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Favorisierte Antworten21%
  • What is this Android app/game called?

    A friend showed me a strategy game on his Samsung about a year ago that I was a little obsessed about. Now that I've finally come around to getting an S4 of my own, I can't find it, or anything that fits its description! Hoping someone here will know what I'm talking about?

    It's essentially a game where you rotate an object in 3D. The objects were essentially various rough-carved wooden figures, which had a string attached to it at one point. There would also be nails studded in the wooden figures as well, and (if I recall) when the string touched the nail, the object would be covered in colour (paint?) where the string also touched the object.

    The objective of the game was to cover as much of the object in colour/paint, with a minimum % of coverage to advance to the next level.

    Quite sure I didn't imagine this, so am wondering if anyone here can help me with the name of the app, please?


    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • Knitting: what happens if I do not block before finishing up?

    I'm in the middle of making my first baby cardie. I've got all the pieces done and now it's time to finish up.

    What happens if I finish up without blocking the pieces? Can I block it later?

    The yarn is a 70% cotton, 30% wool.

    Okay, I admit I'm lazy-ish and I'm loooking for shortcuts. However, I've read some instructions where they insist on blocking before finishing up, and some others that say it doesn't matter and you can block the whole garment after you're done. The inst. in my pattern say to block before finishing, but I'm wondering if there will be a significant difference if I block it after?

    I'd appreciate the thoughts of knitters with experience with this, please? Thanks!

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why does my chocolate not harden?

    I am referring to chocolate used for making chocolate-dipped fruit and such.

    I live in Malaysia which has a tropical climate - warm & high humidity with an average room temp. of approx. 80^F.

    I typically follow instructions as per specified.. some just use plain melted chocolate, some add shortening, some add heavy cream, etc.. but no matter which recipe I use, the chocolate never re-hardens!

    I always melt the chocolate over a double boiler, water is always just barely simmering, and I'm very careful to not get a single drop of water in the chocolate. I've used cooking chocolate, semi-sweet chips, couverture, dark chocolate bars.. just about every type of chocolate there is, I've tried it.. but still no hardening, no matter how long I wait.

    I've even tried cooling them in the fridge but they start melting as soon as they start to warm up to room temperature.

    Can anyone tell me anything about what makes chocolate not re-harden? And it cannot be due to my region's climate condition because other people seem to be able to do it just fine!

    Please help!

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Knitting. Best increase?

    The pattern says to increase 1 st at the end of the row. I'm a novice, and all the increases I know are at most made in 2nd stitch from last.

    What increase would you recommend for an end-of-row increase? I normally use a make-one-left or M1R.

    Is there a way to increase after the last stitch, apart from a cast-on?

    2 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Knitting! What does "work three rows EVEN" mean?

    I'm knitting a baby cardigan, my first one, and some of the instructions have me confused.

    I'm working in St st and the pattern says to "work 3 rows even in St st".

    Does that mean I should work three rows, (ie. knit, purl, knit) thereby ending on a right side (RS)


    does that mean I should work SIX rows (ie. three sets = [knit, purl] [knit, purl] [knit, purl]) and end on a wrong side (WS)?

    And the next time I come across the term, should I take it to mean that "even" means a "set" of instructions to complete a repeating pattern, say for example I was doing a lace pattern? Would this apply to crochet instructions too?

    Would appreciate the help, ASAP, as I'm right in the middle of a project! Thanks!

    5 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Corn Muffin Recipe?

    I'm craving corn muffins, and unfortunately have limited resources at the moment.

    Does anyone know a corn muffin recipe that does not use cornmeal? I have basic ingredients (b.powder, soda, flour, eggs, butter & milk).

    Would appreciate a recipe that uses creamed corn and melted butter (coz I haven't got an electric mixer here either!)


    5 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which meat/cut is best partnered with seared foie gras?

    Am planning a (belated) Valentine's dinner and was debating between serving chateaubriand with bernaise or a cut of meat with pan seared foie gras.

    Does anyone have a recommendation for best partnering of meat type (pls suggest cut) with sauce for the foie gras? I'm thinking serving it with a small mound of flavoured mash (maybe truffle?) and a jus reduction would probably be the best bet but I would like to hear your ideas too.


    1 AntwortCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The Cider House Rules quote?

    So. I just watched the movie; it has inspired me to hunt down the book.

    But first.. that quote, "Goodnight, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England".. was it originally by Irving in that book, or is it from somewhere else?

    I know I've heard that line so many times before.. I just wonder if it originated from the book or if Irving borrowed it from elsewhere.

    5 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Best World of Warcraft addons?

    Heya'll. Yes, a noob here but if I don't ask, I'll never learn.. and I do enjoy the game so. :O)

    I was wondering what the best addons for WoW might be, in general and based on your personal experience.

    Additionally, I often get frustrated with several things, like my quest log maxing out, not enough hotkeys (i'm a mage!), insufficient inventory space, not being able to find obscure quest items hidden behind logs/under pine trees/in sunken ships, etc.! And I also enjoy leveling up on the professions, so any tips on how I could make WoWing more enjoyable? :O)

    Thanks in advance for any tips you could give!

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Lavender for cooking?

    I live in Asia where lavender is not a commonly found plant, even dried lavender. I've seen some packets of dried flower for aromatherapy and potpourri mix, but they are obviously not safe for consumption.

    However, I have seen lavender tea. I'd like to know if lavender tea is the equivalent to the type of cooking lavender recipes use for making lavender sugar, cookies, cupcakes & icing?

    I am not sure if lavender for tea is further treated/cured, thus making it less potent than normal cooking lavender, or if it is the same. Would appreciate anybody's advice on the matter, thanks. :O)

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Shelf life of candied flowers?

    Does anyone know what the shelf life of candied whole flowers or candied flower petals are?

    My method of candy-ing the petals would be to brush them with egg white, cover them with castor sugar and air-dry until hardened and completely dry. I know it will keep a few days in an air-tight container at room temp, but does anyone know its true longevity?

    Else, does anyone have a better method? Thanks!

    1 AntwortCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wax Seals Retailers in London?

    Does anyone know of any wax seal retailers in London who won't charge a bomb? Would appreciate general locations, if not exact addresses pls.. Thanks!

    3 AntwortenLondonvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Women's Shopping in London?

    I'll be in London for 2 weeks from 20jul~3aug, and was told that the summer sale will be on then!

    Any advice on which stores will be the best to visit and which might have the best bargains? Budget, departmental, boutiques, haute couture, will appreciate your advice on the "best of"s in London!

    Thanks! :O)

    8 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I transfer a cheesecake off the pan?

    What's the proper method for transferring a cheesecake off the springform pan's base onto a platter or cake board?

    I usually use crumb-crusts, which break when I try to slip it off the pan. Chilling and using greased parchment paper or aluminum foil just doesn't work!

    I usually just serve it off the pan when eating at home, but sometimes friends request cheesecakes off me, and I can't give them my pan! Disposable tins will work for tarts and pies, but for cakes it lacks presentation.

    Can someone help? :O)

    8 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I get HD DVDs in KL/PJ (Malaysia)?

    I found some in CineLeisure & Bangsar, but I couldn't find what I wanted. Does anyone know somewhere that carries a good selection?

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How much could I get Wedgwood products for at the factory in Staffordshire?

    I'll be on vacation in England this July and heard the prices are dirt cheap at the factory in Staffordshire. I understand that the ones going for cheap are rejects, but I don't mind!

    Can anyone tell me what kind of prices I may expect to find? For example, a Florentine Turquoise 27cm plate goes for GBP55 on their website. How much could I get it for in Staffordshire?

    Also, are all the designs on the website available at the store?

    Thanks for any info you might have!

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt