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I need a new Mmo any Suggestions?
What should i get i was kinda leaning towards Aion or champions online.
Doesnt have to be Free to play
mothly bills are ok
something new, im tired of WoW
Eww no Runescape. all suggestions would be cool with me.
I also like things like Gunz: The Duel
So Mmofps is ok
not something that needs a whole lot of brains
and 1 more thing, i have a toshiba so nothing overwelming on my laptop. its barely new
3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehnthow to share my internet connection to my laptop?
I'm using a ethernet connection is there a way i can get internet for my laptop without paying for another internet bill?
2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 JahrzehntRelationship problems, and love problems?
So im dating this guy, Adam, and we have been dating since the end of April of this year. Before hand (3 and a half years ago) , my ex, Andre, and i were "not officially" dating, but had the roles of one. We 'messed around' for a wile and got to know eachother very well. this had happened for about 2 years and i grew feelings for him. I told Andre that i was in love with him. he didnt reply. I said "Whats wrong?" he replied without a doubt "When i do have feelings for you, i will tell you." one day he said "I love you" I had never heard this before. so i made a huge deal about it. saying "Oh my god! you said it first, wow!" He said. "Shut up.. watch im not gonna say it ever again." so he never did.
we kept at it. goin at it ect. then i grew bigger feelings for him. "Andre, i dont wanna do this." I said wile he was frisking me. "I dont want to have this whole relationship based off of sex. he said "Its not sex. were just foolin around. i didnt go in you." i replied strongly. "so sex is just anel for you?! he smiled and said "Thats right." I didnt do it. later on he left to go to the army. and i didnt see him until 5 months later. i told him i didnt want to do anything. so we didnt. days went on, and he had to go back. havent seen him since. but heres the problem. a year and several months had passed. and i tried real hard to get over him. but i cant let him go. I started dateing Adam, in April of 2009. And he claims to love me and i love him.. but im not In love with him. i think that my love for Andre is blocking me from being in love with him. I want to let go of Andre, but something always brings him up.. and.. i cant do it. Andre says " I wanna have a perfect happy life, married to a female." (hes bi) but i want him, love him, and commited all of me towards him.. but now i want to break it off. phisically i can. emotionally im still attached. how can this be.. i love Adam, but i cant go all the way with him because of Andre! Help!
1 AntwortLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 JahrzehntIs bisexual just a 'questioning state' or 'transition period'?
Some scientists have "Closely" studied human sexuality for years.. [what ever closely means.] and have gathered information stating that bisexuality is nothing but a mere transition state. or a period of time where people experiment with both sexes until they find out that their gay or straight. so basicly they choose a side. Im gay so ive never experienced bisexuality before. but i thought that bisexuality is just a perminent thing.. not a phase. Is this true? if not what do you bisexual [or gay, transgended or whoevers reading this] feel about these hypotosis going around?
8 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntwill the LGBT world ever be socaially acceptable and when?
16 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 JahrzehntIm so confused what do i do?
Well this guy.. Sergio. went out with my friend, Natalie. Idk why, but they both come up to me for advice. i help them out, cuz there both my friends. But recently they broke up. and my friend that lives with her, Melly, told me that there was no way that they will never get together again.. but Sergio wants to get together with her again.. but if he cant. then he doesnt want to talk to her ever again [understandable] but heres where i come in! I recently just looked at Sergio [unintentionally] someone asked if i liked him.. and really i didnt know.. so i asked Natalie.. if she would hate me if i dated Sergio.. and she said yes.. Sergios.. diffrent: meaning that we dont know his Sexuality, and that he hasnt discoverd if hes bi or not... and he kept joking with Natalie saying that if he did do anything with a guy that hed do it with me [basically] I know people kid and joke,, but theres a point when people stop.. especially with a touchy subject as this.. so I [personally] feel that hes "Curious" So.. im Scared: Scared to let Sergio in to my heart.. So that i would love him, and Scared that if i did and told him that I did. I would scare him off, and lose his friendship, and scared that Natalie would come in and hate me, and id lose a good friend. So what do i do.. nothing.. but i see Sergio everyday.. not talk to him.. hes my friend. and i dont wanna lose him.. im just so confused.
5 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntare there ever gonna be any mmo's for psp?
If so, can you list some off the top of your head?
links are cool too.
are there any out yet?
if there are gonna be in the future, do you know when they are gonna be released, or at least introduced?
i like Rpg's, shooters, adventure, ACTION!!! and FIGHTING!!!!!!!! games, what do you like?
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehntps3 headset compatable for psp?
well i saw a headset for ps3, and since the psp is compatable for ps3 i wanted to know if other things are as well, so please answer my question, if you need more info just ask.. and to answer some of your questions so that you can answer mine heres what i want
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehntas a homosexual?
what was the most common question asked to you.
mine is does it hurt to have butt sex?! haha!
9 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntsame question?
there is this uy? he claims hes straight but it feels like hes not. and the worse thing about it si that im starting to fall for him. since monday all ive done was walk home with him from school. when he looks at me walking through the door his ears like prop up and his eyes shimmer and he smiles and says Hi Russ. when im near him it feels like i could stay there forever. and i wanna hug him and kiss him. but theres the fear of rejection. on friday he reached up and gave me a flower from a tree. and when i seperate form him he says? will i see you tomarrow. and i say yes. then he says. "come here?" so i come forward, and i look into his green eyes, and he says " so ill see you tomarrow?" and i laugh and say "yea!"
now i gave him my ipod so he could use it and i told him that it was my life. and i walked up to him friday. and asked did you take care of my life? and he said "yea your life is in my pocket." hess so cute.. yet hes only 5" tall and the same age as me. im 17.
5 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntanother does he like me?
there is this uy? he claims hes straight but it feels like hes not. and the worse thing about it si that im starting to fall for him. since monday all ive done was walk home with him from school. when he looks at me walking through the door his ears like prop up and his eyes shimmer and he smiles and says Hi Russ. when im near him it feels like i could stay there forever. and i wanna hug him and kiss him. but theres the fear of rejection. on friday he reached up and gave me a flower from a tree. and when i seperate form him he says? will i see you tomarrow. and i say yes. then he says. "come here?" so i come forward, and i look into his green eyes, and he says " so ill see you tomarrow?" and i laugh and say "yea!"
now i gave him my ipod so he could use it and i told him that it was my life. and i walked up to him friday. and asked did you take care of my life? and he said "yea your life is in my pocket." hess so cute.. yet hes only 5" tall and the same age as me. im 17.
5 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntdoes he like me?
he looks at me aaallllot in class, always calls my name, always picking on me and yea... other hand he seems prety straight but you never know right?
2 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehntcity of heros payment?
can u pay the monthly fee without a credit card?
2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 Jahrzehntverrry goood question: why do we do yahoo answers besides...?
...provideing info?
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehntahhh help me please!!!(gays only)?
im totally crushing on this guy.. but he kinda seems straight. usually i have a really good gaydar but my lights arent flashing.
anycase, he has a girlfriend. and he always looks at me too. i checked his myspace and it says that hes gay and that he just realized it. im sooo confused! i like this guy alot to the point where i wanna yell I LOVE YOU DAMNNIT!!!! but... we never talk. his friends told me in class that hes attracted to me. but since i know his girlfriend, i have her 1st period and him 2nd, i lied and told everyone that i didnt like him that way. His griend and he are inceprable. and i wanna tell him that i like him alone. Im obsessed with him and cant move on. its really hard to tell him how i feel too! please help me out!!!
9 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnton imvu why does everyone talk to the oposite sex???
well yeah notice that???? why people tell me???
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehntlol funny if you get it?
there was 3 girls and a guy one girl is blonde one girl has brown hair and the other has green hair.the guy asks the blonde why her hair is so blonde she says "its natural its natural" so he goes to the brunette and he asks the same question and she says " its natural its natural" so he asks the green haired girl why is your hair so green she wipes her noise and wipes it on her hair and says its "natural its natural!!!"
17 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnta simple joke?
a blonde walks into a bar and says owch.
*dumb blonde
8 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 1 Jahrzehnt