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Caterpillar Invasion. What's the best way to get rid of them?
This year I decided to add a bit of extra colour to my garden by sowing Nasturtium. I love Nasturtium, they have lovely flowers that attract hordes of bees and the foliage is just wonderful. The only problem I have had with Nasturtium is that they self seed like nobodies business and unless you can collect all the fallen seeds, or pull the young plants up as they come through the next year, you have very little chance of getting rid of them.
Anyhow, this year I opted to sow the low growing variety and they took off just as I expected them to. The foliage was in abundance, the flowers with brilliant and varied from deep wine to red to orange to yellow. The bees were all over them too. However, to my horror, I also found out that so were caterpillars and in a few short days they had munched their way through the lot.
Now they have started on the Broccoli in my veg patch and as hard as I have tried to get rid of them, they reappear within minutes. So I have lost all of my Nasturtium and now I have lost all of my Broccoli.
It's too late to do anything about them this year but I intend to be ready for them next year. The trouble is, I do not know what the best thing is to use on them to get rid of them.
Any and all suggestions would be welcome.
1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 9 JahrenShould Yahoo Answers provide a link to report Troll questions and answers?
I've just been reported for responding to a question posted by a troll who asked if he should take a dump in Tesco. The question itself has actually been deleted, but not before I was reported for allegedly, insulting comments, although how you can insult a troll is beyond me.
I know the right thing to have done would have been to ignore it and leave it alone, but sometimes, when all you want to do is to try and help people with answers to their questions, you do tend to get a bit more then just pee'd off with idiots who troll.
So I am asking the Yahoo Community who use Yahoo Answers either to ask questions or to answer them, do you think it would be a good thing if Yahoo Answers added a “Report Troll” link to run alongside the “Report Abuse” link?
2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenWhen is the best time to serparate Strawberry plants?
This year, my Strawberry plants have yielded little in the way of fruit. However, they have been very active sending out tentacles and where there appears to have been a little sprouting of leaves in the tentacle, I have put it into a little pot full of compost. To my delight they have all taken so next year I am going to be up to my knees in Strawberries, hopefully.
The question is though, when is the right time to cut the new plants from the tentacles as they do not seem to be drying out or dying off?
Many thanks in advance.
3 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 9 JahrenHow do you sow seeds for a Siberian Wall Flower?
By this I mean can they be sown directly into a prepared bed, if so, when? Or do I have to start them off in a green house or cold frame before planting out. Again, if so, when?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
1 AntwortGarden & Landscapevor 9 JahrenWill Arsenal supporters still be calling for Wenger's head tonight?
I doubt it, but for all the whinging I've come across by people who call themselves Gunners, I wouldn't be surprised if they did, after all Southampton did score one goal.
4 AntwortenEnglish Footballvor 9 JahrenA question for Ubuntu users. If I download Ubuntu, can I restore my previous OS?
I am currently using Windows 7 and I've been toying around with the idea of giving Ubuntu a try, but I've never tried anything like changing my OS before, so my question is, if I am not happy with it, can I restore Windows 7?
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenI'm looking for a quality weed killer. Any suggestions?
This year has brought more weeds into my garden then I usually have, and the worst of the worst are acting like a ground cover plant spreading out from my veg patch and beyond and, as weeds do, as soon as I have pulled one up, a thousand spring up to replace it.
So what I am planning on doing, once everything has been taken out of my veg patch, is to drown the weeds with weedkiller and once they rot down, turn them over into the soil. The problem is the weed killer.
Most of the branded weed killers have proven to be rubbish. The stuff I am using now, is rubbish. So I am looking for something that is probably not so well know, but something that will do what it says it will do, kill weeds.
Any suggestions?
5 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 9 JahrenHave you ever been reported for abuse on Yahoo Answers?
AND Does Yahoo Answers ever get back to you after you have appealed?
On two occasions now, someone has reported me to Yahoo Answers. I have no idea who it is and I don't particularly care because, as everyone who has had a question or an answer reported will know, you are given the opportunity to appeal.
For the benefit of everyone who hasn't had a question or answer reported, it works like this. Someone reports you by clicking on the 'Report Abuse' link. You are automatically e.mailed by Yahoo to tell you that you have been reported for abuse and 10 points are deducted from your total number of points. You are then told that you can appeal and have 7 days to do so. If your appeal is successful, your 10 points will be reinstated, however, if your appeal fails, then another 10 points are deducted from your total. It's all pretty straightforward and easy to understand, and I have no problem with this.
Where I am having a problem with Yahoo Answers is that somewhere in the small print I am certain that I have read that decisions on appeals are usually made within 48 hours of being received.
I was first reported on the 20th August and again on the 4th September and on both occasions I put in very strong appeals, because whoever reported my answers must have been on the extreme wing of the politically correct movement. I was especially robust with my September appeal because I was responding to what I saw as not just a racist question but also a sexist one that demeaned black women everywhere.
Despite my appeals, I have heard nothing from Yahoo Answers and I am beginning to wonder if there really is someone, somewhere, in the world of Yahoo, who is not a robot or an automated answering service, who actually looks at appeals.
Does anybody know?
4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenHas Anybody Put Money On....?
...Liechtenstein to win the World Cup in Rio?
3 AntwortenFIFA World Cup (TM)vor 9 JahrenWho deserves to be called up in place of Andy Carroll for England?
With Andy Carroll out injured, who do you think should get a chance?
Personally, I'm thinking Ricky Lambert of Southampton.
3 AntwortenEnglish Footballvor 9 JahrenAre there any remedies to snoring that does not require surgery?
As far as snoring goes, I am in the heavyweight league. The vibrations travel along the floor boards.
A few years ago, I was checked out for Sleep Apnoea and was given something that looked like a gum shield for both top and bottom teeth. I was supposed to wear it while I was sleeping but all it did was make me look like I was auditioning for the role of Hannibal Lectur. I was able to scare the hell out of the kids with it, but the outcome was that it ended up loosening a lot of my top teeth, so after the dental treatment I required as a result of this hideous thing, I binned it.
I have tried sleeping sitting up, but all that did was set the arthritis in my neck and spine off grand style.
I have tried one of those rings that are supposed to act like a form of acupuncture on the little finger, guaranteed to work or your money back. It didn't work and I'm still waiting to get the £29.99 that it cost me back.
I am currently trying a Snoring Throat Spray, but that does not work either.
So the question is, does anybody know of any remedies to snoring, preferably herbal, that does not include surgery or sowing tennis balls on to the back of my PJ top (I sleep in the buff so it would be quiet a painful task to sew the balls directly onto my back, besides which, I spend most of my time sleeping on my side as opposed to my back).
All suggestions and advice are welcome as I am getting fed up of waking up with the missus complaining that her knuckles hurt where she has tried to wake me up to make me turn over for some respite from the noise my snout makes.
4 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 9 JahrenThe Olympic Opening Ceremony?
Does anyone know why announcements were made in French before English throughout the evening?
10 AntwortenOlympicsvor 9 JahrenHow Do I Make My Garden A Better Home For A Frog?
I have no idea where it has come from, nobody I know around here has a pond; nor do I have any idea how it got in as our back garden is all closed off, but it has. Now, I don't mind having my guest in my garden because it is taking care of a lot of garden pests and it has made itself a nice hiding place beneath a combination of margarites, lemon scented mint, and a weigela bush, and I don't really want to get rid of it.
However, apart from leaving it alone to get on with things, I have no idea what to do to keep it happy. I've placed a bucket on an angle deep inside the foliage of the plants and bushes, and filled it with water so it has somewhere to keep cool, but I'm worried what happens to it when the leaves and plants die off in winter.
So my questions are:-
What can I do to make my guest feel more welcome?
What should I do when the winter sets in?
3 AntwortenReptilesvor 9 Jahren