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Justin Case
Just wait and see what happens and see who they blame, just like Obummer did with Bush.?
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 MonatenSince blacks commit more crime by percentage of population, why is it not understandable why more get shot?
Actually by the numbers less get shot than any other group but percentage wise they are leading the pack. Culture issue?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 MonatenWhy have their been no riots?
Because the Dim-O-Craps got their way and Republicans are law abiding citizens. If it had gone the other way.......whoo boy!
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 MonatenWhat do you think of this plan? On his last day as president, Trump commutes the sentences of all black convicts?
Unleash them back into the blue cities from wince they came. Maybe buy them some houses in Nancy, Chuck and Creepy Joe's neighborhood.
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 MonatenIsn't it a great time to be black? I mean really! Just look around. You can loot, commit arson, walk up and knock old whities to the ground?
And in case no one thinks it is being noticed, the recent dramatic increase of blacks being displayed in ads and commercials.As a group representing less than 14% of the population, 80% of the adverts are rotating around blacks! It's great! And gang activity.......whoo! And no cop in his right mind wants to wind up in a shooting situation. So........we go on about our business. Thank you Chuck and Nancy for writing this blank check for us!
2 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 5 MonatenWhy stay? After being born and raised in what use to be the great nation of the USA and seeing what is happening to it I am getting out.?
The destruction that the democrats and their supporters have brought upon our nation in the form of riots, looting and murders rising due to the support the democrats have given the criminals, the obvious stupidity of mainstream America have made it obvious there is no saving my beloved nation. I will retire from 40 years of working and serving my country during the war in South East Asia this coming spring and plan to liquidate all of my assets and leave this nation for a location more suitable to my beliefs and way of life. Goodbye America, there is no saving you now. The idiots and ethnic hoodlums have taken over and it is no longer safe here.
12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 MonatenIf Biden wins election, should we begin burning down Popeye's Chickens and wine stores?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 MonatenWhy is there systemic racism? What makes people feel the way they do about know, them?
And why the band wagon for reparations? You could had every one of them a million dollars and the next week the only change would be they would have a new Escalade, 500 pair of new shoes and be right back to the same place in life they are now but.........they be stylin'.
5 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 6 MonatenDid you know Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and it was the first time that the President was elected from the Republican Party?
The Republicans fought the Democratic South for freedom. So why do all of you young idiots who know nothing of history than back to your grade school days continue to throw the civil war up in our faces?
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 MonatenWhy is it that ****** can shoot the F out of people every day in every major city and no $hit storm?
But let a white idiot bust a few caps and whooo! Boy!
3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 7 MonatenDo you really want to cut down on gun violence? Then pass a law that if a "person of color" is caught with a gun, off to prison they go.?
The stats would drop like a rock. The truth is out there. You just have to see it and believe it. Let the Democrats have their way and the gangs will be running this country.
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 MonatenIs it time for private citizens to begin armed security sweeps of these inner cities plagued with violence?
Since the criminal element is pushing to eliminate the police departments maybe we need to step up and give the police a helping hand. I, being a citizen who can legally carry a loaded weapon(mini 14)and have no problem upholding the oath I took to protect this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic would be more that happy to "lend a hand."
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 MonatenWhen will black America wake up? ?
Wake up to the fact that the reasons why people have a problem with them is because of the fact that as a group who make up a small percentage of the population they are committing the vast majority of violent crimes. Just look at what has happened over the last few days since the Democrats have given them permission to do whatever they want with impunity. Homicide rates through the roof and most of that is black on black crime. Innocent children shot dead in the streets because they can’t hit what they are shooting at. They have the reputation of being violent, aggressive, drug abusing gang-bangers. And don’t try to blame it on racism. Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Turning your ingrained culture around is the only answer and that has to come from within. Take responsibility for your actions, stop blaming your own shortcomings on slavery and your self-induced racism and pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.
Stop me when I’m wrong.
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Monaten