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The Nuclear Scorched-Earth Burger Wars!?
Zagat just came out with another lame "best hamburger" award and this time it was given to Five Guys, an east coast chain just arriving in Southern California where I live. Although I'm not a hamburger connoisseur, if I had to rate my favorites I'd probably put Carl's and Burger King one and two because the taste of flame-broiled meat can't be beat. Third would be In-N-Out which has a cult following that kind of eludes me (but their burgers are good) and Wendy's. After that there is a fairly steep negative slope, with chains like Jack In The Box which seems to appeal to males 13-21 and lastly McDonald's, who's hamburgers I wouldn't eat if I were starving on TV's "Survivor" and had just won a Big Mac reward challenge.
Having just given my opinion what do the followers of Yahoo say? What is your favorite burger chain?
7 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 JahrzehntIf Tiger Woods becomes Mr. Etiquette, will he also become Mr. Boring?
I've always enjoyed Tiger Woods the most when an errant shot of his resulted in all manner of goofy facial expressions, which I call his "tortured soul" look. Example: when a Woods 300++ yard drive lands in a grove of trees resulting in an "AHHH...OH NOO" look with teeth grimacing. To me Tiger cussing simply adds more fun.
Now that Tiger is vowing to become all nice, warm and fuzzy toward the media, fans, kiddies, Thumper the rabbit and all his forrest friends, won't he also become incredibly boring to watch? Watching Tiger turn into Phil will take some of the fun out of watching him play- yes or no?
2 AntwortenGolfvor 1 JahrzehntMy new boyfriend loves to watch BAD football teams?
Most guys I've known like to enjoy elite teams like the Florida Gators or the New England Patriots. My boyfriend likes the Cleveland Browns, an NFL team so bad that it's debatable if they could even beat a good SEC college team. He especially gloats over their replacement starting quarterback Brady Quinn and howls over his arm strength (and other things I can't write about).
He's never even been to Cleveland. What's up?
17 AntwortenFootball (American)vor 1 JahrzehntWhat television commercial automatically makes you groan?
Mine is for the Bell & Howell Silversonic XL. It looks like a really cheap version of grannie's hearing aid and the situations in the ad are absurd: "John's a really nice guy- yeah he is" "her body is amazing!" Right, in real life it would be "John is cheap jerk" and "have you ever seen such fake breasts?"
12 AntwortenOther - Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntCan Sarah Palin's husband Todd take-off and land on water?
There is a Vogue magazine article with Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin standing in front of N8194D, the friendly family float plane. It's a 1958 Piper Super Cub or a PA-18-150. While Sarah has no documented flying experience her husband Todd does hold a Private Pilot's license, but with the designation Single-Engine Land.
How does a holder of a land certificate fly a float plane without a Single-Engine Sea qualification?
7 AntwortenAircraftvor 1 JahrzehntWhat Strange Aberrational Idea Of History Did You Have As A Child?
Don't ask me why, but as a child I always believed that the Pilgrims' ship (the Mayflower) was some sort of cruise ship. Maybe I was sleeping during class but I truly believed the Pilgrims sailed from Europe to Plymouth rock on a ship the size of the Queen Mary 2. Moreover, I pictured the first Thanksgiving as this catered in-door resort banquet with sumptuous turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes and plenty of pumpkin pie.
What weird idea of history did you have as a child?
5 AntwortenHistoryvor 1 JahrzehntRichard C. Hoagland: Astronomer, Pseudo-Scientist or Entertainer?
We listen to a radio show called Coast To Coast AM that has a frequent guest named Richard C. Hoagland. He is billed as the show's science advisor and is very articulate and interesting to listen to, particularly when he is talking about astronomy and space. My boyfriend thinks he is a latter-day scientific snake oil salesman: Is he correct in his opinion?
5 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 JahrzehntBindi Irwin: Adorable child carrying on father's legacy or scary precocious moppet gone Hollywood?
At times I see a young daughter deprived of a father at a young age bravely determined to follow in his footsteps. At other times I see a youngster so over-the-top she must have started acting lessons in her mother's womb. That's the contradiction: the "oh how adorable" factor blended in with the eerie "ick" factor.
What say we?
14 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is the main appeal of "The Girls Next Door?"?
For men: Is it the fantasy of watching an octogenarian with arthristis, bad hearing and who knows how many other infirmities attempt to bravely carry-on like an aged lothario? For women: Is it the fantasy of living in a Tudor Revival mansion with a staff of 80, a seemingly enormous expense account and every reasonable wish fulfilled? For all: Is it the "groan" factor of watching a ludicrous, scripted reality show follow the daily goings on in the Hefner household. Will Hefner be pursuaded to leave his Holmby Hills mansion ever again? Will Kendra expand her limited vocaulary and will the men watching the show realize that she isn't exactly supermodel Tori Praver level material?
Why do you watch the show?
8 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntAre Speeding Citations for Safety or Revenue Enhancement?
Germany has the autobahn where drivers speak with pride of their "left lane credentials." However, here in the U.S., owners of Corvette ZO6s, Dodge Vipers, Saleen Mustangs and other cars which can go from a standing start to a several hundred dollar citation in ten seconds flat are forced to crawl along rural interstates at artificially slow speeds. Some sections of interstates like I-15 from Southern California to the Nevada state line, the highway patrol is selective at best with enforcement, with an estimated 80% of the vehicular traffic traveling above the posted speed limit.
Then there are infamous speed trap towns where nearly all the city's income is from traffic tickets? Lastly, we've all read that when policemen engage in a ticket slowdown during contract talks, the resultant revenue drop is sufficient for the municipality to go into crisis mode.
So (pro and con) what is the true purpose of the 10 mph-over-the-limit speeding ticket?
11 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 JahrzehntUpscale nudist resorts: My boyfriend and I are looking for places not described as "rustic."?
3 AntwortenMiamivor 1 JahrzehntOrigin of the "Chic Car" myth?
I recently went to an auto show with my boyfriend and saw a car I really liked. My boyfriend instantly said, "what a chic car." Are there cars that you really think belong with a girl/woman behind the wheel?
5 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt