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i seriously think i'm the most gorgeous girl in the world. other girls tend to be jealous of me, but hey, that's life. however, i still treat other people very well. even though i'm more gorgeous and more charming than everyone else, i'm still good to them. i'm still nice to people even though i don't have to be. i do it cause it's the right thing to do and i'm a moral person. when they're jealous of me, i just shrug it off. but i do have a tendency to be honest and that sometimes gets me into trouble with people. i like to tell people the truth, but often that is not what they want to hear. they would prefer that i lie to them instead. but i like to stick to the truth cause i think that's best for everybody. i believe it was harry truman who famously said, "i don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell."

  • Why did white liberals think that 2 guys kissing each other......?

    ..... on NFL draft day was such a "beautiful" thing??? I could send a tape of that to sub-saharan africa and they would probably be repulsed by it.

    Yet white liberals think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Why is that???

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why is liberal morality superior to traditional morality?

    traditional moral values oppose abortion and gay marriage and liberals insist that it is morally right to allow women the "right to choose" and to permit gay marriage.

    Why is liberal morality superior to traditional morality???

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Why are liberals trying to change the Catholic Church?

    If liberals don't like the church's view on abortion, gay marriage, contraception, etc., then why not just decide not to be a Catholic??? Liberals already have their own church, the church of liberalism (or, more specifically, 20th century white liberalism). Why do they want to pressure the church into becoming something it wasn't intended to be???

    17 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • In his prime, what was is that Hulk Hogan had that made him such a big star?

    Hulk Hogan probably achieved more stardom than any other wrestler in history. what was it that made him so special?? was it his wrestling ability? was it his personality? charisma? was his wrestling character more unique than everybody else? what was it that made him the biggest star in the history of wrestling???

    also, do you think he would have attained the same level of superstardom if he had been only 6'0" or 6'1" and 220 lbs. instead of 6'6" and 300 lbs.????

    2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 8 Jahren
  • Will the white man's ideology be embraced by the Third World?

    Will social liberalism (the white man's ideology) eventually become the norm in the Third World and the non-white world???

    Should other peoples be forced to adopt it or should they be able to have their own views???

    and is it a kind of white cultural imperialism to try to pressure people into adopting the white Western socially liberal worldview???

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • On what grounds would a liberal be opposed to polygamy?

    what philosophical basis would a liberal have for being against polygamy??

    is it "intolerant" to be opposed to polygamy???

    18 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Will advances in neuroscience provide insight into white liberals?

    will it help us better understand these people??? applying technology may enable us to discern why these people are the way that they are. and that would be a good thing, btw. if we could look at their brain activity and how their brains respond to various stimuli, it would probably be quite interesting.

    for example, it might explain why these people are:

    so hypocritical? and so jealous? and so racist? and so strange?

    for instance, after bubba's speech at this year's democratic convention, this notorious white liberal went on to say the following:

    where is that guy's mind at??? what a bizarre human being. he's talking about the former president procreating with aliens on mars. these white liberals are wacko. doesn't somebody need to start studying and diagnosing these people????

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • How is keynesian economics worth the cost?

    how is massive government borrowing and spending an effective tool for the economy??? the amount of economic growth you get from it isn't worth the cost.

    If you're borrowing a trillion a year to pay for your spending, you're still not going to cause enough growth in tax revenue for it to be worth it. if you borrow a trillion, and your tax revenues only increase by 100 million, how are you any better off??? you've just dug a deeper hole for yourself. why do people think this is effective????

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think white people are mentally ill?

    they are always calling people racists. they are always calling people in their own race that they disagree with racist. is there something wrong with these people???

    16 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Should the republicans abandon social issues?

    can the republicans still win with a traditional stance on social issues??? should we just concentrate mostly on fiscal and economic issues???

    the critics say that traditional views are bigoted and it makes people vote democrat. While I personally have traditional views on social issues I do think that the economy should be the primary concern right now. after all, if the country collapses economically it affects everybody.

    I think if republicans basically become libertarian or libertarian lite, then they can win again. there are a lot of suburbanites who are fiscally conservative or moderate, but socially tolerant or liberal.

    the fact is it is hard to win in the 21st century in white-majority societies running on traditional social values. whites are the most socially liberal people on earth. non-whites tend to be more socially conservative, but they don't vote on those issues.

    if the republicans become largely a party of fiscal conservatism and social libertarianism, then that may build a winning coalition. it would draw a sharp contrast to be a party of fiscal responsibility, social libertarianism and equal rights for all versus a party of fiscal irresponsibility, social liberalism, and racial and gender preferences.

    I am certainly no fan of the white liberal social values that dominate popular culture and the msm, but the republicans may have to become more pragmatic to be able to win elections. thoughts????

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Shouldn't we just put left-wing policies in place?

    now that the democrats have prevailed people who disagree with them (like me) should just acquiesce and let the liberals have all of their policies put into effect. no obstruction. let's see if their policies work.

    and as far as demographics are concerned, you want demographic change??? i'll give you demographic change. i'll turn this country into mozambique. and if you think i'm kidding, just try me.

    let's see if liberal policies are effective. what do you folks think????

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Do white people lead the world in this category?

    do white folks lead the world in intraracial charges of racism??? in other words, white people are always calling other whites racist. in the context of politics, it is typically white liberals calling whites they disagree with racist. it's common for blacks to charge white people with racism, however, how often do you hear a black person call another black person a racist??? and in nonwhite countries the term "racism" isn't used much.

    what do you think??? do whites lead the world in this regard??? and is it because white people are "mental"????

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • What is it like to be a liberal?

    does it suck??? is it hard to believe in an ideology that leads toward bankruptcy? is it a shame to have to believe in an ideology that undermines traditional morality? tell me, what is it really like to be a liberal????

    22 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do white liberals always talk about dog whistles?

    why are white liberals like chris matthews so concerned about comments and terms that they label "dog whistle" comments??? why do white liberals think they should be allowed to determine what is okay and what isn't okay to say????

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • Is liberalism a white ideology?

    do you think that liberalism is primarily an ideology that appeals to white people? societies that are largely white tend to promote similar views on issues like secularism, mass immigration, gay rights, and political correctness that focuses on protecting the feelings of supposedly oppressed groups. these liberal beliefs don't have much traction in nonwhite countries. these kinds of issues don't have much of a following in places like ,say, bangladesh or new guinea. so is liberalism mainly a "white" ideology???

    16 AntwortenParapsychologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Dwyane Wade gets to the free throw line more than Michael Jordan did?

    Did you realize that Wade for his career averages more free throw attempts per game than Jordan? wade averages 8.9 per game compared to jordan's 8.2 per game. I've heard people complain that jordan got every call. wade gets more calls than jordan got! and he is nowhere near the same caliber of player as jordan. i know that wade is the biggest crybaby in the nba and his crying seems to be working for him. these nba refs are terrible.

    5 AntwortenBasketballvor 9 Jahren
  • Do black women like Johnny Depp?

    i know that most black women prefer black men, but do a lot sisters find johnny depp physically attractive??? he is pretty much a white guy with dark features (he does have some native american ancestry) and he is worshipped by white women. do black women find him to be good looking???

    6 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 9 Jahren
  • White Girls: What is it that physically attracts you to black guys?

    it's commonly accepted that white girls today like black guys (or to put it another way--- they like their men dipped in chocolate).

    so what attracts you to black guys? and i'm talking about physical appearance, not about 'swag' or personality or anything else. is it dark skin or facial features that cause you to prefer black guys over white guys in terms of physical appearance?

    if you took a white guy and dipped him in chocolate, then would you be more attracted to him??? Like in the movie 'Soul Man' C. Thomas Howell became a black guy. do you think he looks better as a black guy or white guy in that movie???

    i'm a white girl and i have my own opinion but can you girls shed some light on why YOU personally might be more attracted to black guys than white guys?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren