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Lv 613.543 points


Favorisierte Antworten22%

ASE Certified Service Consultant Expert in many (but not all) automobile-related troubleshooting issues. Discount Tire Centers Service Manager Over 30 years experience in Theatre. Professional (seasonal) Christmas Caroller: Wife says I am a good kisser. Humble and Loveable.

  • Memorial Day tribute?

    I would like to quote the lyrics of an old Irish song "The Parting Glass" to all those who have lost.

    Of all the comrades e'er I had

    Who left me in good company

    And all the sweethearts e'er I had

    I wish them one more day to see

    But should it fall unto my lot

    That I should rise and you should not

    I'll gently rise and softly call:

    Goodnight and joy be with you all.

    God bless,


    2 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you do an American accent?

    I have answered many questions on here about how to do a British accent, and my answer has always been: which one?

    My question to all you non-American English-speaking actors is: how do you do an American accent?

    Do you go for Southern drawl, Midwestern twang, New England "ayuh", California "dudespeak", Brooklyn "yo" , Texas, Baltimore, Chicago, Philly, Miami, Cowboy, or what?

    What, to your ear, is an American accent?

    6 AntwortenTheater & Actingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Risking A Mere 5 Points?

    Kids, I ask:

    How many of you want to be actors? Really? It is not easy.


    How many of you want to be Famous? Not difficult, but comes with a price. It can be a heavy price. Are you willing to pay? No backing out.

    Actors work for the satisfaction of a well-done job.

    Celebrities work to maintain Image.

    An actor's job is to look for work. The show-cast is icing on the cake.

    My Challenge: Working Actors! What advice can you give to young hopefuls who truly believe that Disney can make them RICH AND FAMOUS?

    5 AntwortenTheater & Actingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A request by your automobile answerers?

    I have asked this before, but PLEASE ask questions that automotive professionals can answer. "My car makes a funny noise" and "What happens if I do ths?" are NOT questions that we, or anyone, can answer.

    This is a FREE forum. Many of your automotive problems can only be addressed by a qualified professional. That means money.

    I ask you all to be specific. We, your automotive professionals, cannot even come close to an accurate diagnosis without your input.

    B y the way, We do this without pay. We do this because we care. Please! Be specific.

    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Please Ask Questions We Can Answer?

    Many times we (your automotive professionals) are frustrated by the lack of specifics in your questions. "My Car Won't Run! Help!" will not get the kind of advice you need. This is a FREE forum, in which professionals(and others) attempt to answer your burning questions. We are not paid to do this. We sincerely want to help. We are not a substitute for a qualified "hands-and ears-on" technician. specific as to year make and model of your vehicle, and a detailed desciption of the problem.

    Won't start= check battery. Making Funny noise= we have no clue

    Will It work If I Deviate From Spec=no. Can I change a Transmission myself, and save $ =no

    We are here, on our own time, to help you. Help us by giving us questions we can actually answer.


    ASE Certified Consultant

    4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Harley: can Cider and you have a meeting of the minds?

    Your expertise intrigues me...cider enjoys educating.....meeting of minds?

    1 AntwortSafetyvor 2 Jahrzehnten