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Favorisierte Antworten18%
  • Are we all doomed just the times?

    Why is our country so off course? What has happened to the good morals this country was based on? Are we to become the 21st century Roman empire?

    3 AntwortenPhilosophyvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is there so much scrutiny on Republicans?

    Also shouldn't someone in the Obama cabinet be locked up for giving unmarked and untracable guns to the Mexican cartels?

    8 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Could Pres. Obama be impeached?

    1.Could the republicans try to impeach him, by lying to the American people about the healthcare takeover. He clearly states that " it's not a tax" yet it is ruled that way, isn't he under oath when speaking to congress or the American people.

    2. Where does President Obama think the trillions of dollars to get the program started is coming from?

    3. How will this better America, when the government is constantly handing out to the un-employed make them want to get a job.

    4. How will our healthcare improve when thousands of doctors oppose it and 83% said they would seriously debate switching professions?

    7 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • What are the different types of government?

    What are the pros and cons of different types of government, like socialism, markism, fascism, capitalization liberal conservative... Well you catch my drift. Thank you for your help and please try to keep unbiased.

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Is the speed of light constant?

    Is the speed of light constant, or can it be sped or slowed down. Like would it travel faster in space because of now air and travel slower in some sort of gas.

    5 AntwortenPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Was Bush really that bad as president?

    I keep hearing that Bush ruined the country and was a horrible president. Was he really that bad? Can you give what he did wrong ALSO what he did right. PLEASE be unbiased though and base your answers off of facts

    7 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Rick santorum is so bad to republicans?

    Why do the republicans I hear on the talk shows ( in California) seem to hate Rick but love Romney when the only difference between Romney and Obama is a R or D in front of their name

    3 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Career Decision after military?

    I am in the Marine Corps active duty, I will be getting out soon. The career I have now I do not enjoy, the question I have is; is it to late to begin school for a doctoral in medicine or should I get into the IT field. I am 22 and enjoy the ideas of both.

    3 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 9 Jahren