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Lv 618.641 points

Simon Bartholomé

Favorisierte Antworten44%

Hi guys. I am german. I´m 22 years old and trained boxing, MMA and self defense during the last 7 years. I studied traditional martial arts as well. I train/ed with both amateurs and pros. I am 6 ft 0 and about 215 Ibs (heavyweight). I was supposed to fight MMA in september of 2011 at germany´s premier MMA event - RespectFC. My opponent - a successfull german championship grappler - stripped out of the fight three days before. I also got a semi-professional offer (which was way too short-termed with only three days left before the event). I am the boxing coach in an MMA club. Here you can see me (this is my youtube channel): I am germany´s number 1 contributor in boxing and martial arts. I´m here to help people out and to learn from others as well. If there are any questions you can contact me via email. I will gladly answer. Kind regards to everybody out there!

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