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Favorisierte Antworten17%
  • About education in the US...?

    Ok, so I watched Obama's speech and I agreed with a couple of things such as, our educational standards needing to be improved or reformed to increase the standards. That it is a "money thing" but it isn't at the same time related to what Bill said years ago. That said, I paid close attention to comment about more jobs needing to be created, as well. I believe firmly that this is also true. Education has to be worth something to us again and at the same time attainable. However, I guess my confusion is why do banks or have banks, as an example, gotten so much support internationally when they are not "creating" any new jobs? Should there be some kind of gauge or determinant as to which organizations get federal support? I am sick and tired of feeling like money gets pumped in and no jobs coming out, thus no kids really giving a damn at all to study, for what - no jobs? I just think an economy needs to have jobs to succeed to make that money go around in circles - no? If I am missing something from all of this, please inform me kindly. Thanks.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Someone asked me during an Interview...what sounded like, what my "remedial expectations" are?

    I looked up the word remedial, but it does not make sense. It was a phone interview and I do not know if I understood correctly. Can someone explain this to me, thanks.

    2 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Warum kostet es weniger in Deutschland zu studieren als in z.B. den USA oder UK?

    Wie sind Universitäten in Deutschland so erfolgreich? Oder sind doch unsere Bücher, Materialien, komplette Lernhilfen besser in den USA? Ich habe alle meine Studien aus Ami Unis gemacht und ich muss fast 40,000 USD zurück zahlen. Die Eltern meines Mannes haben sein Studium in Deutschland bezahlt, dass wäre in Amerika unmöglich. Weisst Jemand?

    4 AntwortenSonstiges - Kulturvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kommt Herbst (Kalendarisch erweise) in Deutschland früher als in den USA?

    Ich frage, weil eine Bekannte von mir sagte, dass in Deutschland, Herbst ist seitdem August angefangen. Sie erzählte dass ein Meteorologe von ARD beim Nachrrichten hat das bestätigt und es war Kalendarisch. Ich sagte, "Wirklich - hmm", ich wusste, dass unsere Erde sich dreht, dass es kälter in anderen Ländern ist als in den USA zu dieser Zeit. Ich meine "Herbst" kann von dem Klima unterschiedlich sein. Wenn wir oben Winter haben, die unten Sommer. ABER, ich dachte, dass wir alle (in der nördliche Halbkugel) diesen gleichen Kalendarischen Tag hatten. Also, ich glaube 21 September oder so ungefähr...bin vewirrt. hehe :-) Bitte erklär dass auch! Danke

    5 AntwortenSonstiges - Kulturvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think that BP is just buying time to salvage oil for re-sale?

    I don't know a large amount of details other than failed attempts to get to the bottom to remove oil. A lot of these attempts if not all have failed. My husband mentioned that he really feels that BP is just talking about trying to pull the oil out and not simply capping the hole. Problem here is, when BP would do that, they lose the oil. So, our hypothesis is that BP is doing a magnificent job BSing everyone to believe that they have a plan to stop the leak. In actuallity, they want to salvage the remaining oil and they are going to re-sell maybe to make up for losses if any on their account.

    BTW, what is up with the money they paid to Florida for tourism. Something smells very fishy here and it isn't the Gulf of Mexico!

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What really gets your abs and body toned for the summer?

    So I have been on a roller coaster trying to figure out the best way to get my body where I want it. Problem right now is my time is not that flexible, because I have a lot to do with the house, course, and baby. However, I have been squeezing in walks for about 1 hour to an 1 hour and a half. Re-started Pilates DVD or sit ups every other evening I get the chance.

    Problem is not the fat, but the fact that I WANT TO GET TONED. Apart from cutting down on carbs and candy or junkfood, what can I do? How long?

    I would really appreciate getting answers from a fitness trainer, lol. thanks

    1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sind manche Deutsche Frauen sehr neidisch von anderen Frauen die NICHT aus Deutschland kommen?

    Manchmal denke ich...wenn ich mit meinem Deutschen Partner draußen gehe, dass manche Deutsche Frauen neidisch von mir sind. Das stört etwa, weil ich kann es nicht verstehen. Ich bin meine Meinung nicht schöner als eine Deutsche Frau.

    Ich kann diese Gefühl auch stimmen, weil ein Paar Freundin von meinem Man waren sehr unhöflich zu mir als ich bei einer Party mit ihm war. Sie hatten dumme Fragen gestellt. z.B. Ob mein Man Geld für mich ausgegeben hat und so.

    Vielleicht das ist, weil ich Latina bin - aber ich komme aus den USA - hallo ich brauche keine Papiere oder Geld. Leider hatten diese Mädchen für mein Leben nicht interessiert.

    Seitdem, war ich ganz eintäuscht in Deutsche Frauen. Also, ich wusste schon, dass Frauen "generel" zickig sind, ABER das ist einfach gemein. Ich meine Jemand die du nicht kennst schlecht zu behandeln nö?

    Ich möchte auch sagen, in den USA waren meine Freunde unterschiedlich von aussehen das war NIE ein Problem.

    So, ich möchte wissen ob Jemand die Gleichen Problemen auch hat. Ich hoffe das war nur eine Schlechte Situation und das es nicht für alle stimmt.


    19 AntwortenSonstigesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kennt Jemand eine Gruppe oder Treffpunkt wo Ausländer andere Leute in Braunschweig kennen lernen können?

    Tja, ich wohne in Deutschland seit 2007 aber bisher habe ich wirklich keine Freunde gemacht. Ich war schon in einem Deutschkurs aber die Leute waren ein bisschen komisch und seitdem Kursende dann habe ich nichts mehr von Ihnen gehört. Ich finde es ganz schwer in Deutschland Freunde zu machen. So, ich möchte wissen ob Jemand einen Tip für mich hat. WO? WIE?



    2 AntwortenSonstige Städte - Deutschlandvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A relative of mine is getting a divorce and needs legal advice......?

    Ok, so, yesterday I get a call around midnight and its my relative. Long story short, she says that she wants a divorce but she is scared to lose everything. She said that not long ago her husband started to get more verbally abusive around her. She said that she has a really low self esteem because he calls her names in front of people and in public places. Stuff that should not be said, like you B***** or stupid C***. So she said the police came one night as she called and that they ended up taking his side, and told her she needed to leave the apartment because he has no place to go and that she has relatives. Does that make sense? She has a child that still goes to school. So, she said that she thinks the cops took her husband's side, because he was telling them lies that she threatened him and that she was hitting him. Well, I wasn't there so I could not prove the veracity of this relative's story, right? I don't even know how the cops could do that, but oh well. The thing is that he is threatening her now and saying that she needs to get out of his apartment (both are on the contract and I know for a fact she pays for 90% of everything there) her husband has been unemployed since lord knows how long! What can I advise her to do? I already tried to get her shelter and counseling hotline numbers, but I really think that this guy is the one that has to leave no? How can she get that to happen when he is not physically hurting her?

    Yeah, any advice would be appreciate. Thanks

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Nurses or Doctors ONLY! Question about Flu shots and H1N1 Flu Vaccine...?

    Hi there,

    I am involved in a self debate as to whether allow myself and my husband get a flu shot or even the H1N1 Flu vaccine...the problem is that we have a very small little baby at home not more than 3 months old. We want to protect her from ourselves if we should get sick (esp my husband who works as a teacher), but we do not exactly understand if or how these shots actually protect or prevent a flu or the "swine" flu. I am hearing stories left and right about people dying after they got the Swine Flu shot...I heard it on the news today that children under 7 should not get it. I am concerned, because I don't want my daughter to get really sick and hospitalized. Is the flu any kind truly preventable under any vaccine?

    3 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Which developed nation would you consider to be the most tolerant towards immigrants?

    I ask, because as a US Citizen living in Germany and as a Hispanic I can't help but observe how different countries or cultures deal differently with each other. I do believe, however, that some nations deal with the melting pot better than others.

    At the moment, I truly believe that Sweden and Holland might be more tolerant to other cultural groups than any other Western nation.

    Not even Switzerland who is supposedly neutral convinces me of that as I have heard quite a few tales from friends, who btw are of the white race.

    Anyways what do you all believe?

    4 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where could I find a list of items that are permissible to ship into the USA?

    I am living overseas and would love to send my family gifts for Christmas, but I am only familiar with the normal guidelines. Such as no meat, animals, fruits, meats, and the like. I understand that you are not allowed to ship any perfume either. So, if someone has a link that would be super helpful thanks.

    Please be sure info is official and trustworthy.


    1 AntwortOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is your opinion on people who always make comments about how you dress your baby?

    See, I have been a little annoyed at my husband's family, because they are always making comments about how my daughter wears too much "pink". The thing is that in reality she does NOT reall, but I did get like baby girl sock sets as a gift and other people gave me outfits that were pink. I mean anyways, what is so bad about this color anyway? SHE IS A GIRL and pink is a pretty color as is blue, red, purple, green, etc. I just don't know what their friggin problem is and it annoys me to the point where I just don't want to visit them anymore. I mean what am I supposed to do - dress my baby daughter as a boy? Another thing is that my mother in law was criticizing the fact that I put a child's cross (a gift from my mother) above her crib. She said, "well I never grew up with that. I suppose it's nice cause it does look like a child's cross." Does anyone have advice on how to deal better with a situation like this?

    13 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How does or can a person who skydives for a living qualify for a life insurance policy/accident insurance?

    I was just wondering, because this man on a tv report I saw basically made his living as a skydiving instructor in Florida. It occurred to me while drinking coffee that such a profession must call for a special or very very expensive insurance policy and coverage no? Could someone explain how that would work? Just curious that's all.

    5 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do teachers in the US feel about PISA testing and results?

    In your response explain your standpoint. I am not a teacher, but I feel that sometimes such statistical studies are not always "true" or necessarily comparable. That is when taking into consideration the different models and structures of teaching throughout the world and even the motive or drive behind each student that might differ from country to country. However, that is not to advocate that teaching methods are always fool proof and teachers in the end have no responsibility for how well a student might perform in a subject.

    Anyhow, my husband is curious to know other teacher's opinions, because he is one himself.


    2 AntwortenTeachingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welchen Jobs sind gut für mich?

    Ich bin in Deutschland ein Paar Jahre, aber mein Deutsch ist nicht Perfekt. Ich spreche Englisch und Spanisch (meine Eltern sind Latinos), und ich komme aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Ich habe einen Bachelors in Marketing in diesem Monat bekommen und früher hatte ich meinen Associate's in Administration/Management bekommen.

    Also, in Deutschland sehe ich das mit Jobs ist sehr komplizierter als in Amerika. Ich bin sehr frustriert, weil ich in dem nächsten Jahr eine tolle Arbeit finden möchte. Mein Mann ist Deutsch, darum geht dass.


    1 AntwortHochschulevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you feel about men marrying women from catologs or mail bride orgs?

    My English teacher did it! That was ages ago, though, and with a really pretty Asian girl that was at least 20 years younger. Now, as an adult and married woman myself, I cannot understand this practice or how people can do that. But I do know that some women want to improve their current life status, but I just think it is somehow morally wrong. I am living in Germany at the present, and I have seen a lot of older business guys here that happen to be married to a girl from some former Russian territory or Thailand. I used to kind of feel bad for girls like that, but not after knowing one girl from Poland. She basically slept with a guy about 20 years older than her, got him to divorce his wife, and then left him as soon as Poland got accepted into the European Union. She did not need papers anymore - you see. I just think that as a person who is with her husband through thick and thin, and out of love, in my opinion, this whole mail order stuff is just wrong. What do you think?

    8 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you really believe schools in the U.S. are doing everything possible to help your child/ren advance?

    Please give details as to why or why not, and if so how are they or how are they not.

    I was talking to my mom on the phone and she seems to be more and more disappointed in our schools. I actually experienced this myself when the school failed to inform her that my stupid little 16 year old sis was not going to any of her classes for days. If you are an employee of the schools why and how could this happen? My mother found out when the state sent her a fine for my sister's absences and a court call. No prior attempt had been made to contact my mom by phone or per mail, not even e-mail. So, I am just interested in seeing everyone's perspectives on this situation or issue.

    8 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should people abort infants or feta that might be born with down syndrome or any other disorder? Why/Why not?

    My husband is a special education teacher and we often talk about how parents feel about the situation of their children. It is not easy for some of these parents and I think sometimes society misunderstands these people. As a healthy person, I would only hope that my child comes into this world healthy, too. Personally, I would not abort unless there would be something really wrong, but if its just a physical or mental disability I belief everyone has a right to live. But, what is your take on this. Be honest.

    14 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt