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Wie sieht ein versprochenens Stellenangebotsschreiben aus?
Ich meine ein Brief wo eine Firma jemandem eine Stelle verspricht, und der auch sagt wieviel man verdient und so weiter. Mir faellt einfach kein Begriff dafuer ein.
4 AntwortenVerwaltung & Bürovor 10 Jahren38 WKS PREGNANT, SEVERE STOMACH PAIN?
I've been having this strong pain in my actual stomach (between lower breast area) since a few days now. Tums don't help anymore. It is a consistent pain. What could it be?
I also have to say that I suffer a lot of heartburn since I started out with this pregancy, and I have been taking tums daily since month.
Also, since a few days I have been getting what feels like painful contractions, but only the upper half (above belly button) gets rock hard. The bottom half stays soft. I get those several times a day, but not on a regular schedule. Every time this happens, my upper half stays rock hard for 5-10 minutes at a time! It is really painful. What is that?
1 AntwortPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntDilation/Effacement Question?
I am 36 weeks and had a doc appt. today. She said I am 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced.
I know the 1 cm isn't a lot and doesn't matter that much yet.
But how about the 70%? Is that pretty good??
5 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntBlonde hair dye, extreme brassiness?
I've been dying my hair a very light blonde since 10 years.
Yesterday I tried out a new brand, just on my roots. Now my roots look extremely brassy, almost a very light orange.
I'm thinking of going back to my old brand, also a very light blonde, but in an ash tone, and dying my roots over.
So basically I wanna know if I could dye my hair over, in basically the same color, but in ash. Might that fix the problem?
P.S. I know about the blue tone shampoos and so on, but would rather dye it again, if that might help also.
4 AntwortenHairvor 1 JahrzehntHelp! Blond hair turning orange!?
I'm dying my hair a lighter shade blonde since 10 years. Natural hair color is dark blonde. I never had an issue ever.
Right now I am trying a new shade/brand. It says to leave color on for 45 mins. Well, 45 mins are over and the foam from the color on my hair is a bright orange!! I'm afraid my hair will look like that!!
Should I leave the color on a little longer?? What to do??
6 AntwortenHairvor 1 JahrzehntEarly pregancy and burning stomach pain?
I did a couple HPT and both were possitve. I got a doc appt. soon, but maybe someone can answer this for me.
I got this burning sensation in my stomach since a few days. It's all day long, but worst at night. I wake up several times because of it. It's a burning located in the center part of my stomach. Is that normal? Is it just my stomach stretching?
4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehntwindows explorer won't start up?
my windows explorer won't start up at all, so i can't use the computer. I tried to put the recovery cd in, but the cd won't start either it doesn't give me the option to boot the pc from the cd, but goes straight to hardware boot, what doesn't work because windows explorer doesn't start. i am trying to run a diagnostic test. the instructions tell me to hold down the fn key and power on the pc. .my keyboard doesn't have a fn key. what can i do??
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntElise a male name??
In America can Elise also be a name for a male?? Are there any famous man with the first name Elise or is that name purely a female name??
13 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 1 JahrzehntSchmand selber machen?
Ich wohne in den USA, und moechte gerne einen Kuchen backen der Schmand benutzt. Schmand gibt es hier aber nicht. Ich habe gehoert ich kann anstelle Creme Fraich benutzten? Aber auch das ist hier sehr schwer zu finden. Kann ich Schmand selber machen? Oder etwas anderes anstelle Schmand benutzen?
4 AntwortenKochen & Rezeptevor 1 JahrzehntWhen does Dillard's Memorial Day Sale start?
Has it started yet? They don't specify anything on their website.
2 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 1 JahrzehntHow do to payroll for a small business in Florida?
Need answers from accountants or payroll professionals please.
I don't need to know any tax rates.
I should have the following deductions:
Social Security
Federal Tax
Federal Unemployment
State Unemployment (SUI)
Is this correct?????
How often do I send a liability check to the State and Federal??? Monthly for each???
What tax forms do I have to fill out and when??
Thanks, any help is appreciated.
3 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 JahrzehntPlease help me!!!! What does he mean????
Ok this guy who has a girlfriend writes this to another girl: "yes me and her are still together but i am being honest about everything if we were to get together"
Does he mean he would be honest to his girlfriend about this girl if they would ever meet or does he mean he would be honest about everything to the new girl????
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat does he mean?
Ok this guy who has a girlfriend writes this to another girl: "yes me and her are still together but i am being honest about everything if we were to get together"
Does he mean he would be honest to his girlfriend about this girl if they would ever meet or does he mean he would be honest about everything to the new girl????
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntWhat to do about those bitches in my office?
9 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 JahrzehntProzac and Involuntary Muscle Twitching?
I am taking prozac since 2 month and now seemed to develop a form of restless leg syndrome and muscle twitching. The restless legs are the worst in the morning, but my husband told my I also move my legs a lot in my sleep. I also developed some muscle twitching in my legs, arms and stomach. Are those common side effects of prozac? Should I try taking some vitamin or iron supplements? Are iron supplements save to take with prozac? I tried making an appointment with my doctor, but can't get a soon appointment.
2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 JahrzehntHelp with Haiku?
Taniguchi Buson
"The piercing chill I feel"
The piercing chill I feel:
My dead wife’s comb, in our bedroom,
Under my heel….
IS THIS HAIKU visual, auditory or tactile???
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntLiterary Analysis Help..... Narrative Summary or Thought Passage?
This was the last time I ever say my mother alive. Just the same, this picture gets all mixed up in my mind with pictures I had of her when she was younger. The way I would always see her is the way she used to be on a Sunday Afternoon, say, when the old folks were talking after the big Sunday dinner. I always see her wearing pale blue...
Is above sentence a narrative summary or a thought passage?
4 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntLiterary Analysis Help....Narrative Summary or Thought Passage?
A light snapped on inside. Someone sat up in bed—in Chaya’s bed—and this someone did not appear to be Chaya. She was too tall, and her hair was fuller and darker, and through the armhole of her sheer short nightgown he saw the startling contour of a woman’s heavy breast.
Is above sentence a narrative summary or a thought passage?
1 AntwortBooks & Authorsvor 1 JahrzehntLiterary Analysis Help?
All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and, feeling that I was about to slip from theme, I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: O Love! O Love! many times.
Is above sentence a Narrative Summary or a Thought Passage?
2 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt