Yahoo Clever wird am 4. Mai 2021 (Eastern Time, Zeitzone US-Ostküste) eingestellt. Ab dem 20. April 2021 (Eastern Time) ist die Website von Yahoo Clever nur noch im reinen Lesemodus verfügbar. Andere Yahoo Produkte oder Dienste oder Ihr Yahoo Account sind von diesen Änderungen nicht betroffen. Auf dieser Hilfeseite finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Einstellung von Yahoo Clever und dazu, wie Sie Ihre Daten herunterladen.

When watching Media Player TV, if you put the sound on mute during commercials,?
does the episode HAVE to start over -- as in there is no frickin' way to avoid commercials? If the answer is yes, I sure darn tootin' am taking that space-waster off my computer! I have just seen the same one minute 19 seconds over 5 times, just because I have turned off the volume during the ubiquitous commercials!
1 AntwortComedyvor 1 JahrzehntDoes Yahoo offer an option to stop screen ad movement for those of us with brain injuries?
Flashing images, created to get our attention, cause massive concentration problems for those of us already suffering from cognitive deficits as a result of brain trauma. I need to know if Yahoo offers any type of a filter which will allow me to stop images from moving so that I can actually use Yahoo. Those of us who are disabled often have special needs. Our brains can't filter out things that people without injuries can.
5 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt