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Libertarian, the Constitution of the United States, pro-gun, anti-socialism of any form, Army NCO, FISTER, paratrooper, college educated, world traveler. My loves are my family, my country, the Bill of Rights, fighting for what you believe in, civil rights, common sense, history, anything Star Wars, film, music and music production, and photography. My hates are new liberals, people who ignore history or scientific facts and run solely on opinion without any education to back it up, social workers (waste of public funding), liars, bigots, Nazis, people who kill in the name of religion, Euro-trash, the ACLU, Marxists, sleazy politicans (both Republicans and Democrats), waste of tax payers money, and, most of all, out of control BIG GOVT in the US! I beleive in four things: The US Consitution, the Bill of Rights, the Ten Commandments, and the Golden Rule. I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE ALL THOSE OF THE IRRATIONAL LIBERAL PERSUASION TO CONTACT ME. Wow me with your brilliance!
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