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Lv 2796 points


Favorisierte Antworten10%
  • Kann man nach einer plazentalösung nochmal schwanger werden?

    Bei meiner letzten schwangerschschaft löste sich meine plazenta und es kam zu starken blutungen.dies fuehrte dazu das meine tochter per notkaiserschnitt zur welt kam.nun meine frage.beeinflusst das in irgend einer weise meine chancen nochmal schwanger zu werden?

    Vielen dank im vorraus

    Schwangerschaftvor 8 Jahren
  • Kinder vorne wenn es keine rueckbank gibt?

    Mein freund hat einen dodge pickup truck ohne sitze hinten, also ohne rueckbank. Duerfen kinder 4 und 6 vorne in kindersitzen sitzen?

    5 AntwortenSicherheitvor 8 Jahren
  • Kann ich an jeder sparkasse geld abheben?

    Maine sparkasse ist in trier Rheinland pfalz , bin aber diese woche in Hessen. Kann ich hier mit meinem ausweis geld abheben? Habe meine ec karte verloren

    10 AntwortenPersönliche Finanzenvor 8 Jahren
  • online department store that sells guys ae, hurley, bench......?

    trying to get my boyfriend some stuff but trying to see if i can do it from one store only.. he wears things like hurley, american eagle, bench etc..

    thank u

    1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 9 Jahren
  • any pizza place accept paypal???tx usa?

    im in germany...boyfriend in us....would like to order him pizza, have no credit card since theyre not that popular here...any place that accepts this???tried papa johns pizza hut and grubhubb.....that **** doesnt work

    5 AntwortenOther - US Dining Outvor 9 Jahren
  • Im in Germany, father of baby in America.. Child support?

    Our baby is due to be born end of may. Things didnt work out and my ex went back to america.. We seperated on bad terms and now i have his family and ex girlfriend bombarding my inbox with nasty messages like the baby isnt his anyway.. Of course the baby is his and i have no time to involve myself with these low life people and have no reason to explain myself to them.. What do i do about child support and a dna test? anyone have experience with this stuff? should i get a lawyer ?

    thank you and have a blessed day

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 9 Jahren
  • wo kann ich eine xbox 360 bestellen und morgen geliefert bekommen?

    ausser amazon.. die bieten mir naemlich nur die zahlungsart kreditkarte an und die hab ich nicht

    danke. schoenen tag

    4 AntwortenXboxvor 9 Jahren
  • Wo kann ich mit kreditkarte zahlen?

    Habe versucht im media markt in trier einen fernseher zu kaufen.mein freund aus amerika hat eine kredit/debit karte.wo kornnen wir diese benutzen

    4 AntwortenSonstiges - Wirtschaft & Finanzenvor 9 Jahren
  • Is this normal...i have no control ??? ?

    Hi first off were extremely happy...after two girls our baby boy is finally due in may and im stoked....

    So heres my my first two pregnancys i had to go to the bathroom frequently but now in this preg i dont even have time to run to the bathroom..were talking about peeing here :).not only do i have to go literally every 5 joke..but sometimes i dont even have a warning..sometimes it just starts and i have to position my body in the weirdest way and squeeze my legs so it doesnt just run..thats not always successful...i even pee myself by coughing or in public this is not so fun... Anyone else have no control and will this go back to normal once hes born ??? :) have a wonderful day everyone...thanks in advance for your answers:)

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • what 2nd name goes nicely with cloe?

    wll my bf and i finally agreed on a first name for our baby girl due may 28 2012. i know its still a long way but id just like to have a name so i can order things make her room etc..... we rfeally like cloe as her first name, but what 2nd name mingles well with that????? last name is chester if that helps :)

    thanks for any suggestions in advance....

    8 AntwortenBaby Namesvor 10 Jahren
  • Who can i call if i havent received my orders yet?

    i get out the service dec 5 and havent received my orders yet..... i need them asap, who can i contact about that???

    Anyone have a phone nr or email address or any kind of help pleeeeaaaaase

    stationed at ft bragg NC if that helps:)

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 10 Jahren
  • please tell me, am i going to jail??

    first of all, ive been reading some answers on here and some were pretty mean, so pls i have enough to deal with pls only answer if you know what your talking about.i know i messed up so just looking for some advice.heres the deal, about 4 - 5 months ago my husband and i got in an argument it all ended with me biting his hand.not bleedy,just a little one to where you could see a few teeth marks. my husband and i are still together and now just think how stupid that little fight was cause were paying now big time. my husbands in the army and we only have one car. ive missed a few appointments due to him not getting off work to watch our two babies so i can go.ive kept in contact with my po but today i missed another one because they wouldnt let him off work here i am at home with 2 babies no phone and no car.(my daughter decided to give my phone a swim in the toilet) im sure she thinks im doing this on purpose but its not the case AT truly scared out of my mind about whats going to happen i going to jail?i went for that one night it happened and it was the worst day of my not fishing for excuses and i know my po has every right to be upset with me, but if i go to jail my husband will probably loose his job and then what?he'll be at home with 2 babies and no money. if i have to go to jail i know my kids (especially the 2 year old) will freak out if im not there.this is my first charge ever.and so you know thats the only time i ever did something like that.ill never do anything to hurt anyone in my family.i want to call my po but i have no phone really freaking out and dont know what to do with myself.what is going to happen to me?oh and when i went to court i didnt get a proper sentence from the judge,because before that we were called in a room where we could agree to do this 2year program with anger management.please someone tell me what is going to happen to me...

    thank you

    6 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt

    im going to try and cut this story short,please bare with me, :

    i was born in south africa, johannesburg 1986. my parents were never married and never lived together. my dad had another girlfriend before my mom,whom he was seeing on and off. i have a half sister who is 3months older than me somewhere in south africa.never seen her or my grandparents from that side of the family. my dad died in a car accident when i was 3 years old and since he was never really there, i have no idea what he looks like. ive never seen a picture of him, nothing.we just didnt have any. my family tells me i have his mouth and teeth and get most of my features from him. but i would like to just once see what MY DAD looked like. im crying right now writing this. its so 23 now and have 2 babys of my own and god forbid they dont evr get to see how their dad looked. its so frustrating, ive tried google'ing his name and his parents last name. cant find anything. all i know is his name was peter johnsten/johnston or jonston. his parents first names, i dont know. i really dont want to ask my mom, it will tear her apart. where can i go to find something out. ill even go on a show to find any relative. if you can help me it will be very much appreciated. thank you in advance.oh yes, i now live in VA united states

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • need to get out of my lease, please help?

    i posted a question earlier but didnt get answers. i live in virginia and we started renting a house for $1200,00 rent a month. turns out this house has something new wrong with it everyday, am i allowed to find someone else for the lease. the lease does not say anything about that. the landlord wrote a few lines herself, just thats its for a year and how much rent we have to pay


    1 AntwortRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Home inspection, newport news, VA?please help?

    ok so here is the deal.

    we were stupid enough to move into this house, but we payed the deposit about 3 weeks before moving in, and the landlord told us everything will be done by the 1st. turns out it wasnt. we tried to get out of the lease but she wouldnt let us go assuring us again, everything will be finished. well we moved in about two months ago and its just getting worse. i had to clean the ... out of the windows and a whole lot of other thingd. it was distgusting. the things ive had to clean look like nobodys ever gone near there to clean. everyday something new appears. i have a 19 month old who keeps coming to me screaming because she has stapels in her foot. the landlord put the carpets down herself and just stapeled it to the ground. she finds nails everywhere. i walk through this house everyday just to see if i find any more lying there are wet spots showing up in the baby room on the wall.we pay $1200 rent for this houseand i think its pretty rediculous for what we have to live wondering if i can get an inspector to come look at this. do we have to pay or does the landlord? and if he finds something is tere any way we can get out of this house?thanks for any help or advice you can give me

    1 AntwortOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • breaking our lease in virginia?

    we live in newport news virginia, in an apartment. we are breaking our lease due to personal issues that we dont like about this place. i understand the whole paying rent until they find someone. but we gave them our 2 month notice in january and they said it wouldnt be a problem.

    the thing is that they first told us ok they found someone for march which made us think ok we can go look for a new place. so we did and found a nice house and paid the security deposit. a week later our apartment managment tells us no soor now its april. and now all of a sudden its may. shouldnt they wait until they know for sure and then tell us they have someone? how are we supposed to find a new place if they keep on putting on another month?

    thanks for any help or advice

    2 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is going on with my 16 month old?

    Since about a month or so my 16 month old girl throws tantrums like no other. She slaps me, throws herself on the ground and screams like crazy. (its loud). when i tell her no, she'll smile or laugh and think its funny. She does it in public too, like when we want to leave the store and pick her up.

    What can i do? and are the terrible two's still heading my way?

    Thanks for any advice

    3 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • meine ec maestro karte in den usa?

    habe gestern herausgefunden das dies gehen soll. habe eine sparkasse ec maestro karte und habe gestern an verschiedenen banken versucht geld abzuheben. ging aber nicht. bin in virginia. woran koennte das liegen? habe auf jeden fall geld auf meinem konto in deutschland.

    3 AntwortenPersönliche Finanzenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • kann ich meine ec karte in amerika benutzen?

    brauche dringend geld , kann ich meine ec karte in amerika benutzen????

    5 AntwortenPersönliche Finanzenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wie komme ich an mein konto in deutschland?

    ich bin nach amerika gezogen und habe noch geld auf mein deutsches konto. gibt es einen weg wie ich daran kommen könnte?

    2 AntwortenPersönliche Finanzenvor 1 Jahrzehnt