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Lv 1154 points

Ritchie S

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  • Looking for a Content Management System (CMS) for a particular website project, please read if you can help!?

    Hello all,

    I'm aiming to build a website using a CMS, of PHP/MySQL format. I'm familiar with Drupal but I think that could be too complex for it; it seems to me that it will only need a simple CMS.

    The aim of the website is to be a simple one explaining what the company does. But a login system is required for clients who wish to obtain particular information from us. So for example, the client might log in, click a request information button, fill in some text fields and tick a selection of check boxes that are relevant. This then needs to be saved in a database and email our company a copy of it.

    We need a login system for ourselves to obtain this information via the website, and respond to it by attaching a PDF document or something similar.

    The hierachy may end up like a forum, with Admin (being myself), moderator (the employees) and users (the clients).

    I must also stress that it needs to look simple and jargon-free for both our clients and employees.

    Thanks very much!!

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hard Disk Not Detected in POST / BIOS, Light Constantly On...?

    Hi. I have a 20GB Fujitsu HDD that now can't be detected. It originally came with my IBM machine, which used to work fine but I've come back to use it after years and now the HDD cannot be detected in POST. I've altered the jumper settings, the IDE cable and checked that it's plugged in correctly. The HDD LED is constantly on. I've tried another HDD in the IBM machine and it works perfectly.

    I have also placed the Fujitsu HDD in another machine with its own HDD, which didn't work. I tried connecting the undetectable disk as a slave, on the same IDE cable as the master disk. This results in both of the HDD's not being detectable at POST. Again, the HDD LED is constantly on. This machine, without the Fujitsu HDD in it, works fine.

    I could really do with backing up this disk. As I say though, it is not detected on power up. There are no broken connection pins or any damage on the exterior that I can see. Any advice would be very much appreciated, thank you.

    2 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt