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  • Why does everyone go to wikipedia for historical content?

    Why does everyone go to wikipedia for historical content, when there are so many anomalies, and furthmore it's writen by common people, i can write there as well, so people please don't take information in there about everything. read more books, or state documents, there's the law where you can get all the information you want from your government.

    dont go wiki, it's just to wrong especially about historical fact.

    6 AntwortenWikipediavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • To witch country does epirus belong?

    i've read in my books that Epirhus belongs to albania and it was an illyrian tribe in the south, and the greeks called them barbarians (this way they called every non greek populance), but know i read that greeks claim that epirus is greek. What's the truth?? Epirus is albanian or greek

    i'm albanian, and i learnd my history, but its different from greeks, different from serbs.

    2 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i got some glands inside my nipples?

    i went to the dr but here in albania they know ****. i got some big glands inside my nipples, they were created during puberty, and goyt bigger over time,i am 22 now and they are very big and feels like very strong veins that goes through the chest, is it normal to have this "gland or veins". i dont know what to call these but i am worried. what are these please answer me

    2 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • world of warcraft playing in different computers?

    if i create an account and have 50 different characters to play with, can another character be played in another computer with the same account, at the same time. i'm opening a pub with video games in albania so a'm planing to buy 20 cd of wow and i want others to play wow, or every costumer will need a new account. i'm willing to pay 15$ a month per computer. but i dont know,

    p.s. we dont have a piracy law so i dont warry about anything ;).

    3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt