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  • Dental Implant, questions, concerns?

    I realize alot of this needs to be gone over with the surgeon performing the implant, if I decide to go this route.

    Back history. Broke one front tooth, fractured the other when I was 11. Had crowns put in. Fast forward 10 years, the tooth that had broken initially re-broke underneath the crown, my dentist says he thinks it failed due to microfractures from the impact of the original break. So we go over the options. He tells me that he couldn't gaurentee how long a post/crown would last due to my particular case (deep bite, bruxisim, condition of the remaining tooth). He grinds down the tooth to the gum line and removes some of the gutta percha to seat a temporary post/crown. The remaining tooth fractures.

    I otherwise have a healthy jaw. A crown or a bridge isn't ideal in this situation, and I was too distraught after finding out that an implant is the best option.

    What have been your experiences with implants? What kind of implant? What are the risks? What is the recovery time?

    7 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Auto accident question?

    My boyfriend was rear ended almost a year ago. We're close to settling now. Recently, the other party's (supposedly) attorney contacted my boyfriend's father saying that my boyfriend either needed to contact him to come to a settlement with the other party or he going to be served a summons to appear in court because she is going to sue him. His father's address was not the address on his insurance or drivers license at the time of the accident, so this in and of itself raises questions.

    We live in Florida, which is a no-fault state, but from the accident he has two herniated discs. She tried to extort him at the scene saying he was going to pay her 500$ "for a new bumper" or she'd sue. Her insurance already admitted responsibility for the accident and bodily injury. Should we take this call seriously? He's going to be calling his attorney tomorrow morning regarding the phone call.

    Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

    11 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Older dental crown?

    Long story short, I've had porcelian over metal crowns over my 2 front teeth for the past 10 years. I haven't had a single problem out of these crowns, then suddenly last night the left one became loose. I bit down on a cinnimon bun, of all things, and felt sort of a pop, bit down entirely and my bite was off. Went to the ladies room and checked it out, the crown shifted bottom forward.

    I have had no odd taste or odor out of these crowns that typically signify a failing cement bond. I recently switched to Rembrandt toothpaste, if that possibly has anything to do with it. Why would the bond suddenly fail without warning?

    The second issue is that ever since placement, my gums have been slightly blue. They do not bleed and they are not painful. I brush and floss daily, so it can't be due to poor dental hygine. No dentist has ever been able to recommend something to fix the blue tinge. I plan on asking my dentist AGAIN tomorrow if there's anything I can do.

    Advice appreciated.

    4 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Elastic allergy help?

    My boyfriend is allergic to the elastic in his underwear - He breaks out in a ring of hives all around his waist where the elastic is sitting. It is the right size for him (not that he's large around the wasit or anything) and he's tried a size up to see if it was due to constriction of the skin. No relief. It doesn't seem to be a latex allergy as he has no reaction to latex gloves or balloons or latex condoms. I hate to see him miserable, and the welts from the hives freak me out. I break out in hives from stress so I know how miserable it is.

    Any of you men out there have this problem? What brands have given you relief?

    2 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Crown question?

    When I was 12, I was tripped at a skating rink, chipping one front top incisor and fracturing the other top incisor (I believe these are the "correct" names for the teeth within my knowledge). My dentist performed a root canal on both teeth to avoid the possibility of necessity in the future and put porcelain over metal crowns on both teeth.

    Several years went by with no trouble. A couple of years ago, the tooth that was fractured initially began to ache on and off. Not seriously, just a twinge of pain once in awhile. A dentist has never been able to find a problem with it, quite the contrary, they often compliment the work done by the initial dentist. For the past couple of months, tt hurts constantly and hurts to gently push on the front of the tooth, no pain pushing on the bottom or the back of the tooth. No heat/cold sensitivity. Dentist says my gums look fine, and can't find a reason for the pain.

    Any ideas? Should I chalk it up to a sensitive crown?

    3 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Zyrtec question?

    I developed an immunity to my old allergy medicine, allegra, so had to switch. My doctor perscribed zyrtec. I have been taking it for about a week. I have been late to work every day this week due to my inability to wake up. My doctor initially told me to take it before bed, so I've been moving the time of dosage back further and further to try and counteract the drowsiness. No luck. I've also been somewhat tempermental since I started taking it... like I punched the button to the elevator I was so pissed off this morning about being late again. I'm groggy all day and lose my train of thought half way through doing something. Luckily my boss has bad allergies too and understands I'm adjusting to a new medicine.

    I'm taking 10mg once a day. I'm 5'4'', slightly built and weigh 110. Could the dosage be too high for my metabolic rate? Has anyone else experienced the mood swings after taking this? I've been totally out of character since I started taking this.

    4 AntwortenAllergiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Question for other women with gamer boyfriends/ fiances/ husbands?

    I'm a bit of a gamer myself and knew about this (that the fiance likes video games/mmorpgs) at the beginning of the relationship, but I'm turning into a classic "Warcrack Widow"! I've always had somewhat of a high sex drive compared to some women I guess, and I have mentioned to him on several occasions that I'm not entirely happy with our sex life.

    How have you dealt with it? What did you do to get it to change? When is it time to just throw my hands up and say enough is enough? Sex isn't everything, I know, but the infrequency is getting a little out of hand.

    I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. Last night I tried to jump him when he got home from work and all I got was a hug and a kiss then a "Where's my strategy guide?"

    10 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Problem in Palm Beach County.?

    I've found myself and my fiance in a somewhat dangerous and sticky situation. A few months ago, we moved in with another couple. Seemed nice enough, passed a background check, mostly nice apartment.

    I have since found 2 empty stamp bags which tested positive for cocaine, the relationship between the other couple has deteriorated to the point the apartment is now excessively damaged, they're trying to pressure us into signing on the lease. We want out. Obviously we're not going to sign on the lease. My fiance and I are both working professionals. We cannot take the risk associated with addicts.

    Since we are not on the lease, what are our obligations, by law?

    What are some resources that could be recommended to assist us in moving safely? We're scared that if we try to move, that they may attack us or our property. We don't want to turn them in, neither myself nor my fiance have generic last names, so we could fairly easily be found after moving by public record.

    Advice appreciated.

    4 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's the Catch? (Dental insurance buffs) Why go with a PPO over a HMO?

    So I've been researching dental insurance in my area. (S. Florida Metro - Ft. Lauderdale/Miami/Palm Beach)

    I've received a quote from a dental HMO that provides the following;

    Individual Premium per month - 11.95$

    No Wating Period

    No Plan Maximum

    No Deductable.

    As examples of coverage;

    Cleanings are no charge.

    Fillings for one surface are 25$ for composite fillings. Standard silver fillings are no charge.

    Crowns run between 245$-300$

    Endodontics/Root Canals run between 110$ and 345$

    Periodontic services run between 110$ and 300$ for surgical services.

    Non surgiacal periodontic services run between 38$ and 65$

    Dentures and bridges are fairly priced between 300$ and 425$

    Extractions run between 30$ and 100$

    The only place they really get you is with orthodontics.

    Now let's look at a PPO.

    Individual Coverage is between 30$ and 42$ a month for basically the same services between plans, with large waiting periods, tiny plan maximums, and really not that great of coverage.


    7 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Women with IUD's or IUS's?

    How happy are you with them?

    What complications have you had, if any?

    What brand is yours?

    Would you recommend them to a woman considering one?

    Was insertion/removal painful? What did they do for the pain, if yes?

    Can they be felt during sex?

    Thanks for answers.

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Recommended Job Costing Software?

    I am looking for job costing software suitable for a small structural engineering firm of 7 people.

    We Require:

    Logging of individual projects and the project details, such as what architect we are working with on the project.

    Entry for estimated cost of the project.

    Entry for individual engineers and drafters, or a form that will work to enter their name and how much time was spent on X project.

    Entry for cumulative time spent on the project.

    Entry for amount billable.

    At the absolute minimum, these requirements must be met.

    What product do you use, how long have you used it, and how much did it cost? Is the customer support friendly and responsive, or have they given you the run around? Is it user friendly, or will our employees require training?

    Please include as many details as possible.

    3 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt