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KC V ™
Law Enforcement for over 30 years. Currently in the southeast with a K-9 partner! Entered the profession because of a desire in helping others and making my own community a safer place to live. Treat others as I want to be treated! No information provided should be construed as legal advise but information based upon experience.
Are we ready for another cold war?
MOSCOW — At a major security conference this past weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted the U.S. for its militaristic approach to foreign policy, saying its actions were "nourishing an arms race."
I certainly hope we are smart enough and dedicated enough to avoid another cold war!
15 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is wrong with San Francisco?
Watching the news and reading the paper, I see the mayor has no issue with providing illegal immigrants a safe haven. I have to agree with those who promote the termination of federal funding if the practice is continued.
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt