Now he is just as explosive as he was... Any help? I'm a 16 year old girl... I haven't gotten my license yet, but I have my permit, so I can't drive away...

    4 AntwortenFamilyvor 6 Jahren
  • 16/17 year old beach week?

    Would you let your 16 year old girl with a group of 7 other kids (guys and gals) ranging from 16-17 years old for a week down at the beach? They all planned out how much money it'll be.. What do ya'll think?

    By the way, the boys that she is bringing are her best friends she had since she was 3 years old, so they are pretty much brother and sister...

    4 AntwortenParentingvor 6 Jahren
  • Are Keurigs worth the extra bucks?!?

    My brother and I are going to buy my parents a Keurig for Christmas because my mom had always wanted one since last Summer. Anyway, I looked it up, and it's $190. I looked at some of the reviews and some didn't look too good. Anyone have a Keurig, and if so could you give me your opinion? Thanks!

    5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 Jahren
  • First time working as a waitress? Please help?

    I'm 15, and turning 16 next Thursday... Yet, still cannot serve alcohol. I've been working at the restaurant as a hostess/busser for 2 months. The owner scheduled me for being a waitress for one day where all the waitresses will be downstairs.

    There;s a **** ton of waiters and waitresses, so that's the thing that makes me question why they are making me work out of all people... The owner is a real *****, she makes all the waitresses cry all the time. I'm one of the two people (wait staff) who never cried from getting screamed and yelled at by the owner.

    Just a little view on why she is so rude... She keeps hammering you, extremely loud about it, likes to embarrass you in front of everyone, she makes you feel stupid, once she sees she's bothering you she goes in for more, etc. Like I said, she almost all of the wait staff cry multiple times.

    The reason for me telling you this is because she told me I'm going to be working with her that day. I have a feeling NONE of the waitresses/waiters wanted to work with her (all of them are complaining to the other owner about her) so they are making one of the hostesses/bussers do it.

    I have NO waitress experience AT ALL... And it's even worse... It's for a damn funeral! What do you guys all think? Any advice??

    1 AntwortEtiquettevor 6 Jahren
  • Should I tell the waitress she forgot to tip me?

    I work as a hostess and a busser. Because of that, I get tipped by all the waiters and waitress about 2% (I think) of their tips. It was really slow and the two waitresses at the end of the day gave me all together $7. (One gave me $3, the other $4) The other one, I'm pretty tight with, we talk every time I work, and she forgot to tip me. I left that night because she told me I could and she was totally cool with it, and normally she leaves my tip money in one of the drawers in the bar. I checked later today and saw it wasn't there. She probably would of given me $3 or $4, so I feel like it's nothing to fuss over about.

    Do you think I should confront her about it? (In a friendly way of course) I don't want this to break our thing that's going on, just for a couple bucks. What do you guys think? Thanks!

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 6 Jahren
  • Should I bring Msse (pepper spray) to work with me?

    I'm a 15 year old girl working at a restaurant as a hostess/busser. We have a bar and let me tell you, I see a lot of men walking out of there sh*t faced. A few times they give me these really creepy a** looks. Sometimes my shift ends at 9PM, (normally before 8:30) and I wait outside in the dark for my mom to come pick me up. I just read about some guy who got arrested in our area for the intentions of rape and child pornography...Yeah, once I read that I got a little freaked out. You guys think I should buy it or am I being too paranoid? Thanks!

    2 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • Should I bring Mase (pepper spray) to work with me?

    I'm a 15 year old girl working at a restaurant as a hostess/busser. We have a bar and let me tell you, I see a lot of men walking out of there sh*t faced. A few times they give me these really creepy a** looks. Sometimes my shift ends at 9PM, (normally before 8:30) and I wait outside in the dark for my mom to come pick me up. I just read about some guy who got arrested in our area for the intentions of rape and child pornography...Yeah, once I read that I got a little freaked out. You guys think I should buy it or am I being too paranoid? Thanks!

    1 AntwortOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 7 Jahren
  • My boss thinks I'm stupid?

    It was my 3rd day today at a restaurant as a hostess/busser (I'm 15). Since no one was coming in at the time, I came over to help the servers as they were juggling plates. (We had a party of 40) So, once I ran through the tables and got about 3-4 empty plates to give the dishwasher, and I had to remember to get some hot tea and some orange juice to two people, my boss comes up to me and he asks, "What's three squared?" (He used to be a math teacher) Immediately I thought he meant square root of three (Like I said, I was busy) so I said, "I don't know, probably around 1.3." And he shook his head and so did a waitress that was standing by. I immediately got embarrassed and wondered what I did wrong. When I was walking away to put the dishes away he asked the waitress, "Why do the cute ones got to be like that?" (Stupid) I immediately took offense. (I'm a straight A student taking all honors classes and an AP class currently) Throughout the day I was so annoyed and wanted to prove him that I AM smart, he just caught me off guard. I'm no ditz. I was thinking about the next work shift I have I'm going to show all of my "Distiguished Honor Roll" certificates to him or something.

    I know this might not be a big deal to some of you, but I hate knowing that my boss thinks I'm a stupid little blonde girl. Throughout the day when I was working I couldn't stop thinking about it, it bothered me so much. Any tips? Thanks!

    7 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • How do I confront the school board to start high school later?

    My high school starts at 7:15AM. I used to wake up at 5:00AM, but currently cannot physically do so, so now wake up at 5:30AM. There are some people I know who are forced to wake up at 4:30AM due to their bus coming around 5:30AM. Every student I have talked to have the same complaint, being tired. I'm only a sophomore, and it's the 2nd week of school, and I can not stand waking up this early. I'm in all honors classes, take 2 math classes, and an AP class and have 3-4 hours of homework on AVERAGE. I can not get to bed until 11:00-11:30 due to how much homework I have.

    Everyone is complaining, yet no one is doing anything about it. I feel like I should step up and confront them that we should start school no earlier than 8:00AM. I feel like I should get people to sing petition, but I'm not sure how many signatures it would take to get the school board's attention. There is roughly 4,000 students in the high school... How many signatures do you think I should shoot for? Thanks!!

    3 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 7 Jahren
  • My mom's boss won't pay her?

    Long story short about 6 months ago, my mom worked with a company that was laying off A LOT of people. All of her friends at work were getting laid off, so she had to get a job fast.

    Her one good friend told my mom she could get her a job... she said she needed my mom's help because she was swamped with work. (My mom is a really hard worker)

    So, the job was a work at home job and her boss met the family because he had to come to our house to install computers, printer, etc.

    The first day my mom worked from 7AM to 1AM. NOT EXAGGERATING. She worked her butt off. She basically did that for the first 2 weeks...

    So a few months pass by and my mom isn't complaining that much, she says he isn't paying her as much as he said he would, but she's getting by.

    Fast forward to last month. My mom's "friend" quits work because she found another job. Now my mom's boss is blaming this whole thing on my mom because he thinks my mom knew that her friend was going to quit. But in reality, my mom had no idea.

    Now, the boss won't give my mom her bonus, even though he gave it to her friend who freaking quit, and he won't pay her!! We can't even afford normal school supplies because this *** won't pay her!! What should she do? She has been looking for a job for awhile, and had a few interviews, but got no luck yet.

    My mom says he owes her $300 for her bonus alone. She won't say how much he owes her for the week he didn't pay her.

    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 7 Jahren
  • What is your worst experience getting a wax/manicure/pedicure?

    I got my eyebrows done Saturday and the person who was waxing them went over the same spot twice, creating my skin to burn really bad. The in next day I have this really dry, lump of skin in the middle of my eyebrows. She also put the wax on, put the strip of paper on, and got distracted and started talking to my friend for a few seconds. I felt the wax hardening... When she finally ripped it off I wanted to cry lol.

    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 7 Jahren
  • How much would you spend on your best friend's 16th birthday present?

    I'm 15 and I do not have a job. (I've been looking for one for a while, but no one wants someone who can't even drive yet.) I don't get an allowance either... I do get money every now and then, but that's for doing something like painting. (We are improving our house currently) So, it's my best friend's 16th birthday... She is Korean, and she says in her culture they don't really celebrate their birthdays as much as we Americans do... ( I lol'ed on that one)

    Anyway, how much would you spend on your best friend's 16th birthday present when you don't have a job? Thanks!!

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 7 Jahren
  • Do you think my Aunt is being rude?

    We literally see her once every 5-6 years because of how stubborn she is. We didn't go down there because they would complain and say there was something wrong with the house that they didn't want us to see. After they fixed that, (took them about a year or two) they now said that their dog was too aggressive. My mom finally said why not they come over here? ( it's only an hour and a half to two hour drive) Our aunt then said that it would be too much trouble because she would have to bring her oxygen tanks around with her. (She has some sort of disease... something fibrosis) Though, she never fails to drive down to NEW JERSEY to eat!! We then offered to DRIVE HER down and she would say that she is allergic to cats or say there is too much beach traffic. (My mom said she never was allergic to cats) I messaged this:

    Sunday 11:32am

    So I was thinking that you guys could come over Friday, the 15th and then stay for the weekend.

    Monday 3:11am

    Weekends until after beach time would be hard, like a Tuesday till Thursday would work better much less traffic.

    Monday 10:41am

    Yeah, but my mom and dad would have to work and there would be nothing really to do for you guys

    14 minutes ago

    Oh jeez, never mind, I talked to my mom about the whole thing and she said you guys could come over during the week, but it would be kind of boring since we wouldn't really be able to go out. If you don't want to come over then you don't have to keep making excuses... just say it.

    1 AntwortFamilyvor 7 Jahren