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Is a city in Ukraine.. oh and .. only 18 years are left until I'm a neurosurgeon .. YYEAAHH!!!!
numbness in the back of my head?
i think its called the occipital lobe.. numbness and shivers.. i dont know how but i get shivers there, and numbness
1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 8 Jahren"Guys" would you date a girl who's only one year older than you?
because.. i like this guy and i think, i know he likes me, but hes younger and i feel like Demi Moore every time he says something nice to me..
is it normal? or is he playing games?
6 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenIf you could learn one language which one would it be?
Farsi for me
12 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenIf you were a chemical element which one would you be?
Previet I'm Xenon
16 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhat happens when he forgets his wallet for the 4th time?
15 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhats the difference between учить, изучать, учиться?
I'm trying to understand, our teacher says учить cannot be used with big things , while изучать can only be used with languages.. i dont know about учиться though.. please help :(
2 AntwortenRussiavor 8 JahrenIrish dancing classes in dubai?
If you know anybody who gives such courses please post an answer here with their email or website or anything.. in dubai of course ..
I'd be very thankful and I'll buy you balloons =P
2 AntwortenUnited Arab Emiratesvor 9 Jahrenwhat's a good topic that relates arts to medicine?
i have a presentation on the 18th of april and it should be about a topic that is related to arts and medicine .. as in the anatomical theaters and so on.. or any modern topic.. just help me..
1 AntwortPerforming Artsvor 9 JahrenWhat was the most famous modernist painting?
and sculpture and architecture and piece of music "along with the composer"
i'd be sooo thankful to you !
3 AntwortenPaintingvor 9 Jahrentell me howw you kill boredom? :|?
i did almost everything.. i want something new :)
8 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 9 JahrenHow often do you take aspirin?
18 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 9 Jahrensec-butyl and tert-butyl and isobutyl..??? helpp?
i just need to know the structure of each and how to identify and name them in any organic compund? ohh and whats the difference between carbohydrates and hydrocarbons??
2 AntwortenChemistryvor 9 JahrenWho else is horribly addicted to blackberry messenger?
awh i luv my bb...
blackberriholics.. i salute you
4 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenIf you were given the power to make one thing happen, what would it be?
for me its graduating right now and not going thru 7 years of ultimate medicine
10 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 Jahrenarteries and veins.. how to differentiate between them?
i know its silly of me to ask as a pre-med student but I've tried so many times.. i just can't seem to get this into my head
2 AntwortenMedicinevor 10 Jahrenserious math help needed here.. ?
i need a detailed answer for Q5 and 6 only .. thank you
2 AntwortenMathematicsvor 10 Jahrenintegrate tan^3Xsec^2x dx ?
5 AntwortenMathematicsvor 10 JahrenSolve cot x = cos x, xÎ[0, 2p ]?
i need a detailed answer.. thanks in advance
4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 10 JahrenHelp me with my placement test tomorrow .. please..?
i just need you to give me the answers because im not sure.. it's easy i know..
3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 10 Jahren