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Why is my dog scared of me?
My 3 year old dog has been my best bud since he was a puppy, and was always super happy when I got home from work, store, etc. Starting last week when I return, he hides and hangs his head and acts like he s terrified of me. When he hears my voice, he pees on the floor. Today I saw him come through his doggy door, see me, then pee on the kitchen floor, cringe and hang his head like he was horribly frightened of me. Like I said, he s my pal, and I ve never treated him badly or beat him in any way. After an hour or so, he s back to his old self. He s not doing this because he s been "bad"-he doesn t destroy stuff. What do you think could be his problem lately?
3 AntwortenDogsvor 7 JahrenDo American Jews even care?
It seems that the only Americans that stand behind Israel and against the Mooslums are Christians. By this I mean followers of Christ, not those who call themselves 'Christians' just because they're not Hindi, Buddhist or something else. This is directed to any Jew reading this who lives outside Israel: Are the Diaspora so distant from Israel that they don't care? I haven't heard a peep from any Jewish organization against Hamas or even for Israel.
12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 JahrenHow to wire up an amplfier on a motorcycle.?
I have a Harley Heritage, and I bought some aftermarket speakers and amplifier for it (one of those that plays from your walkman, and also has a built in FM radio of so-so quality). Not knowing all that much about electricity, I wired the amp direct to the battery, figuring that it would only draw current when I'm using it. Well, I was wrong. This thing drains the battery in a couple days, even with everything turned off. I assume I need to splice the lead wire into a power source that is hot only when the bike is running. I looked at the schematic, and it's way to complicated for me to figure out. I asked the dealership where I bought it, and they wouldn't even give me a hint (but they would be glad to do the job at $90/hour. You'd think that after getting $18,000 from me, they'd be a little more cooperative.
Can anyone get me started on the right way to attach the amp power wires?
3 AntwortenCar Audiovor 8 JahrenWould I be welcome on an Indian Reservation?
I have a chance to go to an Indian reservation in South dakota and teach, but I'm a lot nervous. I don't want to sell out and go somewhere not knowing if I'll be accepted or not. I know about the grinding poverty, rampant health problems, and astronomical unemployment rates, and of course everyone knows about how they were so inhumanely treated. Would they hate me because I'm white-and see me as representative of one of those who caused them so much grief?
I have no disrespect or hatred for any people in my heart, and I believe there are good and bad in all races-people are people. I just don't want to be harrassed, threatened, (or worse) just because of my color.
I also don't want to offend anyone with my questions, it's just that I don't know--and the only way I will know is to ask.
If any Native Americans or teachers on reservations could give me some advice, or maybe relate their experiences, it would sure help with my decision.
5 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 JahrenIs it illegal to fake a reference letter?
I need some advice from the experts. I started getting singled out on my job, supervisor's nit-picking about any little thing, and only disciplining me when several people do the same thing (nothing horrible-like tell an off-color joke, or laugh at someone else's joke). The only difference in this group of employees is that I'm Jewish. She is very religious and i once heard her say to a friend in the break room that "Jews are evil, because they killed Jesus". Anyway, things were cool between me and my supervisor until she inadvertently found out about my religion, and immediately she began treating me badly. She gives me an inordinate amount of attention, deliberately concentrating on minute flaws (no one out there is perfect) and ignoring the good job I do -and she's trying to use these miniscule things as a reason build a case for termination. Like I said, before she knew, everything was peachy-keen; she even invited me to her church a couple times. The same types of character flaws are ignored when she evaluates other employees.
I don't want to get fired because she is a prejudiced person, so I asked her for a letter of recommendation so I can find something else. She doesn't refuse, but she'll "get back to me" or "she doesn't have time right now". I have asked in person and in writing several times, and in 3 weeks, still no letter. So, I went to her supervisor (they're related by marriage),-the same thing; no response, and no refusal; silence.
The job I'm going after inststs on reference letters from direct supervisors, no exceptions, and they're drawing this out until the times comes that I have no job and no letters. So, what am I supposed to do? I was thinking of faking a recommendation letter-or are those things always checked on? I've been told by people who keep their ears open that my contract won't be renewed on july 1, so I'm getting desperate. What do you think? Fake the letter or not?
Please give me some advice.
2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 8 JahrenWhy don't employers recognize mental illness?
I have always had trouble keeping employment for most of my 57 years. The reason is because I suffer from profound depression that is untreatable with meds (even the latest). I say untreatable because there aren't any that don't give me terrible side effects-seems that if any psychotropic med has side effects, I get them-suicidal side effects. Through my family doctor, psychologists, and psychiatrists, I have been on literally dozens over the years. The professional concensus is that I am one of the ones that simply cannot be on them. Of my siblings, we have all been treated for decades for severe depression, and one killed himself.
That being said, I have had dozens of jobs in my life (23 before the age of 25), fired from most of them. It's not that I can't do the job, because I am very intelligent, have 2 college degrees, and an IQ of 152. The problem is that my personality is very different than most, and I have a hard time blending in, and am useless in social situations. I have no friends, and I'd be the first to admit that I am "odd"-I see what it means to be "normal", but I just can't do it myself (though I have tried very hard to fake it). My work never suffers in any way, but I'm just not an "up" person like I need to be (and my mind is wired so that I can't even fake being "up"). For this people don't want to be around me, work with me, or basically have anything to do with me--I have never been in a 'clique' of any kind. It doesn't take long for them to complain to supervisors about my attitude, etc, which always leads to me being fired-not laid off, but fired. It has never been for the quality of my work, but for my "attitude".
I am on the verge of losing another job-this one as a math and science teacher in a juvenile rehabilitation center. I've just been ripped by my supervisor and her supervisor for not having a Mary Poppins attitude. My teaching abilities are not in questions-it's the other stuff that they don't make allowances for. I tries to explain my situation to them, and they told me that they didn't want to hear it, and that it was "my problem", not theirs.
If I was blind, paralyzed, or had some other obvious affliction, they would be happy to make accomodations of any type to help me. The only accomodation I need is for them to put up with someone who is "different", and no one ever has. The fiscal year of the ESC that employees me is up July 1, and I am 99.999% sure that my contract won't be renewed. I lost everything I had (including my house) 15 years ago, and was only allowed to take what I could stuff into 2 garbage bags. I am only now beginning to recover from that horricfic time, and it seems like it may be repeated real soon, because teaching at a rehab is the bottom of the barrel, and I was lucky to get that. No one else will ever hire me. Especially at my age. I was extremely lucky to find my wife, and I don't know why she stays with me, considering the way we've had to live.
Most of my employment has been doing tough manual labor, also working for every temporary agency that has existed-even after graduating from college. But I have had 2 very serious heart attacks, and bypass surgery, so I can no longer do manual labor, without very likely dieing from the exertion (which most would consider as not being a great loss). So when (not if) I lose this job, my life will be destroyed again.
After sitting and staring at this for a half hour, I know no one can help me, but maybe I just needed to say it. Enjoy your mental health. I wish I knew what it was like.
5 AntwortenMental Healthvor 8 JahrenChevy Cavalier losing oil?
I have a 2005 cavalier with about 185,000 on the clock. It's always used oil (usually a quart between changes). In the last year or so, it has gotten worse, and now it's up to about a quart every 10 days-2 weeks. I can't imagine where it's going, though. There's no blue exhaust, no oil leaks on the driveway or road, no oil in the engine coolant-everywhere the oil could be going just----doesn't seem to go. With this many miles on it, I don't plan on spending $$$$ on heavy engine repairs, but I am curious for any ideas.
1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 JahrenIdentify Harley wheel hub?
I recently got ripped off at Ebay by buying a Harley hub that was not as it was described. Seller says basically "tough beans", and says he doesn't care crap about negative feedback. Since I needed that money to buy a hub, I'd like to re-sell it, but ONLY if I know exactly what it is-I don't want to cheat anyone like I was cheated. It is 40-spoke-3/4 inch bearings, one side much bigger than the other. I can't find an i.d. number, and the only cast-in marks are H-D, 17 (underlined) and C4. 'O' and 'S' and 'N' have been stamped in. I've taken it to a local dealer, and they seem like if you're not buying something, they really don't want to talk to you.
How can I i.d. this hub? Thanks.
3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 JahrenAdapt fatboy wheel to Heritage?
I have a 2010 Harley Heritage (23mm wheel bearings), and I want to adapt a 2003 fatboy wheel (3/4 bearings) to use on the Heritage (front). I already put the right bearings in, but I got in over my head, I think. I've spent many hours searching for any info, but none seems to be out there. The spacer that fits between the bearings is too wide to go through the fatboy wheel. Even the local Harley dealer has the attitude of "let us work on it for a few hours ($90/hr), and we'll see if we can figure something out". I know that someone out there has done this, and it's probably easier than it seems.
3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 10 JahrenLooking for school with master's program?
I need to get my Master's degree (education) and was was shocked when I saw the charges from some of these schools (I got my Bachelor's 20+ years ago when educational costs were $$$, not $$$$$$$$$$$$ like they are today). Because of my job, I have to get it 100% online. Has anyone gotten their master's from a school that didn't cost them an arm and a leg? If so, would you do the same again?
2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 10 JahrenGood scope for a Stevens?
I have a Stevens bolt action in .223. It came with an adjustable scope, and at the time i thought it was a good deal, but I found out it won't hold zero. I had zeroed it at 9x, and dialed it down to 3x today because I had to use it on a coon at about 40 feet, and it was a bad kill. The rounds hit the coon everywhere but where I was aiming. $hit, I just eye-balled down the barrel for the 4th shot-which finally finished it. So this doesn't happen again, I want to put a better scope on; one I know is going to hold zero. Since the rifle and scope were only about $300, I don't want to put a ton of money in it, but I want to know it's going to hit where I aim. Anybody have any ideas?
5 AntwortenHuntingvor 10 JahrenAftermarket barrel for a 40ve?
I have a 40ve (yeah, I know it's a pos, but it's too late now and I just can't pawn it off on some unsuspecting dope), and I'm looking for an aftermarket drop-in barrel for it in a different caliber. I was thinking maybe 357 Sig.-or any other caliber that would work in that magazine. Any ideas? I figure it's good enough for a tool box gun. I just don't like the 40 caliber round any longer for personal reasons.
2 AntwortenHuntingvor 1 JahrzehntIs this a fake Harley patch?
I just paid good money for a "Harley Davidson" patch on Ebay, and I think it's a ripoff. The back is just some kind of black material, without any embriodery showing through. The edges make the patch look like it was cut out by some kid with a pair of scissors. For those of you with genuine Harley patches, does this sound like a bad one? If so, is there a way to tell a fake patch from a real one?
5 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 JahrzehntNeed advice for a Vulcan 500 windshield?
After getting some good advice on this site, my wife and I finally decided to get her a Kaw Vulcan 500cc (2009 but never titled). It was the only one she felt comfortable on. She'll be needing a windshield though, and I was wondering if you have one on your 500 that you really like--or maybe you have one that we should stay away from. I've spent hours looking at the sites for the aftermarket stuff until my eyes are bleery-and just getting information overload. Seems like they make a lot for the 900 and up, but not so much for the 500. Thanks in advance.
3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 JahrzehntNeed advice from the women Harley riders.?
I need some advice from women riders of H.D.'s. I ride a Heritage Softail, and my wife and I were kicking around the idea of getting her a bike so we can ride together, and she can take off on her own if she wants to. We tried some Sportsters on for size, but she has zero experience actually riding (except as a paassenger), and she is very leery about it. She seems to think that motorcycle riding is somehow really hard to do, and she takes what the salesman says with a grain of salt, assuming he will say anything to make a sale. They will throw in a riding course (4 days) given by state certified amd Harley certified instructors as part of the deal. This will let her get the m.c. endorsement on her license.
It would be great if some women out there (especially if any of you are recent first-time-riders) to tell her what you really think. I tell her a woman can handle a bike as well as a man (assuming the bike fits her, or course). Maybe you even ride a H.D. bigger than the Sportster-she'd like to hear from you, too. If it matters, she's about 5'2" and 135 pounds, and the bike fit her like it was built special for her.
P.S. We were thinking about getting one of those 3 wheeled Piaggio scooters, but now we're leaning more towards the sportster-if she can get some confidence in her abilities.
4 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 JahrzehntIn Mozilla Firefox, how do I turn off the 'remember password'?
I have an override password so I can show appropriate videos in Youtube to my students. But other users are viewing inappropriate stuff using my override because it pops up automatically. How do I change this so I have to enter my password every time?
3 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's the best way to sell a domain name?
I have a domain name that I want to sell if I can make enough from it, and I have been doing some investigations about it on the web. But I've run up against an avalanche of stuff about it, and instead of helping, only confused me. Does anyone know of a site that explains the process in easy to understand terms?
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 JahrzehntUncle Mike's paddle holsters any good?
I was wondering if anyone has experience with U.M. kydex paddle holsters? U.M.'s site leaves much to be desired, and I can't really find anything out about them-only that it is a holster. But compared to what?? Are they comparable to a blackhawk, with a push button release? Or maybe more like a fobus with friction only? What's the quality like?
3 AntwortenHuntingvor 1 JahrzehntYour opinions on motorcycle intercoms?
I'm going to get my first intercom, and was wondering if I could get some opinions on which one might work well, but more important, the ones I should stay away from. We probably won't be listening to music, and connecting a phone to it isn't important. We both have open face helmets.
4 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 JahrzehntTriumph, Harley or other?
I'm seriously thinking about buying a motorcycle, and I've done the research, but now I just need some plain, old opinions. The 2010 Triumph Rocket III Touring (about $19,000 o.t.d.) is incredible, but will cost me $212 a month for 10 years-wow a very long time. Is it really worth it---or is it just the name I'd be paying for? I know all makers have great touring bikes, so can you name one I should really be considering?
13 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 1 Jahrzehnt