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Tracy L
Hold a DMin, ThD, PhD - keeps me learning An OLD timer started using machines -- Altair, back in 70's Sat on A+ Cert. Advisory Board (original one) Sat on Numerous Mfgs Service Advisory Groups Run a WISP / Hosting Company Consulting Firm Love to work with Churches and Ministries Love to Fly! (MEI rated)
Doesn't adding an obscene amount of media coverage to "stars" obscene acts encourage those acts?
If Miley were to find appearances cancelled rather than all the publicity given wouldn't she quickly modify her behavior? Seems to me our culture rewards bad behaviors then we wonder why we have bad behavior..or is that an incorrect view?
4 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 8 JahrenHow can Chrome for Mobile be set to always request desktop site?
With "most" browsers for Androids you can make a permanent selection to see the "desktop sites" instead of mobile sites. Is that available in Chrome for Mobile and where is it hidden? I can't find it in settings even advanced.
Having to check it every time I use my tablet is a pain in the backside!
2 AntwortenGooglevor 8 JahrenWould you notice if you pumped jet fuel?
How much pre-flight is needed at your local gas station? Would you notice the difference in gas vs jet fuel?
Just curious, I think I would smell the difference but then maybe not.. The whole idea gives new meaning to "flex fuel".
17 AntwortenAircraftvor 8 JahrenCan anyone help me identify these plants that have a big White Bald Head and are about 4-5 foot tall.?
They have shown up in a house that we are working on getting restored and although they are nice and in the rest of the plant areas, I have NO idea what they are or how best to care for them.
Any help will be used to keep them! I think they are "Men in Black Plants" cause I haven't seen anything similar around DFW but then I haven't really looked until these showed up! Thanks
And here is a couple of Pics
6 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 1 JahrzehntWhich of these headlines is correct?
Here are TWO headlines currently on Yahoo 10/16/2008 8:39 Central
Stocks point higher after tame inflation reading (AP)
Shares fall as recession fears take grip (Reuters)
Anyone have an idea which one is correct?
2 AntwortenInvestingvor 1 JahrzehntUnleaded to compressed natural gas?
Just curious why CNG conversions are not BOOMING at the present? With the unleaded ripoffs at present it seems running CNG is looking like a very valid option??? It is about 2.40/gal equiv in Texas and only .91/gal equiv in OK just across the line. Is now the time???
Conversions with tanks are available for 3-4K so the payback isn't all that long anymore..
Notice, I did not say PROPANE I said CNG which is not a petroleum by product like propane!
Natural Gas is available and has a large supply just not many filling stations - (great Government isn't it!) There are a ton of new wells here in DFW area - production couldn't get a better hit than that. There are lots of Cities are running it, many fleets are running it, is it time for us the normal drivers to start running it?
Why or why not?
3 AntwortenAlternative Fuel Vehiclesvor 1 JahrzehntUnleaded Gas to compressed Natural Gas Conversion - Cost/Benefit?
Just curious why CNG conversions are not BOOMING at the present? With unleaded ripoffs at present it seems running CNG is looking like a very valid option??? It is about 2.40/gal equiv in Texas and only .91/gal equiv in OK just across the line. Is now the time???
Conversions with tanks are available for 3-4K so the payback isn't all that long anymore..
Notice, I did not say PROPANE I said CNG which is not a gasoline by product like propane!
Natural Gas is available and has a large supply just not many filling stations - (great Government isn't it!) There are a ton of new wells here in DFW area - production couldn't get a better hit than that. The Cities are running it, many fleets are running it, is it time for us the normal drivers to start running it?
Why or why not?
1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 JahrzehntWho finds the GAP add, well simply aggravating?
Just curious if anyone besides me thinks this talking piece of Americana is just too over the top!
6 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 JahrzehntIs my wife possibly correct?
Don't know exactly how it came up but my wife and I were discussing STOMP.. you know the group with the trash can lids, poles, and noisy shoes..
Anyway I made the comment that what they were doing was a form of ... blog dancing! To which she replied.. you have been spending way to much time with computers lately!
Is it possible I need some memory refresh time? Or is it simply a miss spoken word? Clog - Blog who knows? Perhaps blogs are the internet version?
3 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt