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  • Can you be a responsible parent and drink every night?

    Welcome to my first ever question. I have just had an argument with a guy at work about this. Now, I'm not a parent myself. This guy is married and has young kids, and he's in his twenties. He tells me that he drinks 4-5 cans every night, had 9 last night, does it after the kids go to bed, denies he's an alcoholic, and doesn't see the problem.

    I feel that this is wrong, and irresponsible. What if there's a problem with the kids, the house, anything? How can you react to a situation, drive anyone to hospital, be in total control, be there for your kids, if you're not sober? I don't have a problem with the occasional drink, but every night?

    I'm inviting opinions on this. You won't change my mind, but I want to know how other people view this.

    27 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt