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I am here to give answers and get some answers.
Excel Help! Formula, vlookup, etc..?
Hello Excel Proficients,
I like the result 3C show up in cell when I type in 3 for parts, and 15.5 for load. Then excel reads the table and reads only cells for 3 parts and then compare the amount of load I have. If my load is higher than the allowable for 3C then it should put in 3B and so on. Same thing with 4 parts, and 2 parts and 1 part. If the input load is greater than the maximum (Cap Load) then I like the cell say No Good.
I hope I make sense.
I have tried many ways but I cannot come up with the formula.
Thank you.
I hope I was able to make sense.
Thank you
2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 7 JahrenExcel Comparing Cells?
I have a device that I would like to get the correct value for.
I like the result 3C show up in cell when I type in 3 for parts, and allowable 15.5 for load. Then excel reads the cells for 3 parts only and then compare the amount of load I have. If my load is higher than the allowable for 3C then it should put in 3B and so on. Same thing with 4 parts, and 2 parts and 1 part.
I hope I was able to make sense.
Thank you
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 7 JahrenAlbert Einstein Autograph Memorabilia?
I am looking to collect Albert Einstein autographs, letters, or whatever I can get my hands on withing my budget. I wanted to know if anyone knows which style of his signatures are worth more? The full first and last name? or First initial and last name? or his initials only? What do you think of collecting his stuff? Any help, pointers, or advice will be appreciated or I will buy them if you have any??
2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 8 JahrenPhysics Problem - Rotational Motion?
I have tried to solve this problem forever and I feel I don't know what I am doing. Can someone please help me? I have a picture with it too. Please email me if you need the diagram.
Its about dropping a ball on a see-saw type of a thing and the ball will hit another two heavier balls and would like to know how high should the initial ball needs to be dropped.
Thank you
3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 8 JahrenLiability Insurance or Error and Omission Insurance?
I wanted to know how does this policy work for me or against me in this situation:
I am currently working for a company that I am the only engineer and they bought a policy under my name and license. Now, I know I am covered as long as I am at this company but lets say I get fired or I want to leave. What happens to my liability insurance? Will it get terminated. The more important question is when I leave can a previous client sue me or the company? Would the insurance cover me (the one I had while i was working at the company)?
2 AntwortenInsurancevor 9 JahrenChanging date in microsoft excel program, for each month for 30 years.?
My question is how do I write a excel formula that one cell reads today's date and the cell below it reads next month but today's date. Example: 12/22/2010, 1/22/2011, 2/22/2011, and so on. Also the next day should read 12/23/2010, 1/23/2011, 2/23/2011, and so on. I have tried many methods but due to difference in number of days in a month and leap year and all that, I cannot get this to work. I would like to have this date go on for the next 30 years, for each month.
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt