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  • Babysitting hourly rate? How much do you pay?

    I occasionally babysit my friends children, in the evening. I always find the exchanging of money really awkward i don't want to count it but she always asks if its enough. I've never really known how much is the average rate? I know there are factors to take into account, I'm in my 30s, I have various qualifications, First Aid, Safeguarding, CRB. She has just had her 3rd child. The children are baby, 4 and 6. Its also usually about 5hrs.

    Then how does it vary when i only sit for one child.

    The other night i looked after a 4 yr old and was paid £50 for 5hrs £10 of that was taxi again i hadn't worked it out. The little girl had woken a couple of time so that £8 an hour. That's ok right, or too much?

    7 AntwortenParentingvor 9 Jahren
  • Pet Star Cat Spot On? Cat is acting manic.?

    Our cat has fairly short hair and may have managed to lick the area. The surrounding area was quite wet. He had a little saliva on his lip and whiskers but since the application has been really edgy and runs like a maniac if you get close to him. We managed to hold him and try and wash the area after which he seemed a little calmer but still ran off and wouldn't let anyone near.

    That may just be mistrust but i've read some other horror stories about toxic flea treatments and am now really worried about him.

    Has anyone used this flea treatment on their cat, and what were the results? If your cat was manic how long did it last?


    2 AntwortenCatsvor 9 Jahren
  • Ebay/PayPal - Case opening?

    I purchased an item in mid April and it has not been delivered yet, i left bad feedback and told the seller i would be opening a case. The seller told me on Thursday he was posting the item out 1st class that day but it is still not marked as dispatched, so i have opened a case with Ebay.

    My question is, as i paid with PayPal do have to open a separate case with PayPal or will Ebay do all the work?


    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 9 Jahren
  • What does this behaviour tell you about a person?

    I'll use made up names to help explain.

    Kerry came to me with a secret and told me not to tell anyone especially not another friend of ours Jodie, when the secret becomes public knowledge i find out that Jodie was told before me.

    Why would Kerry tell me to keep it a secret from someone who already knew?

    This happened a few years ago but i had completely forgotten about it until i read it in a diary i'd kept at the time.

    4 AntwortenPsychologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you really be 'Too Busy' to make contact with a friend?

    If someone is supposed to be good/real friend can they really be too busy to stay in contact?

    I have 3 friends i consider my closest. They are all either married or have children (i have neither) which i understand takes a majority of their time. My problem is i have had no texts or calls from anyone except my brother since the 19th April its now the 28th this is a regular occurance.

    They may or may not reply when i text them but very rarely text me first. I often think of them and send a random message just asking how they are. Btw way are not a group, they don't know each other to hang out with just by name.

    I've known two of them for 11 yrs and the other for about 20 you would think they would cherish the friendship abit more. I can't dwell on it too long because it makes me so sad.

    When i last text one of them she said she had been busy but if you consider someone a real friend can you not take 3 minutes out of your day to text and see if they are ok?

    4 AntwortenFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • Starting to think my ideas of dating are old fashioned and warped?

    My idea of getting into a relationship (and i know that it can vary from person to person) is have a few dates see how things go, keeping it casual and then maybe a month down the line have a discussion about whether we have bf/gf potential. If we had met online i would not include that contact within the knowing each other time frame because its not face to face.

    I'm starting to think i am the only person with this timeline/idea of what dating is. I've been on dates with guys i've met online and they are declaring love for me after our first kiss on the first date or getting attached fast. It takes me upto 6 months to fall for someone, when guys fall fast it makes me uncomfortable.

    My friend contacted a guy online 4 weeks ago, they met face to face one week ago and he's already staying over her house and they are telling each other the love each other, to me thats really fast.

    I have not been in a long term relationship, the longest was 3 months so maybe my vision of how things should develop is wrong, i end it with guys for what i consider valid reasons and friends just nod along but they never call me on what is maybe my problem.

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Being referred to Breast Clinic?

    I found a hard lump in my right breast close to my nipple 2 weeks ago, it was just before my period so i wasn't too worried but visited the doctor. He looked worried and has referred me to the breast clinic.

    I am waiting for an appointment in the next 2 weeks. The words he used were 'it feels harder than a normal benign lump' My lump is about 2cm diameter.

    I am swaying between being optimistic and positive its bad news. I am 32, my mum has had breast cancer in the last 4 years i haven't had any other symptoms like discharge, shape change or skin changes. I had a little pain a week ago but i mean a little.

    Because of the words the GP used, i am thinking the worst, is there any benign lumps that are really hard?

    3 AntwortenCancervor 9 Jahren
  • Google+ been added to some random girls circle?

    Someone added me to their circle without me being asked first, i have no idea who this random is and i would like them to remove me.

    I have all my settings as 'my circle' so i don't think they can read what i write but that's not the point. I thought i had read all the privacy rules and i can't see how to stop this happening again.

    Do i have to message her to be removed?

    2 AntwortenGooglevor 9 Jahren
  • Where did this 'tradition' come from?

    The birthday celebrant takes cakes to work to share with others?

    At my work place we had a birthday celebration agreement, only give cards and every couple of months we go out for a meal the people who have had birthdays don't pay.

    On the day of their birthday most staff takes cakes in, this had never crossed my mind as i think its a strange concept. I don't think i should do it just because everyone else does but they probably think i'm really selfish i'm not i just think its a strange 'tradition' and i don't understand where it came from?

    3 AntwortenEtiquettevor 9 Jahren
  • Group speech phobia, colleagues don't understand PHOBIA!?

    I work at a preschool so we have daily registration and story time. I had to read the story and sing song to a group of 12 children for my course and after that had a panic attack. I have managed to escape the trauma for 6/7 years because i don't get asked, but today i caught half of a conversation between 3 colleagues:

    "we should have a rota"

    "we are all grown ups, and i'm fed up of doing it"

    "its in our job description"

    the reason i believe it was about me, the last comment. i was crouching on the floor and the 3 women were standing in a triangle around me talking quite loud (like they were trying to make a point).

    I would do it if i could but some people don't understand that having a phobia is not like just being scared. The room i work in has 27 children and women like that and its a huge room.

    How can i keep refusing to do something in my job description when they don't understand how terrifying it is? We have a meeting next week and i'm worried it will be brought up.

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Group speech phobia, colleagues don't understand PHOBIA!?

    I work at a pre-school so we have daily registeration and storytime. I had to read the story and sing song to a group of 12 children for my course and after that had a panic attack. I have managed to escape the trauma for 6/7 years because i dont get asked, but today i caught half of a conversation between 3 colleagues:

    "we should have a rota"

    "we are all grown ups, and i'm fed up of doing it"

    "its in our job description"

    the reason i believe it was about me, the last comment. i was crouching on the floor and the 3 women were standing in a triangle around me talking quite loud (like they were trying to make a point).

    I would do it if i could but some people dont understand that having a phobia is not like just being scared. The room i work in has 27 children and women like that and its a huge room.

    How can i keep refusing to do something in my job description when they dont understand how terrifying it is? We have a meeting next week and i'm worried it will be brought up.

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Should i re-date him?

    6/7 years ago i dated a guy for just a couple of weeks but broke it off due to a re occurring problem i seem to have, he behaved like he was in love with me after just a week. The way he looked at me made me uncomfortable. I told him to slow down but it didn't change.

    He would give me mild back handed put downs and immediately follow them up with compliments. Thing is we had chemistry and i don't find that often, i never deleted his number (though we haven't spoken) i've thought about him numerous time and he just contacted via the net expressing interest.

    Should i give it another go, the chemistry and thinking about him. On the other hand i broke it off for valid reasons?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • What was the song? Sky1 Got to Dance.?

    I would like to know the song used by brother and sister Brooke Milliner (from dance crew Plague) and Roxy on todays Got to Dance Uncut Auditions.

    Most of it was intro, i think probably a remix if i could find a video for you i would. It was dance but with slow male lyrics sure it was out last year.


    1 AntwortReality Televisionvor 9 Jahren
  • Over reaction on his part?

    I had 1 date this this guy, he cancelled the second date. We had been texting everyday but i'm not a person who texts alot anyway even with friends (i wouldnt get anything done if i text everybody i cared and thought about daily).

    This was his problem, out of the blue on Tuesday night he sent me this 'not once have you asked me how i am' i said that's not true and he should check his inbox he said 'doubtful' i said i just didnt have alot to say today then i asked why he's being confrontational and he said 'its just nice to know u think of me as much as you do, well i'm sorry!!!' then he switched on me and say i could text him anytime i want (thats what i was doing but it wasnt good enough).

    I've known him a week today and this morning he text me 'gd morning' with 9 kisses.

    He asked me to go out tonight (he doesnt say 'can or will, i see you' he just says 'if you're free tonight 7.30...see u', i said maybe but later i'm going to say no because i want to see if he reacts badly.

    Am i right to think he was overeating to me not texting and putting so many kisses so soon. I only put that many kisses on messages to people i love?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you make of my dates behaviour?

    I met this guy on a dating site, we just went for a drink at a local pub. He was saying all the right things we had quite a few things in common. He made a point of saying he's not looking for just sex cos you can get that anywhere. I didn't really think anything of that comment. We kissed in the car after but he was very restrained. That was Friday.

    We were supposed to go out tonight (his plan) but he cancelled. I made a jokey comment (text messages) about his new plans being better than going out with me and he got defencive. "Don't be in a mood, i'm not seeing anyone else, nor do i want to" (i didn't even imply/ask)" then he continued by asking be if i liked certain sex acts and how am i shaved, because he wants to know how best to please me when the time comes. Early today he asked for a naked photo of my bum, obviously i declined (in case it ends up online). What do we think about him?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • 2nd Hand Nintendo Ds - Failing Screen?

    Back in May my brothers girlfriend bought him a 2nd hand Ds for his birthday from eBay, when it arrived the screen worked for a couple of hours before cutting out. It was sent back to the seller and either fixed or replaced, when it came back the same thing happened again.

    Nothing ever came of this she never sent it back for another replacement and obviously now its too late.

    Is there anywhere that would refurbish it?

    3 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 10 Jahren
  • Our cat is constantly producing alot of Saliva?

    It has only starting in the last couple of days, he is eating but not as much as usual. He doesnt seem to be himself but is not obviously ill. We have tried to take a look in his mouth but he's a wriggler so it wasnt a successful attempt. He's not hurt anywhere else of his body and is happy to be touched around his face.

    I gave the vet a ring for advice and was told it could be a tooth or a number of other things did i want a £39!

    Does anyone has any advice please?

    10 AntwortenCatsvor 10 Jahren
  • How to express sympathy after loss of a baby?

    I was about to order a some Garden roses, i thought it would be a nice memory. My friends only lost their baby yesterday, i got a round robin text from them so i havent spoken to them. I was just looking up the kind of thing to write on the note and am now thinking maybe a card would be better.

    Whats the etiquite here?

    replies asap please, thanks

    4 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 10 Jahren
  • Lady leaving work should i get her a card?

    I work within a team of 11, we are all divided into different shifts and work in different rooms so i rarely cross paths with this lady though i am friends with her on Facebook and i like her.

    I have been on sickness leave for a couple of months so there may have been a card passed round work that i dont know about, thing is its her last day tomorrow and i completely forgot about it.

    So i'm now in a situation of not having anything to give her and not being on a joint card if there is one. What to do?


    7 AntwortenEtiquettevor 10 Jahren
  • Who is more likely to become alcoholic? The social drinker or T-totaller?

    Who is most likely to become alcoholic/develop a drink problem, a tee-totaller who did once drink but now never sets foot in a pub or a regular social drinker?

    I ask because i myself don't drink, used to but stopped because it would make me depressed and there are two alcoholics on my side of the family so i worried it may be in the genes. Also my new date is T-Total he describes himself as used to drink heavily but never goes in pubs anymore because he cant justify the prices.

    From that i heard ex alcoholic: wont go in pubs, lol maybe thats just my mind. It made me think though who would be more prone to becoming addicted?


    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 10 Jahren