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Lv 740.558 points


Favorisierte Antworten13%
  • Why are 'Libs' so called? They seem far more fascistic than 'conservatives' and against ANY free speech that doesn't suit their agenda?

    I never call idiots with an agenda 'liberals' or 'libtards' as there is nothing liberal about them - all they want to do is stifle and censor opinions they disagree with - there is nothing 'liberal' about that. Liberalism is constitutionally allowing all free speech and opinion.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • "We are experiencing some problems, please try again". Why do I get this now on almost every Yahoo question?

    After spending my time reading and responding to try and help, normally get this now.

    If Yahoo have pulled the question can't it treat us with a little more respect than lying about technical problems?

    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 4 Jahren
  • When will all the so called 'celebrities' who who stated they'd leave the USA if Trump was elected leave?

    Is anyone keeping a track of whether they were just lying idiots?

    3 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 4 Jahren
  • Hillary's international elephant in the room. She is a war monger that will cause WW3.?

    She wants to enforce a 'no fly zone' in a foreign country she has NO jurisdiction over -Syria. Like the horrific intervention of the US in Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Libya, Yemen

    Specifically she wants to enforce a US enforced no fly zone over Syria with a US backed vague set of disorganised rebels (including US armed and trained ISIS) .

    There is a BIG difference here. Is the US, with no international authority whatsoever, prepared for the shooting down by a US aircraft, of a Russian aircraft requested to assist in defending a state against foreign funded, armed and trained (including by the US) terrorists?

    5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Jahren
  • So the democratic USA has actually CHOSEN these 2 repulsive international clowns as options to hold the highest official office of the USA?

    While invading and lecturing other countries they have no right over? Really? A British phrase 'taking the piss' comes to mind...

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Jahren
  • Can an ex partner (not married) claim for money spent on property both parties rented while they were together?

    My GF's ex (they split years ago) is claiming money 'owed' by her from about 4 years ago, as he claims to have spent money on the home they lived in at the time. They rented the place from my GFs father (the owner at the time) and since then they have split up and he has 'sold' the property to his daughter for a nominal sum.

    He is clearly more than a little odd and has had an injunction served against him for abusive behaviour. His initial claim was completely out of the blue as a bankruptcy court request! Long story short, it was set aside and he was ordered to pay all costs by the court.

    He has also claimed through the county court for the exact same thing (though different amounts!). He is clearly using court forms he can download online as a form of harassment which is really stressing my GF.

    For the bankruptcy order, he sent the court and my GF's solicitor completely different 5+ page essays of his interpretation of their relationship full of both hilarious and false ramblings about her character! He signed the original bankruptcy form with an absurd additional pseudonym , an anagram of his own name he also uses in his business, claiming to be both a QC (!) and! CEO of a non-existent company acting on 'his behalf'..

    I also suspect he may be defrauding charities, as he runs his business as a registered charity (too new to declare finances) and wants both my GF's 'debt' and all charity contributions to be paid into the same account - his!

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 Jahren
  • So, IS Greece a good place for a holiday right now? I have asked this, but can't see the answers as the question is under review!?

    We're bombarded with images of every Greek island having hundreds of immigrants landing on it's shores constantly via Turkey and dumping their rubbish in massive piles before moving through Europe to the countries offering the best benefits rather than asylum or refugee status, rioting when not treated as they think they should be. Are Greece, Malta etc. places to stay away from as it appears?

    7 AntwortenImmigrationvor 6 Jahren
  • Legal question. Can money be claimed back as a debt by one party when spent as a couple?

    I am talking about home improvements in a property that eventually becomes the property of one party (from her father, the owner during the improvements) due to a later official legal agreement after they split up.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 Jahren
  • I suspect someone of creating a bogus charity (registered charity).?

    Good reason to suspect any donation money is going straight to his personal bank account. He is in the initial period where he does not have to declare any finances yet...

    1 AntwortCommunity Servicevor 6 Jahren
  • Why are answers that question the politics of the US government classified against Yahoo terms?

    I answered a question about US war policy completely factually and my response was banned and docked 10 points- I don't get that?

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahren
  • IPv6 LAN question - 6to4 tunneling adapter when using a global IPv4 address privately?

    A little background - for historical reasons we use a global IPv4 range on our private LANs (hidden on our private network)

    Anyway, ALL the hosts using this global IPv4 range running W7/server2008 are activating their 6to4 tunneling adapters and registering an IPv6 address in DNS. Clients using a private reserved IPv4 address don't activate their 6to4 adapter or have any issue.

    We do NOT use IPv6 at all, yet. A client pinging a server (both on the same IPv4 subnet) will now try IPv6 and FAIL. I am concerned this will bite with application response, network shares, almost any problem that will be blamed on 'the network' etc.

    MS recommendation is NOT to disable IPv6 components in Windows. What am I supposed to do when MS recommends not disabling IPv6 Windows components but we have absolutely no use for IPv6 on our LAN and it's a potential problem?

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is my Yahoo webmail account sending out spam?

    Firstly, my JOB is IT security, so I KNOW I have secured everything. When I changed my Yahoo password to another strong alpha/numeric/upper-lower case random long string (in the extremely unlikely event my account had been hacked) I got a flood of new spam sent from 'me'!

    I have secured the devices I use with commercial grade security and have no other problems apart from Yahoo mail being compromised.

    I can only think Yahoo mail itself has been compromised and is insecure?

    PS. As mentioned I have been an IT security person for years and know that malware can infest address books, but these ARE rather pointless spam mails from my Yahoo account that I'm receiving in other accounts. I'm also receiving non-delivery notices for all the spam 'I am sending'.

    I have a secure system (I spend a lot of time cleaning up infected systems!). I have a complex alpha numeric p/w for Yahoo and changed it recently after getting these notices.

    2 AntwortenAbuse and Spamvor 9 Jahren
  • How necessary is IPV6 outside the ISP industry?

    I work for a company owning a single class C IPV4 range (which we barely use).

    Every server (Windows 2008) and desktop (Windows 7) we now commision now defaults to IPV6 (6to4). They work fine but I don't like this unnecessary and possibly unsupported protocol being used internally. (Devices by default respond to pings using IPV6).

    There is no way private IPV4 addresses will EVER be a problem on our (or any) private network.

    It is recommended by MS NOT to disable IPV6 on W2008/W7 YET it (or tunneling protocols) is implemented by default and causing confusion as we transition to W2008/W7.

    We have no need of IPV6 internally - who does? Who is implementing this internally on their private address ranges and why? Why is this default in Windows??

    I understand the requirement of ISPs to implement IPV6 for public addressing to easilly alleviate the IPV4 address shortage but I don't understand why most companies with a few hundred (or even thousand) private devices behind a firewall are being forced into IPV6 with Windows builds?

    To put it bluntly - every Windows server or client now uses IPV6 as well as IPV4 needlessly by default and MS recommend using and not disabling IPV6 . Why?

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do ADSL customers get a subnet mask?

    We are taught this is a broadcast address and not usable. We use this mask to restrict communication with NAC programs (Symantec).

    How does this single node restricted to it's own network of one address communicate - layer 2? How does a usable mask of fit into CCNA?

    4 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 9 Jahren
  • Why can't we harness VAST natural energy?

    I live by the beach. In just a few thousand square metres of the sea the energy equivalent of multiple nuclear bombs is happening literally ALL the time EVERY day. We are talking about the basic and powerful energy of gravity between the Earth and the Moon. Limitless and predictable energy. Why are ideas for harnessing this VAST energy so dated (based on victorian steam engines) of using motion of waves up and down to generate heat and steam to fire old power stations?

    Come to think of it, why is practical nuclear fusion now never publicly seen now as a potential energy source?

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why can't we harness VAST natural energy?

    I live by the beach. In just a few thousand square metres of the sea the energy equivalent of multiple nuclear bombs is happening literally ALL the time EVERY day. We are talking about the basic and powerful energy of gravity between the Earth and the Moon. Limitless and predictable energy. Why are ideas for harnessing this VAST energy so dated (based on victorian steam engines) of using motion of waves up and down to generate heat and steam to fire old power stations?

    Come to think of it, why is practical nuclear fusion now never publicly seen now as a potential energy source?

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • US electronic diversity visa (Green Card Lottery) question.?

    I am British (which discounts me as elligible for the Green Card Lottery).

    HOWEVER. I was born in Hong Kong (left aged one, my father was in the military), Hong Kong SAR is eligible.

    AND I am entitled to an Irish passport (again, father, Irish, Irish citizens are elligible).

    Am I likely to be disqualified for claiming under either of these criteria?

    It looks like the Irish passport won't help much as I've never lived there. Will I get the bum's rush if I win on a Hong Kong birth and turn up not being ethnic Chinese? :)

    3 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt