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How do I fix this broken friendship?
Hi, alright so here it is, its about my ex-best friend, you see the reason why theres and Ex, because I told him I liked him, and after that well he sord of stopped caring about the friendship and just me, and anyhow yea, something tells me he does care, he's just as afraid as I am to show it, now whenever I'm by him I'm just all stuck up ignoring him like that, and he's acting all cool trying to look like he dosen't care, but I feel patheic but yeah anyhow not the point, Today I was in the hallways and this girl who is sord of my friend jumps up behind me as I scream like a little girl in the hallway, and then I fell, and he saw that all happen, and there was like that blank expression on his face, so as the girl helped me up and jumps up and hugs me again, and as she pulls me agasint the wall, and I see him, staring at me, and he see's me staring at him, and theres us both starting at eachother, with those looks on our faces " why aren't we friends anymore " and it was just like, well I dunno weird. How can I make us, truly friends again, like in the morning he's always with his friends, at lunch hes sitting next to his friends, at the end of the day we both gotta go home, and we dont have any classes together, its just like I don't know how to make this work? I don't even know how to be friends again, please help, because this is, or was my best friend and I want that. I want to make this all happen before he stops caring, permentaly, for now its temporaily but when that magic position wears of, theres no chance, and so much time has already gone by, I need this quick, please!
1 AntwortFriendsvor 8 JahrenHow do I fix this please answer, I need to fix this!?
Its a long story. He was my best friend. I told him I liked him last month. We started ignoring eachother, and it put me back on my depression mode. I wanted my friend back, I missed him, I cried, I thought about him everyday and how he would never care, I decided it was best to give up on the friendship, and try to move on, even though that would take months and maybe even a year, because he was that special. And I did'nt want to go through this deep sadness thing again I said " Lord, please don't make me do this again, if he does care, give me a sign, please I don't deserve this!" That was last week, the next day I woke up there was no sign, so I figured he did'nt care, there was no evidence claming otherwise. But there was a sign yestrday, it was clear, right in my face, he was IMing me last night, and I thought that was odd consdering we don't talk anymore, and I found it weird when he wroe correctly, but I let it slide, when I was about to end the conversation he told me it was his sister, and she asked if I liked him, I said no, not anymore, because he changed. She asked why we were'nt friends anymore, I said its not like I don't want be friends, because I tried I really tried on that friendship, she said, That he said he wished we could be friends again, she said that he said I had a sunny personiality and she saw it to, so she knew my name because she saw, and she was the first person I told that I was depressed or sucidual. And she told me some of his dark secrets. She gave me a misson, I was suppose to talk to him and get this friendship going again. Yep, well before I start this, I'm not really a *****, but dammit I did the bitchest of all bitched up moves today. Today I was suppose to talk to him, and set this friendship straight, well yeaaaaaah, I'm very parnoid and awkard when it comes to getting what I want, I told my best friend about it and suddnely he comes up on the staires, and shes trying to pull me closer to him and it takes him a couple of seconds but he see's us, so I push ourselves into the door and I tell her, I'm not ready, I can't do this! She said, whatever just stay, she sakd no I can't I said lets just go tkthe cafteria, she starts dragging me where she insteads try's to get me in front of the staires but I swinged myself into the direction of the cafteria, his friend said, I did'nt need to hide from the window, but I did'nt care, then I saw my other friend where I told her and I made her drag me to the building, where I finally stared pushing back and then my other friend comes over and they start trying to drag me, so lets not make this to long, let me skip to the end where I finally get enough courage to talk to him, and well interferences, my feelings that I usually learn to keep under control because if I did'nt then people would soon find out I'm depressed/sucduial but today they went blstick, 2 of his secrets came out of my mouth and 3-5 people might of heard it, and that was mean, it was cold so yeaaaah thats not even the worst part! My other friend was talking to him today and he asked if he knew me, he said yes, then he asked if he liked me, he said no, then he asked if he liked me and then he said no, later on that day,He told him I liked him ( which he obviously knew, because thats why were ignoring eachother in the first place ) but then he said just kidding, I still did'nt really care anyhow, and then his ****** friend comes in and shes like noooo she loooooves you! And he told her to shutup, and then he said ( the guy whos my best friend or WAS ) she use to be my bestfriend, and I was the only one who cared about her ( whicn is true ) and then my friend said, use to WOAAAAAAAH, and then he said, yea she did something to me, thats why I don't talk to her anymore!!!! So yea, its not like I cam blame him, not only did I loose my bestfriend, I also betrayed him, and I also betrayed his sister, ughhhhh by telling the secrets so ugh, I need help I have no idea how to fix this mess but I need help before its to late because I. messsed up big time, and I care, I really really care.
1 AntwortFriendsvor 8 JahrenShould I live with my loving strict mom who ignores me or my childish unconsidering father?
Ok this is a long story so be prepared, I live in a state that was chosen for me, I have to live there with my mom and something I barely have any great friends, now my dream life is where my dad lives with real good people and friends but my dad is the problem and I always feel like he cares about his gf more then me because he said if she ever wanted to move there she could even though I had beef with her, he said he's the adult he gets to decide, which I understand but I think he should consider my feelings first so I'm number 2 not number 1 like almost every other daughter that has a loving dad even though I know he loves me but still,but I just can't sit there and know his own daughter can't be put into consideration and something's I think the chosen life with my mom, I love her so , but something I feel like she ignores me because of work or poker or whatever so the dream life is basically the bestest friends in the world with the father that doesn't consider her or the chosen life with not a lot of friends like the loner, but with a mom that cares but you don't see her a lot and if you choose the dream life how do I make my dad shape up and if you choose the chosen life, how can I make the people at my school less ghetto because, I'm not going ghetto for nobody!!!! And how do I get more quality time with my mom but strin mom
Ps. My father is the dream life
My mom is the chosen life
5 AntwortenFamilyvor 8 JahrenDo I have a dependent disorder if not do,I even have one?
Well,I'm 13 years old, I've been depressed since I was 8 when I moved from a different when everyone has been completely different from me ever since. It's been very hard to make new friends. Epsically because I'm anxious to make friends. I don't like being alone, I'm afraid of being left alone and I fear I will always feel alone and I'm afraid to express my feelings aloud.I also need others to help me feel good, like I have a purpose in life,I become easily crushed by hurtful words and I don't like letting go of friends because its an on going feeling of them until I meet a new friend (it took me 3 years to meet a new friend so I was depressed for a while but none knew) i also have trouble expressing a disagreement I have with others unless I'm extremely mad! I try to care about others more then myself so they don't get hurt like myself, I feel I care more about a friendship then the next so I feel alone! I cry because lost of friends(for the passed 3 months which I will explain later)So ya basically I hate feeling alone, I want lots of friends, I try not to be anti social and I HATE expressing my feelings.
I started feeling lonely when I was 8 when I moved and when 3rd grade started I couldn't make close friends because by that time everyone's paired up as friends so I was lonely. So then 6th grade started Everything changed,I was more weirder because I need a way to make my self feel happy so happy I go over the top, the first few months were long and lonely then a new girl Galie came, back then my only friends were Natasha and James but I didn't like James so much and Natahsa was shy and like Jazlyn more then me it seemed. So Galie started out with the cool girls or whatever,she didn't talk me that whole day, I didn't even care she was that type, I didn't like, but slightly I did care, I wanted another friend. The next 2nd period I sat next to Sabrina, she was in a wheelchair since kindergarten, there were no more seats so she sat next to us, she was shy to me at first but bloomed up to Sabrina as fast as a butterfly, but she was really nice it didn't matter, the weirder she saw me the more she bloomed up to me and came my best friend! Then kanyia was a new student, she was also a new student, been in there for a month (5months now) with a hand disability but her hand is getting better, Mrs. Russel sat her next to James,Galiel and I (we were 3 good friends about to be 4) she was real shy at first she didn't say boo.So the next day we started sitting next her. Then somehow someway we were all like, that,then another new student, Natilie my friend from 4th grade, so she started sitting next to us to but she moved but it didn't matter, but here's my favorite part after 3 years I got my wish friends, oh friends. So we were all friends all of us, so all us were great friends Natasha,James,Galie,Kanyia,Ralsqush,Nati… and I were all like that! We all sat next to each other, until everything changed till my feelings would change for 5 months and maybe till I'm 18 but here's what happened! I remember like it was yesterday On Jan 22,2013 It started at normal than 5th period science, I had no pencil so I colored in blue marker, then Natile gave me lipgloss so I stuck it on my lips to my notebook, then the office called, I went to Ms.Omi's office they switched my classes, I remeber the hug, I remeber the text, I remeber the notebook, I remeber the blue, marker and the gloss, and the homework. It's 3 months later and guess who's in the pass, but how could I not? There the lunch table across from me, there in the bathroom and the hall, and everything ELES! Gailie changed to exactly who she never wanted to me and it feels like I'm invisible to everyone, but its 3 months and I'm only one person, and I feel alone again, everyone and everything is dark again. I can't express the feelings, when I tried to switch classes it wasn't possible so now, I'm Alone again. The only place I'm happy is 3 months every year, summer friends in my old state, I'm thinking of moving there I just have to convince my mom to let me live with my dad if not there's only one thing left for ok so thank you
1 AntwortMental Healthvor 8 JahrenHow did you not get in trouble? What did you get away with?
I kicked the wall.
My mom gave me a dirty look
I smiled
"What f you broke your toe.....Why are you smiling?"
Tehehehehe I said smiling
She just smiled and hugged me.
Thats the first time I ever tried the method and didn't get in trouble, and I'm 13 wow
Unbelievable! What did you get away with?
1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 8 Jahren4,000 years ago, how did cities get food?
You know like for small villages and how they got it or traded and what the process is?
Extra points if you tell me how they sold it or traded it or whatever something like that
2 AntwortenStudying Abroadvor 8 Jahren4,000 years ago,how did cities get food?
You know like for small villages and how they got it or traded and what the process is?
Extra points if you tell me how they sold it or traded it or whatever something like that
2 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 8 Jahren4,000 years ago, how did cities get food?
You know like for small villages and how they got it or traded and what the process is?
Extra points if you tell me how they sold it or traded it or whatever something like that
1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 JahrenHow to ask my mom if I can chemically permentaly straighten my hair?
How to ask my mom if I can chemically permentaly straighten my hair?
Ok, I have frizz and curly hair and I'm really tired that I can get a nice hairstyle my hair drys to quickly, my hair won't stop getting knotted and my hair is to thick and puffy and a girls like me shouldn't have an Afro! Anyhow how do you ask your mom
2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenHow to ask my mom if I can chemically permentaly straighten my hair?
Ok, I have frizz and curly hair and I'm really tired that I can get a nice hairstyle my hair drys to quickly, my hair won't stop getting knotted and my hair is to thick and puffy and a girls like me shouldn't have an Afro! Anyhow how do you ask your mom
4 AntwortenHairvor 8 JahrenWhat do you do? (Only for people who have experience)?
Ok so when you did live with your mom or do live with your mom, what did you do when your mom made you angry or has done something unfair, I draw her very pretty and put warts and pimple and burger a hairy eyebrows and a unabrow and mustaches and beards and big ears and small feet with long arms and very short and so on. What do you do??
3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWill all Conair 1875 blow dryers fit the same diffusers?
2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenDo you think VICKI spelled v.i.c.k.i is a bad name to name your daughter?
Do you hunk this name is a Tom boy name and girly girl name or both
Do you think this name is good luck or bad luck
Would you name your child this name
What are good nick names for this name
What do you think this name means
Any names close to it
For extra points send in an outfit of what a "Vicki". Would wear as a teen
An other stuff please put
3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhat's the happiest,sadest or funniest Christmas you ever had?
When the community votes the one Christmas story that is most exicting or has most feeling will get 10points :/)
4 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhat job can a 12 year do to get money?
Not lawn mowing
Walking Dogs
And no bake sales or lemonade sales or selling art
Any ideas?
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 Jahrenwhen your home at night and your friends cant come over and your bored of your electronics and its just you an?
I'm bored and I want ideas of what to do
2 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhy is the top of my hair frizzy, and the bottom wavy, and how can I not make it frizzy?
Ok so everyday I get out of the shower my hair is always wavy, after a few mintues, my hair dries really quickly so it gets frizzy fast. any hair products I can use to get less frizzy hair and more wavy hair like right when I get out of the shower and guess this to, after the frizzness my hair is straight then wavy please help make it all. Wavy or at lest most of it please help thanks l8ter!
1 AntwortPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenFun Careers I Can do after my Masters Degrees?
Ok like a
Wedding Planner
Make up Artisit
Something Fun or instreating and social everything has to be SOCIAL, because I'm a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY thank you very much
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenFun Careers I can do after my Masters Degree?
Ok like a
Wedding Planner
Make up Artisit
Something Fun or instreating and social everything has to be SOCIAL, because I'm a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY thank you very much
1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 Jahren