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Have you read the info sheet that comes with your birth control?
How many people have not read the info that comes with their birth control? Then they come here saying "I missed a pill or was a little late, what should I do?"
Read the information. It tells you what to do if you miss a pill, how effective it as at prevention and risks. Yes, there are risks!
Go read it now!
2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntWhere the idea that stomach protrusion means pregnancy came from?
I keep reading questions where the person says "I had sex last week and now it looks like I'm pregnant cause my belly is sticking out."
You don't show during pregnancy for months. I want to scream at people. Anyone else?
1 AntwortPregnancyvor 1 JahrzehntI have secured a part-time, but I know of several full-time jobs available. What's the best thing to do?
I have a very part-time job secured for the fall in a school about 30 minutes drive. But other, full-time jobs have come to my attention closer to home. If I apply for them and get one, is it bad etiquette to quit the part-time one?
5 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt