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Favorisierte Antworten28%
  • my computer bluescreens on startup...?

    My computer is the biggest heap ever. I'm running Vista, not by choice and the two days ago it decided to crash out of windows via the blue screen. Now, every time i try it again, it gets to the safe mode options and regardless of what i choose, it crashes out again before getting to the password. I would love to repair it with the vista CD, but I've lost it because I've just moved and can't find that box for the life of me.

    Now my question is, if I go out and buy Windows 7, can I just stick the cd in and reformat the whole system? Or do i have to repair the system with my (missing) vista disc before I can even think about changing the OS? I would throw the POS off the nearest bridge if I hadn't just put 4GB of new RAM into it a month ago.

    Help! A million imaginary dollars to whoever answers best.

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many people ask if they should play rugby?

    Every day that I'm on here, someone gives their height and weight and asks if they should play rugby or what position or what the difference is between rugby and football. Do these people ever just decide to go try the sport and see what they're good at? Do they actually follow any advice that they're given on here? What percentage of these people are American Football players that just realised their sport sucks?

    If you wanted to ask this and decided not to because you don't want to be laughed at by someone who's answered the exact same question ten times in the last week, here's what you do. Find a team near you, then go to practice.

    Try it, if you like it, keep doing it. If not, try something else.

    If you don't like the position you're in, talk to the coach.

    Also, there is a position for anybody on a rugby field, ANYBODY, big, small, weak, whatever.

    Chances are, if you're in North America, most of the players on the team haven't played before, so don't worry about that.

    Just try the damn sport and keep at it if you enjoy it. Stop worrying about what some strangers on the internet think.

    4 AntwortenRugbyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want to go see Muse and U2 at Giants Stadium but I know NOTHING about the area.?

    I want to go to see this concert, we are flying from Calgary, Canada (pending permission from the girlfriend) but don't know the airport we should fly to (whether its New Jersey or New York), what hotels are close to it, if its safe enough to walk to and from the concert or if we should cab it, how much to expect for a hotel, all that jazz. Any help from anyone? Its at Giants Stadium on the 24th of September.

    3 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has there ever been a winner of the Vezina Trophy who missed out on the playoffs?

    Niklas Backstrom is the third nomination for the Vezina and didn't make the playoffs. Its been bugging the hell out of me, has there been a goalie who has won the Vezina without making the playoffs? Who and when and with what team? No real reason, I just want to sound smart for my loser friends.

    6 AntwortenHockeyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Did Muse do the theme song to 28 Weeks Later?

    I know they didn't do 28 Days Later, but it really sounds like their style on Weeks. Its an instrumental so there's no real giveaway but they did use a Muse song on the trailer.

    3 AntwortenLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want to buy a Tool bottle opener?

    I had a wicked Tool bottle opener in high school, it was promotional material from the Lateralus album. It was steel, the size and shape of a credit card. It had the tool logo cut out of it at the bottom and just an oval at the top for the opener bit.

    I had it in my wallet, my wallet got swiped and when i got my wallet back, the money that was in there (something like $120) was still there, so were my credit cards and everything. The only thing missing was that opener. I've been trying to find one like it on eBay and on the official site and everything, but no luck so far.

    Has anyone seen something like it on the internet anywhere? I'm pretty keen on buying one again and I'm very free with money nowadays/

    2 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is shutting down, anyone know a good site that does the same thing? was wicked, any TV show, any movie. All the links worked and there may have been some crap quality movies, but there were 4 or 5 links for each one. We even cut the cable off because it was so good.

    Anyway, the site is shutting down October 1st and I still want to be able to watch stuff online. Anyone know any good sites that are similar? Ones where you don't have to be in the US to watch, is supposed to be good but, being in Canada, its no use to me.

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ARE there any major name converts from rugby to NFL/CFL?

    I know there are a few that have done it, a die-hard Indy Colts fan that I did some work for told me about a kicker that was a rugby player for Aussie that monstered a guy who ran at him a few years back. Just wondering if there are any still going.

    5 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What sports do you think should be or should not be in the olympics?

    BMX, in my opinion, should not be in the Olympics. Rugby Sevens should be (and will be in a few years).

    8 AntwortenOlympicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hey guys, after a woman's had a kid, is sex different?

    (e.g. any noticible decrease in tightness)

    3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do white South Africans REALLY think about Apartheid?

    What do white people who grew up in this era really think about it? At the time it wasn't just acceptable for white South Africans, they strongly defended it against oppression from the rest of the civilised world. Now, knowing what we know, how do South Africans feel about that period of time in their country?

    1 AntwortOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt